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I don't like "older" Browns fans...


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While is was not a staple of Paul Browns offense Otto Graham too,had the ability to run long before Russell Wilson was a wet dream..Graham was a RB converted to QB by Paul Brown.

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The Old Browns are DEAD. DEAD as a fucking Door Nail. All the fun shit that my dad used to tell me about in the dog pound is over. Bringing kegs in, passing joints, girls flashing tits, fighting Steelers fans, throwing batteries at Boomer Esasion and his hair do... It got replaced by bullshit PC political correctness, guys who drive Volvo's and wear Khahki pants and complain when you stand up t cheer. The past 3 Browns games I went to I either got kicked out, or had to deal with some fucking Bouche' Liberal Dad complaining about my "language". This team has been a disaster since 1999 and my language is the fucking problem?



it's funny every other teams fanbase has successfully made this transformation no problem. I bet ur crowning moment since '99 was throwin ur lunchables juicebox on the field during BOTTLEGATE. Doesn't get more dawgpound than that.
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I am pleased to see that some of the younger generation is as polite and literate as yourself.


Military family, I didn't have much of a choice haha. The only thing I'd strongly disagree with a lot of you on is stadium culture now and then. I don't think it's sad that most stadiums across the NFL are enforcing stricter rules on language, taunts and the like. You can do a lot of good natured crap-talking but you don't need to be a dick about it. Frankly it brings the whole fan base down when some drunken moron starts acting like well, a drunken moron. Don't get wrong, some opposing fans deserve it. I have no problem with home fans calling out an opposing fan for being a dick. But honestly, the two or three times I've seen the Browns as the away team I've had a hell of a lot better time just bullshittin with the home fans than being a baffoon.


If we want more Browns fan in the stadium, win some games. Honestly, how much do you blame people of my generation for not going to a Browns football game? I mean Jesus, the economy still sucks and to spend the money it costs to watch the Browns shit the bed is laughable to me. I live in NC so I don't have the opportunity to go, but I wouldn't even if I could.

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Wait until some nice looking chick comes up to you and says "can I help you dear".


Mine was "sir" .............. I was looking around for my dad or some other old guy.

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Military family, I didn't have much of a choice haha. The only thing I'd strongly disagree with a lot of you on is stadium culture now and then. I don't think it's sad that most stadiums across the NFL are enforcing stricter rules on language, taunts and the like. You can do a lot of good natured crap-talking but you don't need to be a dick about it. Frankly it brings the whole fan base down when some drunken moron starts acting like well, a drunken moron. Don't get wrong, some opposing fans deserve it. I have no problem with home fans calling out an opposing fan for being a dick. But honestly, the two or three times I've seen the Browns as the away team I've had a hell of a lot better time just bullshittin with the home fans than being a baffoon.


If we want more Browns fan in the stadium, win some games. Honestly, how much do you blame people of my generation for not going to a Browns football game? I mean Jesus, the economy still sucks and to spend the money it costs to watch the Browns shit the bed is laughable to me. I live in NC so I don't have the opportunity to go, but I wouldn't even if I could.

Agree - Good natured shit talking makes it fun and I always enjoy that with opponents fans. Virtually everyone on this board supports that while being strongly opposed to being downright abusive or physical.

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They make my god damn head want to explode. They want to build a 1960's team in a 2014 era.


1. Every single older Browns fan I talk to wants a Lumbering doofus QB who's AT LEAST 6'4 230 pounds with a rocket arm. These are the same assholes that continue support for Weeden. I just heard some douche bag say he wants Zach Mettenberger over Manziel because he's a prima donna. Manziel is too fun and exciting for these old men bleeding deacon so of course they want a classic pocket passer. God forbid we have some fucking excitement


2. They act unless you have 5 fucking pro bowlers on the offensive line then you have to take an offensive linemen at all cost in the first round.


3. They all want a smashmouth running back. Dude, nobody gives a shit about smashmouth running backs anymore. Quit living in your fathers fucking NFL


4. Rant over.


Well, I'm one of the old folks, and I would take Manziel in a heartbeat. There was a guy named Fran Tarkenton in the "old days" that had a good bit of Manziel in him. I also like Zack Mettenberger pre injury. I do like smashmouth running backs, and they still have a place in the NFL, they're just not a 1st round value right now. I don't like loud mouth wide receivers. I like the Jerry Rice and Ozzie Newsome types. Catch the ball and don't bitch.


