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Could the NFL be fixed?


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I definitely have my suspicions. And given that the Browns find every way possible to lose, it only reinforces those suspicions. Think about the pattern... slow start... then they win a few games to get us thinking, just maybe... then go into shit the bed mode at the end of November and beginning of December. Face it, with this town's reputation, Cleveland's misery sells better than any happy ending story ever would.

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Here is the deal.....the Browns need to put a team together that is so good that no amount of referring shenanigans is going to stop them.

Of course, if they would only draft a darling QB then they could become a league favorite.

Honestly, advertisers are drawn by star power. The Browns need a few guys to start playing like stars. Gordon is getting there but he really needs a star QB to go with him.

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Fixed? Didn't the Saints win the SB after Katrina?? If that doesn't scream fixed, nothing does..

And the "Patriots" won the SB after 9/11 thanks to the "Tuck Rule" which had never ever been heard of. The pats get away with mugging recievers but their opponents get flagged for barley touching their's, its disgusting to watch any game involving the pats your always waiting for a flag favoring the pats after every down and if they don't get it they scream bloody murder. How many times have you seen brady and belicheat imtimidate the refs screaming in their faces and not once get called for unsportsman like conduct, the nfl has become a Joke!!

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And the "Patriots" won the SB after 9/11 thanks to the "Tuck Rule" which had never ever been heard of. The pats get away with mugging recievers but their opponents get flagged for barley touching their's, its disgusting to watch any game involving the pats your always waiting for a flag favoring the pats after every down and if they don't get it they scream bloody murder. How many times have you seen brady and belicheat imtimidate the refs screaming in their faces and not once get called for unsportsman like conduct, the nfl has become a Joke!!


Ahhh yes can't forget the Tuck Rule. Now that was a bullshit call!

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Here's the reality of referring in the NFL. Before Goddell came into the league, the general principle was to let the players play and only throw flags on overt penalties. That's why teams like the Ravens and Buccaners won super bowls, and for me it was awesome to watch. Sadly, Goddell has changed the reffing culture entirely. It's now a league of throwing the flag first on any little call. Refs are also so concerned about flagging the "player safety" penalties that other penalties are flying under the radar. There's a good reason there's been so many flags picked up and it's really becoming a controversy. I'd be really interested to see a study on how many flags have been thrown from say 2010 to current.

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After watching replays, the same official made both the calls the Browns moaned about: Field judge Dyrol Prioleau.


That's a little suspicious.

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I would think that Vegas has people whose sole job is to learn the weaknesses of every official who can potentially impact the outcome of a game. Money, woman , drugs , jewlery etc can buy a lot. It is no different than politics. The effort likely extends into coaching staffs and players on a more limited basis. Just my conspiracy theory

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It's too obvious now, that the NFL has to take a


very serious look at the blatant contradictions in calls and non-calls.

The problem is the NFL .............................DOESN'T have to look at anything.


They will just blame the refs, and say We are sorry, and no one cares, because there is a game Thursday and then many games Sunday.


The NFL is IMMUNE to this crap. They make BILLIONS........................and BILLIONS of dollars and the more crap calls, the better for their money flow

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LOL.... Conspiracies under every rock... collect them all...


The Jet's flat-out kicked the Colts' asses in SB-III.



The PI call sucked... I think we got hosed... I just do not choose to believe it was a conspiracy hosing.



Something I've not seen discussed yet... Something I'd even forgotten about until I watched the game again... I guess the NFL made Chud go for 2... with a run up the gut no less...

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what a fucking farce.


only thing patriotic about NE nowadays is the scarves the pivs wear at the game,


yeah, and can we have more shots of kraft in his VIP box?


wonder if that glass is bulletproof?


guys is gone and tells his chauffer to park his cAAAr in hAAvArd yAAArd.

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LOL.... Conspiracies under every rock... collect them all...


The Jet's flat-out kicked the Colts' asses in SB-III.



The PI call sucked... I think we got hosed... I just do not choose to believe it was a conspiracy hosing.



Something I've not seen discussed yet... Something I'd even forgotten about until I watched the game again... I guess the NFL made Chud go for 2... with a run up the gut no less...


To be fair, the way the game played out 1 point taken there still would have resulted in a browns loss. It would have merely been tied on that final touchdown and they would have kicked the extra point. Still agree the run call was way stupid.

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To be fair, the way the game played out 1 point taken there still would have resulted in a browns loss. It would have merely been tied on that final touchdown and they would have kicked the extra point. Still agree the run call was way stupid.

Not exactly if the Browns just kick the xp they would have been up 20 to 3 when New England scored their first TD. New England kicks the xp to make it 20 to 10. No reason for them to go for 2 and take the chance of needing 2 TD's rather than a TD and FG.

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