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Trade Weeden PLZ


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and get him off this piece of shit team with these piece of shit fans. Full disclosure, I am an Oklahoma State Alum and a Weeden fanboy. I truly dont know what you expect in Cleveland. Cleveland is where quarterbacks go to die. When you try a new QB every year for 10 years in a row, just to see the QB fail year after year after year...i dunno, maybe just maybe its not the QB.


Do you know why Weeden was so successful at Oklahoma State? (he actually was very successful at OSU, look it up!) well since you all (I'm generalizing, I have seen 2 or 3 intelligent posters on this board) are so ignorant, let me spell it out for you.

1) Had all day to throw the ball

2) Had WR's that could catch the ball

3) Had WR's that could get into open space and gain yards after the catch

4) Had a running game that opened up the offense and kept the D guessing


Lets address these issues individually.

1) Had all day to throw the ball

Weeden has been sacked what? 11 times in 2 games. I dont care who you are, if you dont have time to throw the ball and are running for your life all game, you will not be successful. That said, I have seen Weeden show that he has the biggest balls on the team by standing in the pocket and getting the pass off just in time before getting rocked...only to have the ball hit the WR in the hands and drop it. And that takes us to #2...


2) Had WR's that could catch the ball

You all want to put the blame on Weeden, but how many first downs were missed because of dropped passes. I think there was around 60+ yards missed out on because of dropped passes (just this game). If I were Weeden, I woud strictly throw to only Cameron, he is the only one who has proven to be reliable. I would also demand to have Josh Cooper on the field. If you think he is any worse than the monkeys with no thumbs out there dropping passes right now, then you have your head too far up your ass.


3) Had WR's that could get into open space and gain yards after the catch

either the browns have played the 2 best cover D's in the league, or the Browns WR's cant get open for shit. (hint, its the latter) And how about YACs?? someone want to break a tackle?? Bueler??


4) Had a running game that opened up the offense and kept the D guessing

All I hear is that Weeden was such a wasted pick, yet I dont hear anything about mr 105 yards in 2 games. This is clearly a combination of 2 things, that oh so terrible O-line and T Rich trying to hard...has anyone told him that he isnt Barry Sanders? The only moves T Rich is making, is to the bench in every fantasy league around the country.


So all that being said...flame me please, I dont mind. I cant lie and say that if Weeden were elsewhere that he would be putting up Peyton Manning numbers, but at least he would have the opportunity. If you think Johnny Football is going to be your savior, please look at the bigger picture. Thats all that I am asking for, I dont deny that Weeden should take some of the blame, but lets break it down. I say Weeden gets 20% of the blame, he has only had a couple completely terrible passes. O-Line gets 30%, WRs get 25% and TRich gets 25%. You cant think that changing 20% of the problem is going to fix anything.


If the browns are going to suck anyway, they really need to prepare for the future. Quit wasting every pick on a QB, you need to start building up the Oline. a stronger Oline is going to give any QB, whoeever it is, more time and is going to open up holes for the RB. IMO the browns can have a mediocre Weeden for a couple more years while they build up the line and go for a QB in a few years.


But if you want to burn another pick on JFF or any other QB, by all means go ahead, but please Please PLEASE get Weeden out of this hell hole. I would rather see him be a backup for a good team, than start another game in Cleveland.




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Some of your post is true, some. The Oline doesn't give him a chance.


You see that awesome pass weeden threw to Obignaya, wide open, streaming down the sideline yesterday? Why did he throw a 90 mph bullet 5 yards in front of him? It was a td, I could've made the pass.


Get out of here if you're going to trash talk the City, Cleveland has the best fans in the country.

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Some of your post is true, some. The Oline doesn't give him a chance.


You see that awesome pass weeden threw to Obignaya, wide open, streaming down the sideline yesterday? Why did he throw a 90 mph bullet 5 yards in front of him? It was a td, I could've made the pass.


Get out of here if you're going to trash talk the City, Cleveland has the best fans in the country.

You have got to be fucking kidding me. He throws the ball to hard? What does that even mean? Its not like he was 5 or even 10 yrs away it was about a 30 yrd strike. He must be used to McCoy throwing that ball. I coulda made that catch. Y did he fall AFTER dropping that pass. A clear sign of someone fucking up.


Whomever started this post you hit it right on the head. Not asking him to be a WorldBeater. Just servicable. No one can be servicable with these "Playmakers" around.

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You have got to be fucking kidding me. He throws the ball to hard? What does that even mean? Its not like he was 5 or even 10 yrs away it was about a 30 yrd strike. He must be used to McCoy throwing that ball. I coulda made that catch. Y did he fall AFTER dropping that pass. A clear sign of someone fucking up.