It's got nothing to do with age. It's just a preference. (Also, never cared to be refered to as "dude".

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hey Walter, heres hoping that when you get to be an O.F. like some of us, we'll all be looking back at some Superbowl wins.....


A Browns team that was complete with a stud Oline, and a tenacious pass rushing defense....


because we all know, the game is won right there.

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We should draft a smash-mouth running back like Trent Richardson and good pocket passer like Brandon Weeden.


Forget Russell Wilson or Ty Hilton, we got ourselves a good blue collar sumbitch DT like John Hughes instead.


Zach Mettenberger has a sexual assault charge, he's a laid back country boy, who gets injured, and got picking his nose and eating it on TV.


I think he'll fit right in here...


wow, what it must be like to be born with an ipad in your mouth. 1989? he'll i had 2 german whores sucking my cock in some brothel while you were being spit out.


you take one or two person's responses in a thread and then say THOUSANDS of browns fans want to take a guard @4? i'm not opposed to it, but i'm sure as hell not preaching it.


sure there is change all around us. just because there is change doesn't mean we have to rely on some young, dumb arrogant asshole's opinion, does it (meaning you)?


"oooh, if we don't draft a little QB that runs around like a pinball then the cleveland browns suck, the organization in it's totality sucks and everyone ever involved with the city of cleveland should be shot.




you know dick, there are plenty of people that hated the drafting of TR and weeden and i'm one of them. BUT NO, just group me in with the old team philosophy that everyone with a brown's jersey wanted those picks.


there are no sure-things in a draft. he'll i'll physically get ill if we draft manziel. but if he turns out to be great, i'll be man enough to come on here and eat a crow pie and let everyone know that yes, i was an asshole.


will you do the same when he turns out to be a turnip in a wheelchair?


doubt it. cuz you aren't even a MAN yet.

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hey Walter, heres hoping that when you get to be an O.F. like some of us, we'll all be looking back at some Superbowl wins.....


A Browns team that was complete with a stud Oline, and a tenacious pass rushing defense....


because we all know, the game is won right there.

thank you lordy lordy lord.


can we get the stats on team's with the best defense in super bowl victories vs. the team with the best offense?


walterwhite is probably too young to remember bill parcells but he had a great quote that still rings true today:




don't ever forget it.

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I meant no disrespect because my father is a Browns fan, and so is my older Brother.


I should of made this thread called "I don't like "older" Browns fan strategy.



But sweet holy shit, why the fuck do we need to draft a RT 4th overall which I keep seeing thousands of Browns fans clamoring for.


Then a guard, then a running back, etc.


I feel like I'm stuck in that town from Back To the Future After Biff put up the casino.


It's a passing fucking league.


Look at it like this:


2011: 6th overall

2012: 3rd overall & 22 overall

2013: 6th overall

2014: 4th overall & 26 overall.



If we can walk away with 6 first round picks since 2011, 4 of them in the top 10, and still don't have a franchise QB then we will look like the biggest group of fuck ups ever.


We HAVE to land either Bridgewater, Manziel, or Bortles at 4 or this draft is a total fucking failure.

I appreciate that you are big enough to say this. We may not agree on strategies but thats ok. Hell I don't want an OL at 4 this year either. At the end of the day some of us armchair draft experts will look like geniuses and some of us will look like idiots. Much the same as the people who actually run the drafts for the teams. I just hope this year we get it right. If we do and its totally opposite what I think we needed to do I will be thrilled to admit I was full of shit.

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I meant no disrespect because my father is a Browns fan, and so is my older Brother.


I should of made this thread called "I don't like "older" Browns fan strategy.


But you didn't!! You decided to alienate a group of fans that have prob can come up with better "strategy" than you while firing off some knuckle children like yourself!




But sweet holy shit, why the fuck do we need to draft a RT 4th overall which I keep seeing thousands of Browns fans clamoring for.


Then a guard, then a running back, etc.


If this is the reason you hate OP or OF then u are listening or reading some total BS. I cant even find a topic on this board that says we should draft a Guard at #4.

When in reality i have heard way more dumbshit coming from Camp Suck John Football Cock than anything. Trade 3-4 1st rounders to move up to #1 acting like he is the gay love child of Brady and Manning.



