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Losing A Home Game To London Would Suck


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I hope Jimmy never exposes his fan base to that NFL get rich quick scheme. I would be pissed if we had to give up one of our home games to play in London.

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Although I would greatly benefit from a home game in England (only 1hour and 50 minutes flight from Torino and just a few hundred euros to see my Browns for the first time live) I still consider regular season games should not be played in Europe.



I tend to agree with you. I understand the NFL wants to expand it's market- but it will never reach the world wide popularity of soccer.

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An NFL in Europe is a novelty that would wear off quickly if it was put in London. I don't get why that's so hard to understand. It'd be like if the best soccer league (no idea what that is) putting a team in the U.S. The culture just isn't around the sport, and there's nothing wrong with that. Put a preseason game over there and be done with it and expand to Canada if you really want to go international.

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An NFL in Europe is a novelty that would wear off quickly if it was put in London. I don't get why that's so hard to understand. It'd be like if the best soccer league (no idea what that is) putting a team in the U.S. The culture just isn't around the sport, and there's nothing wrong with that. Put a preseason game over there and be done with it and expand to Canada if you really want to go international.

Or, maybe put a team in Los Angeles. It is only the second largest market in the country.

(I suspect what the NFL would want to do is to add two teams....one in LA, one in London).


OK....if that were the case....what would you call the team in London? (and the one in LA)


(I know...they could call the London team the same as where my kid went to school:


The London Lords.

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Or...actually, they may just move the Jags to London permanently......and change the name from the Jacksonville Jaguars to the London Leopards.

Well, various names spring to mind. Unfortunately I think Detroit might veto the London Lions. But the Knights? Lords, as you say? Kings? Queens? :P Cockneys? (artful) Dodgers?


I'm torn. I;d love to see a Browns game in London - you can bet I'd be there, first in the queue! - but I do tend to agree that NFL should be played in America. Especially the superbowl, there was talk of it being held in London and that's just crazy.

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For anyone interested, people talking about the difficulties and practicalities of having a London-based NFL franchise. Namely, the difficulties of that franchise been the Jags, since they're so shit. But the owner owns a soccer team over here in London, and is probably one of the driving forces behind it.





British fans aren't like ours. Their sports passions run deep, often from birth. They don't warm as Americans do to a new team dropped in their town – like the Ravens in Baltimore – wrapped in the expectation that it will be adored simply because it is theirs. Loyalty is stronger than that in London.

Those who love football here have already adopted their teams. They might adore those teams for strange reasons – like Paul Leparte from Chichester who is a Bengals fan because he likes tigers or his father, Martin, who picked the Cowboys because old Texas Stadium appeared in the opening credits of "Dallas."

...or because of some distant relatives living in Newark, OH.

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Expanding American Football outside of the US is a horrible idea. I think international expansion has hurt the NBA and MLB as far as popularity. Hardly anybody watches baseball anymore (besides myself and a few) mostly b/c there are not enough American stars in the game currently. Same is starting to happen with basketball. Whether it's conscious or unconscious, people from USA want to see the greatest players be American. Just my opinion... If the game gets popular outside of our country, the sport will slowly be overrun by guys from other countries... Keep Football American!!!


(sorry to all our European board buddies)

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Expanding American Football outside of the US is a horrible idea. I think international expansion has hurt the NBA and MLB as far as popularity. Hardly anybody watches baseball anymore (besides myself and a few) mostly b/c there are not enough American stars in the game currently. Same is starting to happen with basketball. Whether it's conscious or unconscious, people from USA want to see the greatest players be American. Just my opinion... If the game gets popular outside of our country, the sport will slowly be overrun by guys from other countries... Keep Football American!!!


(sorry to all our European board buddies)

I am not sure that having non-Americans be stars in the NBA or MLB hurts those sports. I don't think that fans disliked the Mavericks more because their main star, Dirk Nowitzki is from Germany. Certainly people didn't object to Omar Vizquel because he was from Venezuela. Quite the opposite. He is one of the most popular players in Tribe history. The same could be said for the Pirates and Roberto Clemente. I agree that these leagues don't need teams over there because of the logistics, but having players from there is no problem.

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