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Browns postgame quotes - Sept. 8

Posted 14 hours ago

Postgame quotes from the Cleveland Browns after Sunday's season-opening loss to the Miami Dolphins.

Browns Head Coach Rob Chudzinski

Opening statement:

“Obviously that was a disappointing game and a tough start. We came into the game feeling good about the plans that we had. I think the guys battled extremely hard. There were points in the game where I thought we were going to get over the hump but we weren't able to do it. It is one game, and that's our focus and that's what I talked to the guys about afterwards. We will learn from this and we will move on. There is a lot of football left to be played this season and we will approach it one game at a time like we have. We have got a big game coming up in the division against Baltimore next week. I think there were some positives. In getting out here, the fans were great today. They were loud and they were awesome out there today. Getting the chance to be with them and being home was great. I thought we were able to do a good job against the run today, against Miami's run offense. I think we were able to get pressure on the quarterback. I thought that from a resiliency standpoint, the guys battled. I thought that the drive at the end of the second quarter just before the half was a big drive for us and I was hoping we would take that into the second half there but unfortunately we weren't able to win it in the second half. Some of the things that were issues were the third downs. Offensively and defensively, they were able to convert and we weren't able to convert. At times there was too much pressure on the quarterback and that was an issue the whole day. We had some opportunities whether it was a tipped pass or a dropped pass, we had some opportunities. There were three turnovers in the first half that we were able to overcome and get the lead at halftime, but those were obviously things that set us back in some of the drive opportunities that we had.”

On if Brandon Weedenicon-article-link.gif's accuracy was an issue today:

“I think the one to Travis (WR Benjamin), we had a shot on. The other one, I thought was a good throw at least that went off of Greg's (WR Little) hands. Then the one was a little bit behind Jordan (TE Cameron) from what I saw. I'll look at the film and look at the tape.”

On Miami's pass rush in today's game:

“Miami has an outstanding front. Between the pressure packages and the guys they have up front, we knew all week long and prepared and talked about that group was going to be important for us to handle their pressure. We did at times and other times we didn't. You can't point to just one guy, but they were able to get good pressure and affect Brandon's throws.”

On having concerns with the secondary:

“We gave up the long ball today. They had, as the game went on, got a few more passes down the field. We’ll just have to keep working and keep improving.”

On pulling OL Oniel Cousinsicon-article-link.gif:

“Well he’s the best we have and he’s going to get the job done for us. I’m confident. Again its one game and Oniel will make the improvements and he will get better and we will move on.”

On overall assessment of QB Brandon Weeden:

“I’ll need to go see it and go see the tape on that to really give you an accurate assessment of that. We’ll look at it. I think he was harassed quite a bit. A lot of throws were altered. We’ll look at how his reads were and those types of things and go through it and make the corrections tomorrow.”

On penalties in the game:

“Obviously you want it to be efficient and that was the hope. I think some of the guys were really excited about playing and amped up. We just needed to calm down a bit earlier on. I thought we were settling in. It just seemed like at any inopportune time there was a mistake or a penalty or negative play that really set those drives back. And give credit to Miami, I thought they did a great job today.”

On RB Trent Richardsonicon-article-link.gif’s slow second half:

“He came out, we had some good holes. He was able to hit them. I thought he ran extremely hard. We’ll just have to look and see what happened as the game went on in terms of that.”

On if he intended to throw more in the fourth quarter:

“How games go is going to dictate that sometimes. When you’re trying to play from behind, you’re going to throw the ball a little bit more. If you’re playing with the lead, then you have a chance to run it a little bit more. As things are happening you have to adjust to the game as well, if things are working, if things are going good from that standpoint. That’s constantly changing throughout the course of the game.

On how close he came to challenging the TE Jordan Cameronicon-article-link.giftouchdown catch:

“It wasn’t challengeable. The whistle had blown. That’s what I was told.”

On OL Mitchell Schwartzicon-article-link.gif struggling against Miami DE Cameron Wake:

“It wasn’t just Mitchell. Whether it was chips or lining a guy up or a tight end helping, it wasn’t just Mitchell. We just didn’t do a good enough job on Cameron Wake today.”

QB Brandon Weeden:

On the loss

“We didn’t play well enough, missed too many opportunities. Not the way we drew it up.”

On his 2 interceptions on deflected passes off his receiver’s hands

“I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see the film. I didn’t see any of them, I actually got hit on both of them. The one with Jordan [Cameron], I threw that ball behind him, the wind took it behind him. That one was on me. Not sure on the one [Greg] Little had, I never saw the replay. We will have to wait and see tomorrow.”

On the pressure from the Dolphins’ defense

“I told you guys during the week, that’s a good front. They get after the passer. They create havoc, they played well. Our offensive line is good, I’m extremely thrilled to have those guys in front of me. I wouldn’t trade them for anybody. We are all going to learn from this. There is no reason to point any fingers. We just have to get better as a unit and execute better and do the things we are coached to do.”

On how he feels he played

“Obviously, I had some missed opportunities. I felt like I did some good things. It’s hard to look back on a game you lose and really think you played half-way decent, it’s just tough to do. I felt like I stood in there and continued to battle, even though things weren’t going our way and I played four quarters. I need to watch the tape. There were some good things, obviously some throws I’d like to have back and do a couple things different, but that’s every game.”

On the first drive

“We had great first few plays. We were rolling pretty good. Travis [benjamin] on a deep ball, I’m going to take a shot. I thought I threw a good ball. I never saw the complete play, again I got hit. It was one-on-one, I like him running past anyone, he’s got that speed. Just taking a shot, being aggressive. That’s what we are going to do and, unfortunately, they came down with it.”