I feel like I'm stuck in that town from Back To the Future After Biff put up the casino.


It's a passing fucking league.


Look at it like this:


2011: 6th overall

2012: 3rd overall & 22 overall

2013: 6th overall

2014: 4th overall & 26 overall.



If we can walk away with 6 first round picks since 2011, 4 of them in the top 10, and still don't have a franchise QB then we will look like the biggest group of fuck ups ever.


We HAVE to land either Bridgewater, Manziel, or Bortles at 4 or this draft is a total fucking failure.


So if I get this correct!!! If Browns take one of these 3 and only these 3 and whiff (which is a REAL possibilty) it wouldnt be a total fucking failure. Draft 2 1st Rounders since 2011 and still not have your franchise guy.


No chances are you will be the first ignorant MF to be standing their stoking your weenie whistle saying we shoulda taken whomever Houston took because they went straight to the playoffs with him. Ignoring the fact Houston is a playoff team without a qb next year.

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IM what you would consider a old browns fan and.........


1) I never thought weeden would be a star and no he dont deserve another chance


2) no i dont want a o lineman at 4 you can get them later in the draft


3) far as qb i dont care if its a running qb or a statue qb i care they have star quality and can win games


4) far as draft i think we def need a qb no question whether its at 4 im not sure im not sold thats there 1 superstar quality- manziel i worry bout how will hold up- bridgewater im not sure about sorta go up down on him- bortles i like his size but he didnt play against lot top notch teams imo.


5) all i care is they get a play maker who can help win games whether its a qb or whether its watkins

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I meant no disrespect because my father is a Browns fan, and so is my older Brother.


I should of made this thread called "I don't like "older" Browns fan strategy.



But sweet holy shit, why the fuck do we need to draft a RT 4th overall which I keep seeing thousands of Browns fans clamoring for.


Then a guard, then a running back, etc.


I feel like I'm stuck in that town from Back To the Future After Biff put up the casino.


It's a passing fucking league.


Look at it like this:


2011: 6th overall

2012: 3rd overall & 22 overall

2013: 6th overall

2014: 4th overall & 26 overall.



If we can walk away with 6 first round picks since 2011, 4 of them in the top 10, and still don't have a franchise QB then we will look like the biggest group of fuck ups ever.


We HAVE to land either Bridgewater, Manziel, or Bortles at 4 or this draft is a total fucking failure.


We have To? Leaf #2 overall, Harrington #3 overall, Smith, #3 overall. Want to repeat that stellar record? You, me or anyone else has no fucking clue if the 2014 draft class will turn out any better. FYI, if Winston or Mariotta were (had) declared eligible, they'd be ranked ahead of every one of the current crop. Sorry about that.


This bolded text is the biggest problem I have with this board, and fans I talk to in general.


Everyone sees a bunch of mock drafts that people I know put together, who are guessing after the first 5 picks, and suddenly that gets used as facts when debating. Then on draft day, when a team makes a pick, everyone screams "steal" or "reach" like they have any fucking idea what that players value is.


Now, you can listen to my next bit of advice, or dont, I don't really care anymore, but it's the last I'm gonna say for awhile....


Quarterbacks have more value than other positions. So who's debating that? Just because YOU--who the fuck cares if you think any if the QBs in this class can be superstars?--don't see a player you want at #4, means absofuckinglutely nothing. But if you do, it means it does?



If they take Garoppolo at 4, this place would explode, because everyone thinks they're an expert, and they will say, "he could have been had later"... No, numb nuts, you don't know that. Shut the fuck up.


You don't typically beat 31 other scouting departments by waiting until the third round or later to take a QB, it just doesn't happen as often. Too bad you won't admit it's happened damn recently, see Wilson, Russell, Foles, Nick.


Now, if the team wants to go with Hoyer, I STIll think they have to take a top QB to sit for a season, the way it should be done IMO.


If they have to trade a pick or two? So fucking what. 10 rookies FROM THIS DRAFT (not counting UDFA) are not going to make the Browns roster. Write that down. After all, there are thousands of elite players in the 2nd-7th rounds, yeah? Yes there are, FYI. Want me to start at Marquis Colston, and keep going? Oh, I forgot about Ray Lewis and Thurman Thomas. Maybe UFAs Johnny Unitas and Tony Romo, Antonio Gates really sucks, no? Or how about that 17th round draft choice Brian Sipe? When are you bozos going to kindly realize just drafting a guy in the top 10 is no freaking guarantee of success?