Whomever started this post you hit it right on the head. Not asking him to be a WorldBeater. Just servicable. No one can be servicable with these "Playmakers" around.


and get him off this piece of shit team with these piece of shit fans. Full disclosure, I am an Oklahoma State Alum and a Weeden fanboy. I truly dont know what you expect in Cleveland. Cleveland is where quarterbacks go to die. When you try a new QB every year for 10 years in a row, just to see the QB fail year after year after year...i dunno, maybe just maybe its not the QB.


Do you know why Weeden was so successful at Oklahoma State? (he actually was very successful at OSU, look it up!) well since you all (I'm generalizing, I have seen 2 or 3 intelligent posters on this board) are so ignorant, let me spell it out for you.

1) Had all day to throw the ball

2) Had WR's that could catch the ball

3) Had WR's that could get into open space and gain yards after the catch

4) Had a running game that opened up the offense and kept the D guessing


Lets address these issues individually.

1) Had all day to throw the ball

Weeden has been sacked what? 11 times in 2 games. I dont care who you are, if you dont have time to throw the ball and are running for your life all game, you will not be successful. That said, I have seen Weeden show that he has the biggest balls on the team by standing in the pocket and getting the pass off just in time before getting rocked...only to have the ball hit the WR in the hands and drop it. And that takes us to #2...


2) Had WR's that could catch the ball

You all want to put the blame on Weeden, but how many first downs were missed because of dropped passes. I think there was around 60+ yards missed out on because of dropped passes (just this game). If I were Weeden, I woud strictly throw to only Cameron, he is the only one who has proven to be reliable. I would also demand to have Josh Cooper on the field. If you think he is any worse than the monkeys with no thumbs out there dropping passes right now, then you have your head too far up your ass.


3) Had WR's that could get into open space and gain yards after the catch

either the browns have played the 2 best cover D's in the league, or the Browns WR's cant get open for shit. (hint, its the latter) And how about YACs?? someone want to break a tackle?? Bueler??


4) Had a running game that opened up the offense and kept the D guessing

All I hear is that Weeden was such a wasted pick, yet I dont hear anything about mr 105 yards in 2 games. This is clearly a combination of 2 things, that oh so terrible O-line and T Rich trying to hard...has anyone told him that he isnt Barry Sanders? The only moves T Rich is making, is to the bench in every fantasy league around the country.


So all that being said...flame me please, I dont mind. I cant lie and say that if Weeden were elsewhere that he would be putting up Peyton Manning numbers, but at least he would have the opportunity. If you think Johnny Football is going to be your savior, please look at the bigger picture. Thats all that I am asking for, I dont deny that Weeden should take some of the blame, but lets break it down. I say Weeden gets 20% of the blame, he has only had a couple completely terrible passes. O-Line gets 30%, WRs get 25% and TRich gets 25%. You cant think that changing 20% of the problem is going to fix anything.


If the browns are going to suck anyway, they really need to prepare for the future. Quit wasting every pick on a QB, you need to start building up the Oline. a stronger Oline is going to give any QB, whoeever it is, more time and is going to open up holes for the RB. IMO the browns can have a mediocre Weeden for a couple more years while they build up the line and go for a QB in a few years.


But if you want to burn another pick on JFF or any other QB, by all means go ahead, but please Please PLEASE get Weeden out of this hell hole. I would rather see him be a backup for a good team, than start another game in Cleveland.




Oh by the way People on this site dont like other people with opinions that condridict theirs.

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Don't you have a goat to go fuck? I'm sure there is still one you haven't raped.

I guess this is a reference to me being from oklahoma? Unfortunately my teepee blew over so Im staying in my sisters teepee and after ramming her all night I am too exhausted for another goat.


But if you have anything intelligent to add to the converstation, I welcome your opinion.

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I coulda made that catch. Y did he fall AFTER dropping that pass. A clear sign of someone fucking up.


Just watched the play again... So I'll take a shot at answering your question. He fell stretching to try to make the catch.


Now it's your turn... Why does a wide open player have to stretch to make a catch?

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So I guess the crux of the long, rambling post is - Weeden isn't the only problem, and if he has everything else set up perfectly around him, he can be a good QB? I don't think many people round here doubted that. It's just that he doesn't have that perfect setup in Cleveland. But you look at the top QBs around, in particular someone like Andrew Luck - he makes the players around him better, just by being that damn good. Unfortunately, it looks like Weeden isn't going to be that guy.


That being said, we do need to get better in other places, we agree on that much.

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Just watched the play again... So I'll take a shot at answering your question. He fell stretching to try to make the catch.


Now it's your turn... Why does a wide open player have to stretch to make a catch?


I don't think that everything that is wrong with the offense is Weedens fault. However, that pass was all on Weeden. The receiver was wide open with no one around him and he actually had time to throw it to him. It wasn't 5 or 10 yards off as some are trying to say but he still missed him and it would've been a TD. This team just isn't good enough to miss out on those opportunities.

