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I wish... (non-Browns wish)


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I wish that Seattle and Kansas City would dominate the playoffs on the ground. I wish that Charles and Lynch would just go nuts, and both teams would just bulldoze people and eat up clock time on their ways to victory. I swear to God, if I hear one more person say the words "it's a passing league" to my face, I'm going to grab them by the neck and squeeze and squeeze until their eyes bulge out and a pink paste oozes out between my fingers. I hate the idea that most people seem to support now that passing is all that matters, running is irrelevant, and every offense has to be one-dimensional to be successful. Even if that is true, I don't want it to be. I LIKE the idea of rushing being significant to football. I don't WANT it to become arena league.

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It is a passing league, but the run game still plays a very important part in said passing game. A good running game will always be valuable because it sets up the pass and keeps defenses honest.


This is an argument not unlike the old "is it offense or defense that wins championships" argument. Good teams win championships. Breaking it down into little pieces and trying to say one piece is more important than the others is foolhardy as all the pieces are still needed. It's as asinine as arguing which is more important for baking a pizza-putting the pizza in the oven or taking the pizza out of the oven...

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It's a passing league

Its the rule changes that have made it so. You can hardly ever hit the QB or a WR any more. They have taken away the fear factor for a receiver going over the middle.

So, yes, it would be nice for teams like the Seahawks or Chiefs to dominate on the ground...but the rules have changed like from when soldiers carried muskets to now carrying repeating rifles.

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You still need both aspects of the game to be respected, it's just easier with the pass.


Then people say that the best teams pass and run about 50% of the time - yes, they pass to get the lead up, then run to get the clock down.

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