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The officer asked Kosar if he had any problems that would prevent him from standing on one leg or walking and turning, and Kosar said he's had several surgeries on his knees and ankles because his line couldn't block, the report said.




Here's the full story: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/bernie-kosar-tells-police-t-sobriety-test-because-133910166--nfl.html


Although humorous I honestly can't stand drinking and driving. There's just no excuse, either be responsible and take a cab or drink at home. Way too many people have their lives ruined because of one stupid decision.

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It's a lot easier in NYC or Paris... but couples and friends go out for drinks all the time and have to drive home in places like L.A. At any point after 8 pm on a weekend night, I'm guessing 40% of the drivers may be competent but are legally intoxicated. It's a pretty tough cultural conundrum, really.


The notion of a couple going out on a date that includes drinks kind of precludes a DD. I'm married and don't drink much anymore, mostly at home, but if you're younger and dating... it's complicated.


To really make it work, the town has to have a legit means of transportation, including cabs. In spread out cities (which is most of them, but L.A. is insane), that's not entirely realistic. You almost have to adapt to a "home party" lifestyle.


I live 30 miles north of L.A. and get invited to parties/dinners in Hollywood or thereabouts all the time... but it's just such a pain in the ass, if I accept I often end up backing out! Hell, in late night edits somebody's always busting out the Jameson.

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I understand Kosar has a lot of pain with all the broken bones, etc, but


there are pain pills for that.


Drinking could get someone else killed. Bad decision, Bernie.


Drinking is never a good answer to any kind of pain.

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It's a lot easier in NYC or Paris... but couples and friends go out for drinks all the time and have to drive home in places like L.A. At any point after 8 pm on a weekend night, I'm guessing 40% of the drivers may be competent but are legally intoxicated. It's a pretty tough cultural conundrum, really.


The notion of a couple going out on a date that includes drinks kind of precludes a DD. I'm married and don't drink much anymore, mostly at home, but if you're younger and dating... it's complicated.


To really make it work, the town has to have a legit means of transportation, including cabs. In spread out cities (which is most of them, but L.A. is insane), that's not entirely realistic. You almost have to adapt to a "home party" lifestyle.


I live 30 miles north of L.A. and get invited to parties/dinners in Hollywood or thereabouts all the time... but it's just such a pain in the ass, if I accept I often end up backing out! Hell, in late night edits somebody's always busting out the Jameson.


Sorry man but it's a choice 99% of the time to drink and drive. If we go out on dates we take turns. One person gets to drink more and the other stays sober enough to drive. I'm not saying it doesn't suck sometimes but being sober out and being able to drive home is a conscious, responsible decision.

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I agree, drinking and driving just isn't cool. If someone ever killed one of my loved ones because they were driving drunk I would murder them. If you watch Bernies mannerisms (watch his eyes and shiftiness) and listen to him it has been obvious for awhile there are issues. I hope he finds some help.

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I lived in Solon for a while right of off SOM Center rd. Wonder what he was doing over there. I know Tony Grossi lives over there, too. Not sure if they are friends or hang out though.

He still lives in Boardman....near Youngstown and 422 is a common way to commute from Cleveland area to Warren-Youngstown

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The officer asked Kosar if he had any problems that would prevent him from standing on one leg or walking and turning, and Kosar said he's had several surgeries on his knees and ankles because his line couldn't block, the report said.



he couldn't do that in the prime of his career 100% sober.

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It's a lot easier in NYC or Paris... but couples and friends go out for drinks all the time and have to drive home in places like L.A. At any point after 8 pm on a weekend night, I'm guessing 40% of the drivers may be competent but are legally intoxicated. It's a pretty tough cultural conundrum, really.


The notion of a couple going out on a date that includes drinks kind of precludes a DD. I'm married and don't drink much anymore, mostly at home, but if you're younger and dating... it's complicated.


To really make it work, the town has to have a legit means of transportation, including cabs. In spread out cities (which is most of them, but L.A. is insane), that's not entirely realistic. You almost have to adapt to a "home party" lifestyle.


I live 30 miles north of L.A. and get invited to parties/dinners in Hollywood or thereabouts all the time... but it's just such a pain in the ass, if I accept I often end up backing out! Hell, in late night edits somebody's always busting out the Jameson.


i hear ya. i can get downtown cheaply enough with metro north. but better have a 'hundy' (+-) to get the crew home after the trains stop running.


ug. you should see the last train coming up north prime-time after the st. paricks day parade and the yankees opener..........hope you don't mind the smell of vomit, the looks of dudes standing up asleep who've pissed their pants and just plain scariness.

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When I was much younger I confess to driving drunk all the time. Hell, in San Diego I used to drive with a rum and coke in the cup holder (between my knees). Sometimes a 12 pack on the floor of the passenger seat. Being on a Ship and hitting homeport, the first thing we wanted was to get drunk and then get some poontang. Now, If i have one beer, that is the max I will drive. I always try and get a 'duty driver' to take me to a game or whatever if I'm going to be drinking. Luckily, my younger brother is a vegan and doesn't drink much.

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doing like 85 in my grandma's gremlin with a friend with a 12 of heiny, actually puffing on the weed as i see a trooper sittin in someone's front yard (route 6 west to toledo).


what could i do? i had a coldy which i ditched under my seat and told my friend to do the same. mean while in my rearview i see the trooper whipping a 180 and throwin his lights on.


pulls us over (in a gremlin with am radio), tell him just got outta basic, picking my bro up in toledo for my wedding and show him my license and reg PLUS the military ID, meanwhile calling him by rank (sergeant....3 stripes....gold...c'mon man).


he said dump the open ones, cut down on smokin and watch the speed limit. to which i said (not to his face) THANK YOU LORD JESUS!)


military ID saved me in many a jam until i flipped off the provost marshall on base at fort devens. that and a bull-dyke first sergeant made me not reenlist for a 3rd time.

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