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You have got to be fucking kidding me. He throws the ball to hard? What does that even mean? Its not like he was 5 or even 10 yrs away it was about a 30 yrd strike. He must be used to McCoy throwing that ball. I coulda made that catch. Y did he fall AFTER dropping that pass. A clear sign of someone fucking up.


Whomever started this post you hit it right on the head. Not asking him to be a WorldBeater. Just servicable. No one can be servicable with these "Playmakers" around.

Jordan Cameron on The Really Big Show with Tony Rizzo when asked about Weeden throwing the ball too hard: "We just need to catch the ball." There it is ladies and gentleman...they just need to catch the ball. How about Chud or Turner start putting some feet in asses. You drop a pass with a history of dropping passes...you come out of the game and watch the rest of the game. You miss blocking assignments or get called for every penalty on the line....you come out of the game and watch the rest of the game. You throw dumb picks...you come out of the game and watch the rest of the game. With a young team the message has to be sent that poor play will get you benched. It's gotten to the point where I think Haslam should have a dropped passes clause in each receiver's contract. After a certain amount of drops the team will retain a certain percentage of that player's pay.

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And when you run out of players???


Funny it still shows up in the stat catagory as a drop hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm


I'll bite... link please to the official stats that call it a drop...


And you did not answer my question...

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they brought it up on tv right after that play. Y would they do that?


The play by play (Albert) initially put it on Little...


Then Gannon explained how Wheezy had to "make that throw to a wide-open" Ogbo...


Any more straws you want to grasp???

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And when you run out of players???



I'll bite... link please to the official stats that call it a drop...


And you did not answer my question...

You run out of players but you do so without any excuses or what ifs. You show the fans and the front office that you're willing play people to see who wants it the most. That opens wallets in free agency as well as inspires trade ups in the draft. Show us that you want winners on this team. This is a young team that needs to understand if they don't produce they will be sat down.

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and get him off this piece of shit team with these piece of shit fans. Full disclosure, I am an Oklahoma State Alum and a Weeden fanboy. I truly dont know what you expect in Cleveland. Cleveland is where quarterbacks go to die. When you try a new QB every year for 10 years in a row, just to see the QB fail year after year after year...i dunno, maybe just maybe its not the QB.


Do you know why Weeden was so successful at Oklahoma State? (he actually was very successful at OSU, look it up!) well since you all (I'm generalizing, I have seen 2 or 3 intelligent posters on this board) are so ignorant, let me spell it out for you.

1) Had all day to throw the ball

2) Had WR's that could catch the ball

3) Had WR's that could get into open space and gain yards after the catch

4) Had a running game that opened up the offense and kept the D guessing


Lets address these issues individually.

1) Had all day to throw the ball

Weeden has been sacked what? 11 times in 2 games. I dont care who you are, if you dont have time to throw the ball and are running for your life all game, you will not be successful. That said, I have seen Weeden show that he has the biggest balls on the team by standing in the pocket and getting the pass off just in time before getting rocked...only to have the ball hit the WR in the hands and drop it. And that takes us to #2...


2) Had WR's that could catch the ball

You all want to put the blame on Weeden, but how many first downs were missed because of dropped passes. I think there was around 60+ yards missed out on because of dropped passes (just this game). If I were Weeden, I woud strictly throw to only Cameron, he is the only one who has proven to be reliable. I would also demand to have Josh Cooper on the field. If you think he is any worse than the monkeys with no thumbs out there dropping passes right now, then you have your head too far up your ass.


3) Had WR's that could get into open space and gain yards after the catch

either the browns have played the 2 best cover D's in the league, or the Browns WR's cant get open for shit. (hint, its the latter) And how about YACs?? someone want to break a tackle?? Bueler??


4) Had a running game that opened up the offense and kept the D guessing

All I hear is that Weeden was such a wasted pick, yet I dont hear anything about mr 105 yards in 2 games. This is clearly a combination of 2 things, that oh so terrible O-line and T Rich trying to hard...has anyone told him that he isnt Barry Sanders? The only moves T Rich is making, is to the bench in every fantasy league around the country.


So all that being said...flame me please, I dont mind. I cant lie and say that if Weeden were elsewhere that he would be putting up Peyton Manning numbers, but at least he would have the opportunity. If you think Johnny Football is going to be your savior, please look at the bigger picture. Thats all that I am asking for, I dont deny that Weeden should take some of the blame, but lets break it down. I say Weeden gets 20% of the blame, he has only had a couple completely terrible passes. O-Line gets 30%, WRs get 25% and TRich gets 25%. You cant think that changing 20% of the problem is going to fix anything.


If the browns are going to suck anyway, they really need to prepare for the future. Quit wasting every pick on a QB, you need to start building up the Oline. a stronger Oline is going to give any QB, whoeever it is, more time and is going to open up holes for the RB. IMO the browns can have a mediocre Weeden for a couple more years while they build up the line and go for a QB in a few years.