You really want to know why the Browns have sucked since 1999? They have figuratively shit the bed with their top picks since 1999. (Excepting the Joes- Thomas & Haden). With Lobotomy calling the shots, I wouldn't exactly hold my breath for better. Unless you want to call the results of the 2013 draft a stroke of genius. Couch, Courtney Brown. Worthless Warren instead of Ladanian Tomlinson. Smokin' Willie Green. (Known) Butterfingers Braylon- instead of AARON RODGERS Trading up to take Knieviel Winslow, especially when the Lions weren't going to take him anyway. Taking Kameron Wimbley instead of Haloti Ngata. The great Quinn maneuver cost them Percy Harvin and Chris Johnson. Don't even start on the T-suck-a-thon that I was vehemently against, and the soon to be released We-done. .


I would scream less if they took Garrapolo @ #4, than trading away 3 first round picks to take Manziel, and he flops.

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Older Browns fans have had been blessed with memories of what is was like to be a rooting tootin Browns fan back in the glory days (for me the pinnacle was the late eighties). We supported with pride teams with a true legacy who knew what it meant to put on the Browns colors. We rooted for unified teams with strong leadership on the field. If you didn't leave it all on the field every play and every fucking game.....you didn't play. Players didn't get married to their skank ho's during the season. You played through injuries and illness that today's players would never think of suiting up for. As cliched as it sounds it really seemed to be a team with solid "blue collar" ethics that the fans endeared themselves to.


Old Muni stadium was the Mecca of all things Browns. It was a rite of passage to make the pilgrimage for all the true believers of the Browns faith. Short of molesting young children or going on a shooting rampage most behavior was tolerated. You didn't have a bunch of homos squeezing your horse balls to see if you had any "contraband" upon entering the premises. There was none of the "no boooze after the third quarter" chicken shit and you could get as fuckered up as you wanted as long as you could make it out of the gates with or without your buddies help. i don't condone this, but yes, there used to be some hellacious fights usually when the squeelers came to town. In the stands, pregame, postgame...anywhere anytime Fights were not the exemption but the norm. I witnessed Browns fans tipping over a car and giving the occupants a pummeling when they tried to drive through a crowd in front of Muni.


All I want to say about the current state of Browns affairs is that the culture of Browns pride never migrated from the old to the new version 15 years ago. Maybe someday soon they can bring in some personnel who can motivate and lead......Until then i refrain from draft evaluation and other speculative matters because i just don't have the fuckin energy anymore.


I knew things have changed in Cleveland forever after the 2012 St Louis game. As I stood in a mostly empty stadium throwing every imaginable insult at the Browns players I was confronted by a young mother with her teenage kids. She tuned me up pretty good regarding my behavior, but all I could do was look at her and her boys while shaking my head in utter disappointment and yearning for a time long gone. So it goes....

brilliant post. Kudos.
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yes that might be the case with the fans at games....but we are off-topic then.


i first started watching home-grown football with the minnifield/dixon, metcalf, byner and mack browns,


the fact that some young dumb xbox360 player can come in here and tell us guys that are closer to 60 than 40 has me all up in arms (meanwhile the douche has an avatar with andre the giant in it) goes to show me that he knows less than me about football.


hell if i wanna know stats and FO workings i'll ask TCPO cuz he knows everything about football and recruiting for his div 3 iv cactus league team.


derek carr would fuck up anyone in your league, correct?

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Here's the problem with most of you young fucktards... You keep looking for the easy way out of things. Well.Life does not operate that way I hate to tell ya. Us "older" guys got along fine without Google and Ipads. We didnt need machines to do our thinking for for us. Pencil and paper works just fine. We dont need to text someone every five minutes to tell someone how fun it was popping your zits. This generation of "Kids" are so desensitized it's beyond hilarious. I mean did you ever go out of your way once to tell your mother and father,you loved them?..Oh wait...that's right...They're never home anymore...And you wonder why we have 2 generations of malcontents crying about every fucking thing.


I rest My case....

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This bolded text is the biggest problem I have with this board, and fans I talk to in general.