DL Billy Winnicon-article-link.gif:

On not getting enough pressure on Tannehill in the second half

“We didn’t execute how we wanted to. We had a really good game plan, but it just came down to us not executing on both sides of the ball. We weren’t able to get after him, but we’re going to go back and fix those mistakes. Then next week we’ll come back firing.”

On what was working when they were able to get pressure on Tannehill

“When you’re able to get pressure on him, it helps our corners out because that forces him to throw the ball up there. We were able to get one turnover today and it takes a lot of stress off of our secondary when you can get pressure on the quarterback. It makes us happy as a defensive line.”

On filling in for Ahtyba Rubinicon-article-link.gif on the defensive line

“I just approach it like every game, this is the NFL and guys are going to get hurt. It’s the next man, the next guy to go and carry the flag.”

DL Desmond Bryanticon-article-link.gif

On the defense breaking down as the game went on because of possibly being over-worked

“That is definitely not the case. We missed a couple of assignments in the second half, but we’ll go look at the tape tomorrow and get those corrected. We’ll be ready for Baltimore next week.”

On Miami only having 21 rushing yards on 20 carries

“We just had a great defense against the run game. If we would have picked up more assignments in the passing game, we could have pulled out a win. We have to get back in the film room, see what we did and come back out ready to play next week.”

On Tannehill being so successful in the passing game in spite of the pressure

“He’s a quarterback in the NFL and he is going to make plays. It’s not like he won’t complete any passes. They have a good team and they made good plays. Unfortunately, he didn’t execute as much as wanted to, but I think we did a pretty good job for the most part. Next week we’ll be ready to go.”

DB Joe Hadenicon-article-link.gif:

On what it’s like losing the home opener:

“It’s not a good feeling at all, but we have a division to win. We can’t just sit here and be all salty and cry about it. We have the Ravens coming up. We have to prepare for Baltimore.”

On seeming upset about not getting the interception:

“No, I just dropped it. Of course, I’m a ball player; I want to catch the ball. It’s just this opportunity I dropped the ball.”

On whether or not there were no pass attempts to Wallace in the first half because of his coverage or the defense’s pressure:

“It was a little bit of both. I was on him. Like I always talk about, our front – they’re getting up there. They’re getting pressure, making plays, making sacks, hitting the quarterback – just getting him uncomfortable.”

RB Trent Richardson

On missing Josh Gordonicon-article-link.gif in the game:

“We missed him a lot out there. There were a lot of opportunities for guys out there to step up and make plays. Josh Gordon is a big part of our offense; at the same time, you can’t come out here and lose. We need to fight for him and we need to fight for ourselves. So when he does come out here, he’s going to be a better man.”

On if this game felt like last year:

“It actually didn’t. In the third and fourth quarter, we were still fighting. We fought every play. It didn’t go the way we wanted it to, but that’s football. Out there, it’s man against man. We just have to step up and be a better man like that.”

RT Mitchell Schwartz:

On the proficiency of the Browns offense
“You know it’s one of those things against a great D-Line like that. You want to get up ahead so you can be able to be more balanced and do some different things. We weren’t efficient enough in the first three quarters to get that done.”

On what he thinks about Cameron Wake

“Yes, he’s obviously a good player, his resume speaks for itself when going into the game. He’s a good player, just have to do a better job against him. Try to execute a game plan based on what I saw in the film, and just didn’t do a good enough job of it.”

On what makes Cameron Wake so hard to block

“He’s just really good at what he does, he’s got different moves, it’s not just the same thing. You know he’s strong, he is able to get into you and he’s also able to do some things off you. He has, obviously, the quickness and the power as well.”

TE Jordan Cameron

On the frustrating day him and the offense today

“Yes, it was very frustrating like you said. We couldn’t really get it going and it’s a game of runs. We just needed to try and get some stuff going together but it didn’t really happen. That’s why it was kind of stale sometimes and we really just needed to get the ball rolling and make some plays. It happens like that and there is a lot of stuff that we can learn from this game and move forward for next week.”

On what can he can do to help with all the pressure from the other team’s defensive line

“You can chip, a lot of chip work with the tight ends and you can help with the running backs and stay in on a lot of different types of protection. You can use it to keep them (quarterbacks) safe, but they have a really good defensive line and it showed today.”

On his thoughts on the second quarter touchdown catch

“Yes, that was a great throw by Brandon, that was all him. He threw it to a spot where no one else could get it.”

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Watched Chud's Monday presser earlier this evening. Comments were essentially the same as the post game...


Have to say I was looking for at least some emotion, but got none. Not a rant or anything calling out coaches or players, but something that showed a hint of "fire"...

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If any member of our coaching staff went off on a rant after the first week, they ought to be fired.


I watched every interview and press conference available and Chud's demeanor is better than that of Romeo and Shumur tenfold.


Just because he's not hollering and predicting Super Bowls doesn't mean there's no fire. C'mon man.

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As usual you failed to comprehend what I wrote.... C'mon man...


EDIT: Don't want to reignite anything, but I did not call for a rant... specifically said I did not want one.... just wanted a hint of fire.


To see what I meant, watch Head-Raven Harbaugh's Monday sit down.... No teeth gnashing, cussing, Rex Ryan tomfoolery... just a papable intensity behind his words.


Chud's little "chat" was far too reminiscient of Sleepy Shurmur's sit-downs for my taste.

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