But if you want to burn another pick on JFF or any other QB, by all means go ahead, but please Please PLEASE get Weeden out of this hell hole. I would rather see him be a backup for a good team, than start another game in Cleveland.





Nice try Jason Campbell's parents.

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Fine ill take the bullet on this one ill call it an overthrow. Im not to big to admitt a "grasp" i guess. I just have diferent opinions on pro football players going out for passes i guess. still doesnt excuse all the dropped passes. Hard to build confidents in qbs with that shit going on. If you want to hang your hat on one throw thats fine. Your a cleveland sports fan. one over throw to vs 4 drops i guess weeden needs to do better

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so here are Weedens stats for the Ravens game


B. Weeden 21/33 227 6.9 0 0



21/33 - 227 isnt a bad line. in fact at one time he was something like 13/17. so can we agree that the big issue is the big 0 in the TD column? So what if he had same stats with the 1 TD and the browns still lost, or what if he had same stats with 1 TD and 1 INT?


Would fans be more forgiving if he had 1 TD and the browns still lost? or would there be no end to it?

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Do you know why Weeden was so successful at Oklahoma State? (he actually was very successful at OSU, look it up!) well since you all (I'm generalizing, I have seen 2 or 3 intelligent posters on this board) are so ignorant, let me spell it out for you.


There is only one OSU, and it's not Oklahoma State.

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so here are Weedens stats for the Ravens game


B. Weeden 21/33 227 6.9 0 0



21/33 - 227 isnt a bad line. in fact at one time he was something like 13/17. so can we agree that the big issue is the big 0 in the TD column? So what if he had same stats with the 1 TD and the browns still lost, or what if he had same stats with 1 TD and 1 INT?


Would fans be more forgiving if he had 1 TD and the browns still lost? or would there be no end to it?

Dude he has to have 330+ yrds and 5 TDS and 0 INTs or hes garbage dont you get it. Eli has thrown 10 INTs this year but hes okay. Hell Rivers threw 30 INTs one year but hes okay. Gino Smith threw 4 INTs in one quarter and fans on this board want him bad.


The guy on the bench will always be the favorite to some browns fans.

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Fine ill take the bullet on this one ill call it an overthrow. Im not to big to admitt a "grasp" i guess. I just have diferent opinions on pro football players going out for passes i guess. still doesnt excuse all the dropped passes. Hard to build confidents in qbs with that shit going on. If you want to hang your hat on one throw thats fine. Your a cleveland sports fan. one over throw to vs 4 drops i guess weeden needs to do better


Fair enough...


And FYI... I get it. I'm disappointed, too.


Also, FYI... you were right that it was not a 90 MPH bullet...

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so here are Weedens stats for the Ravens game


B. Weeden 21/33 227 6.9 0 0



21/33 - 227 isnt a bad line. in fact at one time he was something like 13/17. so can we agree that the big issue is the big 0 in the TD column? So what if he had same stats with the 1 TD and the browns still lost, or what if he had same stats with 1 TD and 1 INT?


Would fans be more forgiving if he had 1 TD and the browns still lost? or would there be no end to it?


It's not a bad line for a game manager QB... but that takes a run game..


Look... I did not want Wheezy. I was highly critical of the pick. But he is here now and you are correct that what is going on now is not all his fault.


But you have to acknowledge that he is "not in Kansas anymore" (or Oklahoma). He's in the big leagues now where everything is faster. And he may just not be up to the task. Competant college QBs not cutting it in the NFL happen all the time.


Plus he is probably missing all those freebies he got to go to OkSU... B)

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Fine ill take the bullet on this one ill call it an overthrow. Im not to big to admitt a "grasp" i guess. I just have diferent opinions on pro football players going out for passes i guess. still doesnt excuse all the dropped passes. Hard to build confidents in qbs with that shit going on. If you want to hang your hat on one throw thats fine. Your a cleveland sports fan. one over throw to vs 4 drops i guess weeden needs to do better



It was a bad pass to Obi...and unfortunately it clearly cost the team a TD because he was so wide open.


There isn't anything Weeden can do about the drops though other than just not throwing the ball to Little. Those drops kill drives. As I said in another thread...look how average Tom Brady looked on Thursday night when his receivers were dropping everything thrown to them.


Not every pass is going to be exactly perfect, the receivers need to help the QB out from time to time and certainly not drop the ones that bounce off their chest.

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Fair enough...


And FYI... I get it. I'm disappointed, too.


Also, FYI... you were right that it was not a 90 MPH bullet...

I exaggerated. It was a terrible throw, and yes the velocity couldn't been dialed down.


Noone is excusing Little from dropping passes. Look around, most are clammoring for him to be benched. He's proven he's not consistent enough to play.

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