Everyone sees a bunch of mock drafts that people I know put together, who are guessing after the first 5 pucks, and suddenly that gets used as facts when debating. Then on draft day, when a team makes a pick, everyone screams "steal" or "reach" like they have any fucking idea what that players value is.


Now, you can listen to my next bit of advice, or dont, I don't really care anymore, but it's the last I'm gonna say for awhile....


Quarterbacks have more value than other positions. Just because YOU--who the fuck cares if you think any if the QBs in this class can be superstars?--don't see a player you want at #4, means absofuckinglutely nothing.



If they take Garoppolo at 4, this place would explode, because everyone thinks they're an expert, and they will say, "he could have been had later"... No, numb nuts, you don't know that. Shut the fuck up.


You don't typically beat 31 other scouting departments by waiting until the third round or later to take a QB, it just doesn't happen as often.


Now, if the team wants to go with Hoyer, I STIll think they have to take a top QB to sit for a season, the way it should be done IMO.


If they have to trade a pick or two? So fucking what. 10 rookies FROM THIS DRAFT (not counting UDFA) are not going to make the Browns roster. Write that down. After all, there are thousands of elite players in the 2nd-7th rounds, yeah?

Mike I normally am on board with your posts you are an exceptionally solid guy. I will even go so far as to agree that QB's have a higher weighted value. The reality is though the reverse of what you say is just as true. Just because YOU think we should take a QB at 4 and he may be a superstar doesn't mean fuck all either. Considering I have been buying tickets and supporting the Browns for likely the same amount of time as you my opinion on what we should do in the draft matters every bit as much as yours. Reaching for someone in the top four makes no sense if we aren't convinced they will be a stud. Reaching is what causes the litter pile of failed QB draft picks. The drafts are littered with MANY top tier pick QB's who aren't even in football a couple years later. At the end of the day Mike you , myself and every other guy here (with the exception of trolls) want the same thing. A winning team. We just don't all agree how to get there and that's ok.

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Really guys? you let this fucking TROLL scum cause a 3 page thread? Why put up with a whinny brad. just spank him, shove him in the corner for a timeout and ground him from his Xbox and cartoons.

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mike h you are close to losing all respect that i have had for you.


how are you ever going to do a job that you yourself want to do without being unbiased.


you are seriously on the MUST HAVE QB bandwagon.


even seasoned professionals in the journalism field have conflicted opinions of how the browns will pick @4.


for you to get all butthurt because another fan of the same team you root for suggests something else, giving their own opinion, is just jaw-dropping.


get a hold of yourself dude. this ain't life or death. this ain't afghanistan.

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I don't fucking think anything, I'm just tired of know-it-alls who think Brian Hoyer is Joe Montana and 2.) their opinion holds any water to the Browns' scouting department.


So don't tell me what I think, K? K.


I write for some sites and watch game film... I could give a shit less if anyone agrees with me. I also don't act like my opinions on players are gold and dismiss everyone else's, like most people here. And I don't make opinions based off other analyst's, or before I have had enough time to watch, compare and make intelligent observations.


Another reason I try as hard as I can to avoid taking a stance here, because I see how everyone else does it--and it's a waste of time trying to have intelligent discussions when everyone acts 12 years old. I have yet to give my opinion, while trying to open up the discussion, because there is no use anymore with the current state of this place. My posting time/reading has really went down the past two weeks and it will be close to nothing soon.


You can't make definitive statements like "there are no top four quarterbacks" or no potential "superstar quarterbacks" before even beginning a dialogue, when your opinion isn't worth its weight in shit.



Pardon my geopolitical example:


It's like Israel saying, "We will not stop building settlements on Palestinian lands, but let's talk about getting them some nice arid, desert property set up for them over by the Golan Heights."


The precursor to discussion, is being open to other ideas while starting on an equal playing field. When you make definitive statements or deny information at the start, you are not even engaging in the same process... and it's a waste of my fucking time.


Again, before you say the same shit again, I am not sure who--if any--of the top 4 QBs are worth a top-four pick, or worth trading up for, I am especially NOT SURE, that none of them are. Time to stop saying things that are clearly not true. I have not made a my stance one way or the other, other than jokingly or to troll someone like PoG--who fucking deserves every bit of it.


