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Told you Bunghole Trolls!


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I challenged them to come back after the Browns won.


Surely, I thought, ONE of them would be fan enough to show up. There's still time tomorrow.


But most of em are in hiding after "smarting" off.


Idiots, most of em.

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Oh where oh where have the bungle fans gone, oh where oh where could they be



I'll tell you where they are- I have lots of personal experince dealing with them in SW Ohio. Like hermit crabs, they have crawled back under their rocks. 35-7 Bengals? We're going to kill you? We're SO much better at every position? AJ Green will destroy Haden? Man up, and take your lumps trolls.


I suspect only Uma will be polite enough to show up. Though I heard from a high level source at today's Tailgate a lot of the Bung-hole Flamers got banned- and not by me. :)

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