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Don't Panic... 12 - 4


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The night is always darkest before the dawn.


Two months on the E-Cig and the Browns didn't break me yesterday. I'm not overly concerned about the outcome of the game last week. It will not make or break the season. Right now is the turning point of the season. If we are truly honest with ourselves, we know that we have a ways to go, but there is always a ways to go. We will never be perfect, no team truly is... but this team right now has to make the decision to not go the way of all the past seasons. Fight and brawl, scratch and claw, bite and battle- that's the only way this team is going to make it to the post season. We've got to get mean, we've got to stay disciplined and we've got to believe.


We've got to catch the easy ones. Man. We have to protect the football. We have to run Richardson at them until they beg for us to throw. Then we have to catch it.


I contribute yesterday to "working out the kinks and shaking off the rust of 14 years of destitude. Imagine a sleeping giant. They don't awaken very fast but once they get moving. Sometimes things like this are why teams like ours come from out of the blue to shock the world, written off? Next week, regardless of how it sounds or who wants to make fun of the division being winless; next Sunday, we play the Ravens for First Place in the AFCN. Fuck what happened on Sunday vs. the Tuna- They are who we thought they were, we let them off the hook, pun intended. We dropped the ball.


It's not all on Cousins either. Yes, he struggled but what did you expect the Dolphins are deep on the DLine and he's really a backup. Just as it wasn't Obi's fault getting thrown by Wake. It's not all on Haden or Ward for dropping those picks in their hands. It's not on Little or Benji or Cameron for the tipped passes. The bobbled punts and the shaky extra point contributed to a TEAM LOSS. We just didn't get it done, bounce back- that's what Champions do. They bounce back and become wiser, tougher, and better forged for the task at hand.


Ravens watch out, you may be angry and looking for Revenge after your loss but we are as well. Cleveland will have Rubin and Mingo back and ready for Ray Rice.


I want to give a shout out to the Brown Rushing Defense for the Player of the Game! For years people have killed us on the run and even set records on us, Yesterday made me smile and was a true sign that we are turning the corner. Hats off to the Defense yesterday, hellava job.


Gordon has to realize how important he is to this offense to be successful. He is a vital cog that will make this Offense Thrive and Operate at maximum capacity. He opens up the Run and the Run opens up the Pass. That is not a knock on Benji or Little or Bess or Coop, it just is what it is- I'll say it, Josh Gordon is a DIAMOND Card, He's Calvin Johnson, he's our Fitz or A.J. Green. You saw Green get his TD yesterday. Well, IF Gordon were here he would have had 2 on Dolphins yesterday. Richardson may have had 2 as well. Run = Pass


It's Time to take back our Pride. We rip it out of Baltimore's Heart on Sunday and stake our claim to first place and then we hold it for the season. Just do IT>


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Forget the e-cigarette. It's not a solution. If you want to quit, just quit. I've been quit for a year and it was honestly really easy. I'd been smoking for seventeen years before that. The secret to quitting is wanting to quit.

I quit 7 years ago. I chewed 1 piece of that nasty gum for 5 minutes, almost threw up, and haven't smoked since.

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i only smoke when i drink. so 3 days out of the week i might smoke a half a pack. it's not an addiction to me. it's more a social thing.


hell i might smoke a whole pack of smokes during a night time session and can't stand the smell of one the next day.


besides you could go broke here in NY with the price of these things. you could buy a nice bag of crack or some buddage for the cos of pack of smokes. and there's always someone asking you for 'one'.


GTFO ya bum.

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You guys dont understand Weezy is set to break a lot of record this year


Weezy is on pace for


4624 yards passing

16 TDs

48 INTs ( NFL Record )

848 Att ( NFL Record)


See not all is wrong Weezy will break records this year


I know the "h" is silent.. but get it right...


It's Wheezy...

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We've got to catch the easy ones. Man. We have to protect the football. We have to run Richardson at them until they beg for us to throw. Then we have to catch it.




That's the problem PG. The Fish game was supposed to be an "easy" one- if there is such a thing in the NFL- and we blew it- BIG TIME.


Frankly, I'm tired of this crap and the La-La excuses they came up with after the game and in Chud's presser today. 1-14 (worst in the NFL in that stretch on opening day) doesn't cut it anymore. Unless I see dramatic improvement my crystal ball says 0-4, I don't think we're pulling off 12-0 after that, not with the Packers and Patriots in that stretch.

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i only smoke when i drink. so 7 days out of the week i might smoke 2 and a half pack. it's not an addiction to me. it's more a social thing.


hell i might smoke a whole pack of smokes during a night time session and can't stand the smell of one the next day until hair of the dog, then fuck it.


besides you could go broke here in NY with the price of these things. I buy a nice bag of crack or some buddage for the cos of pack of smokes. and there's always someone asking you for 'one'.


GTFO ya bum.

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That's the problem PG. The Fish game was supposed to be an "easy" one- if there is such a thing in the NFL- and we blew it- BIG TIME.


Frankly, I'm tired of this crap and the La-La excuses they came up with after the game and in Chud's presser today. 1-14 (worst in the NFL in that stretch on opening day) doesn't cut it anymore. Unless I see dramatic improvement my crystal ball says 0-4, I don't think we're pulling off 12-0 after that, not with the Packers and Patriots in that stretch.


I'm trying to remain optimistic, as it is a long season, and anything can happen! However; based on what I saw Sunday it was more of the same old crap! This team has been back since 1999! I understood the poor performances in 1999, and 2000, because for all intents and purposes they were an expansion team that was rushed back into the league, and put together from scratch, and with guys who wouldn't even be able to make an Arena League team's roster! But 13 years later the continued losing and sucktitude is completely inexcusable!!!!


Here is what pisses me off! Chip Kelly in his first NFL game goes out and beats the Redskins on Monday Night Football. Now, I'm not ready to thow Chud under the bus yet, and Chip's win could have been a fluke, but it would figure that our number one choice as new head coach tells us to go pound salt, goes to another team, and does well!

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Here is what pisses me off! Chip Kelly in his first NFL game goes out and beats the Redskins on Monday Night Football. Now, I'm not ready to thow Chud under the bus yet, and Chip's win could have been a fluke, but it would figure that our number one choice as new head coach tells us to go pound salt, goes to another team, and does well!


Chip's Iggles are going to do well early. But it does not take NFL long to catch up to new schemes/ gimics.


Plus if the 2nd coming (AKA RG3) had not been rusty as hell and clearly not confortable on his "100% knee", then the Skins could have won that game.

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Chip's Iggles are going to do well early. But it does not take NFL long to catch up to new schemes/ gimics.


Plus if the 2nd coming (AKA RG3) had not been rusty as hell and clearly not confortable on his "100% knee", then the Skins could have won that game.



Fair enough. As others have alluded to, they figured out the Wild Cat pretty quickly, as well as the Run and Shoot back in the day. The Redskins did in fact almost pull off the comeback last night.

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