Mike as I said before I normally hold your posts and you in high regard. When I or another poster say things like " I don't believe" or "I am not sold on" etc regarding the QB talent in this draft we are not making definitive statements about that talent. We are simply attempting to have dialogue on a Browns fan board about our team and the upcoming draft. I don't believe that I, the poster you originally responded to or most others have declared definitively that there is no elite QB in the draft, we simply have reservations. I like Bryan Hoyer but I am pretty sure that neither I or anyone else on this board sees him as the next coming of Joe Montana. I am also pretty sure most of us are in touch with reality enough to know we don't sway the Browns scouting staff opinions. With Lombardi's fingers in that pie you might wish we did.


The fact is you are saying you are not sure they are elite and you are not sure they aren't. For those of us prefacing statements with as detailed above we are essentially saying the same damn thing. At the end of the day I don't give a shit who ends up right or wrong. I want the same thing as you, a Browns team thats winning football games.

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Never been to Afghanistan. I lost the little respect I had for you with that comment.


Your reading glasses could use some cleaning too old man.


I am not on any bandwagon you illiterate. The only things I've said, were observations of the way I see this management team working. And from that, I see them moving forward with a QB taken in the top 4. Nowhere have I stated a professional, journalist opinion on what I think should happen, or even what I want to happen.


So please, tell me more about what I think and how I conduct myself. You're part of the problem I've been describing and you're a little sensitive it seems.

ok pal.


you claim to have stated that you have no stand in how the browns draft, except in every post since the end of 'our' season you have made it totally clear if they don't pick a QB @4 you'll go nuts. i sure as hell wouldn't want to be in your household when that non-QB pick comes in.


and obviously you aren't a professional at anything except spouting your cynical views of other fans who don't agree with you.


great job. not bad for a cook.


go fuck yourself poser.

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They make my god damn head want to explode. They want to build a 1960's team in a 2014 era.


1. Every single older Browns fan I talk to wants a Lumbering doofus QB who's AT LEAST 6'4 230 pounds with a rocket arm. These are the same assholes that continue support for Weeden. I just heard some douche bag say he wants Zach Mettenberger over Manziel because he's a prima donna. Manziel is too fun and exciting for these old men bleeding deacon so of course they want a classic pocket passer. God forbid we have some fucking excitement


2. They act unless you have 5 fucking pro bowlers on the offensive line then you have to take an offensive linemen at all cost in the first round.


3. They all want a smashmouth running back. Dude, nobody gives a shit about smashmouth running backs anymore. Quit living in your fathers fucking NFL


4. Rant over.


Sorry man, you don't know what you are talking about. I have been talking the spread and how it is going(now taking) over the NFL for 3-4 years now. I don't want a damn dropback QB. I want a guy who can run as well as throw.


As to the other points, No, you don't need 5 pro-bowl lineman, but you need a good line, and as far as the back is concerned, they come in all sizes and shapes. I don't really care as long as he is money.



OH....I have blasted fullbacks for a decade or more. A wasted position. If you want blocking, but a reserve guard back there. I'd rather see another receiver on the field or go with a 2 back set. I mean 2 real backs who can both run and catch.

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Oh really shit for brains?


Drew Brees, Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Big Ben, Eli Manning, Aaron Rogers, Brett Favre, Steve Young, and Troy Aikman all say go fuck yourself.


Guys in bold had amazing defenses on their team. Other three had defenses that got hot in playoffs.


It will always be about balance. Lots of great QBs have lost the SB too.



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Oh really shit for brains?


Drew Brees, Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Big Ben, Eli Manning, Aaron Rogers, Brett Favre, Steve Young, and Troy Aikman all say go fuck yourself.

For the record.....go Fuck yourself Walter.....I look just like the guy, I hear it 3 times a week.....I am the Danger.

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you're really sensitive. I have no stance, just discussing other points of view, something you're incapable of doing because you're a mouthbreathing fossil. GFY


and I was an Intelligence specialist, and have a masters in journalism, thanks.


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thank you lordy lordy lord.


can we get the stats on team's with the best defense in super bowl victories vs. the team with the best offense?


walterwhite is probably too young to remember bill parcells but he had a great quote that still rings true today:




don't ever forget it.

Good call my friend.


This Walter White homo will start a thread asking for you to be banned by morning.



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