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Lions seeking WR in trade

Tim Couch Pulls Out

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Well, it would take a 1st to get Gordon for sure and I'd be torn. On one hand, you could look at WRs who don't have as much baggage in the next draft... on the other, Gordon looks special. I don't really get the point.


And why trade Greg Little for a 5? What do you really get out of a five? He's worth more to us hoping he starts playing like he did the back half of 2012.

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As I said before, I would be shocked if we got a higher offer than a 3rd for Gordon. I know there's still some good talent in the middle rounds but Gordon has all the trimmings of a superstar WR. I know he's walking a fine line but to give away that much talent on this team would just be dumb for that return.

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I wouldn't trade Gordon for anything less from the lions than Stafford or Johnson.


Maybe 2 1sts, maybe.


Gordon's suspension history is nonsense. Getting suspended for a year raaarely happens. It's like worry about plane crashes or being struck by lightning. Guys get suspended for drugs constantly, but they almost never get the full year. I think Gordon will wise up or find some clean pee.


I don't know what I'd want for Little...but a 5th is stupid. I'd consider a 2nd, maybe a 3rd and a player we need. 5th rounders are throw away picks. Problem is Greg Little kind of stinks much of the time.

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Look at wr trades. Marshall fetched a 2nd, Boldin a 4th. Gordon will get a 3rd tops. They may throw in Leshourse also. Whoeve said a 3rd for Little knows nothing about football. He would get 5-7th at most. No way Stafford, CJ or Suh would be traded for Gordon. You have to look at it like real life not Madden 25. Gordon is one dirty urine from a year suspension. Their is no maybes about it. He drops dirty its a year. This new fo is terrible wouldnt suprise me if they traded Gordon.

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Just because Gordon would piss a year away doesn't mean it is going to happen. To the best of my knowledge that has only ever happened twice....ever. Three times if you count sticky Ricky's "retirement". We might as well be debating Haden being suspended a year if he fails another piss test.


Seems to me trading WRs doesn't net value. Usually just getting rid of headcases like Marshall. The Boldin trade was completely stupid, might have been for cap space. The fact that Little stinks makes trading him for a lousy pick considerable. If Gordon is traded it won't be due to drug stuff, it would have to be a really bad attitude.


I'm not suggesting we would ever fetch someone like Johnson or Stafford for Gordon. I'm just saying that is what I would want for it to happen. Gordon is a rare athlete who shouldn't be traded unless he is a complete cancer.

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Rumors about the Browns trying to trade Gordon were surfacing before the Lions started shopping for a wr. TBH I doubt Detroit trades for anyone. Because of the Burleson injury people started to throw crap out there that theyre looking to trade for Gordon.

Well good, I wouldn't trade Gordon for anyone other than Staff, CJ or Suh. Late first rounder (or mid) would not be near enough
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No Suh here... great athelete, but head is just not together.


What he did to Sullivan a week ago was completely uncalled for.


Some day the league will suspend players for the duration of any cheap-shot victim's injury time...


Hopefully starting with the injury right after the time someone pays Suh back...


Get your head on a swivel, Ndamukong... it's coming.

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A team in need will always overpay if they need someone. I do think that if Detroit really wanted him they would give us a 2nd rounder straight up or maybe if we gave them Gordon and a 2nd or 3rd then a 1st in return.


I don't want to trade him but if the FO decides on it then at least get something good in return.

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Even with the risk you just can't trade Gordon. Frankly I wouldn't trade him for a high first rounder. The reality is that there are only a handful of active receivers as good as he is and they are vets. Imagine Gordon as a vet DAMN! You could draft first round receivers for 10 years and not get a receiver that good.


Little I would take anything I could get. Earlier rumor circulating about shipping Little and a 2 to Houston for Tate. LOL I would be so happy I would skip like a little girl. Not gonna happen but I would ship him to the Lions for a 4th or 5th in a heartbeat.

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Gordon gone for a third. Suspension looming so nothing more.

There is no fucking suspension looming, wtf. Did he fail another test? No.


Jesus Christ you guys are allergic to being good. Like all the things a team needs to do to be a good team, you want the opposite.


Gordon is legit, there is no question. I'm not saying that because he shined against Minnesota, I'm saying it because he has an elite physical build and can catch the ball, and make plays after catching. That combination alone makes him worth more than a 3rd rounder, and his potential being mixed into that conversation should make him a player you don't trade unless you straight up rob another team.

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Even with the risk you just can't trade Gordon. Frankly I wouldn't trade him for a high first rounder. The reality is that there are only a handful of active receivers as good as he is and they are vets. Imagine Gordon as a vet DAMN! You could draft first round receivers for 10 years and not get a receiver that good.


Little I would take anything I could get. Earlier rumor circulating about shipping Little and a 2 to Houston for Tate. LOL I would be so happy I would skip like a little girl. Not gonna happen but I would ship him to the Lions for a 4th or 5th in a heartbeat.

Exactly. The draft is a crap shoot. You never know how the guys will pan out in the NFL. Gordon is a proven talent. Not even for two, first round picks.


and really?! Suh for Gordon? Not because Suh is a huge jackass but we don't need him, we need WRs. That talk is just plain dumb.

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The trade to make with the Lions is Little for Leshoure. I would do that in a heartbeat.

As would I. Then we go Bridgewater/Watkins with our first two picks, and we'll have a backfield like Atlanta's last year with Turner/White/Jones/Gonzales. That would be scary.



Except Leshoure is more Jackson than Turner, I guess.

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