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Ignore Alex Tanney at your own risk


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Farmer may well like Tanney but I will go out on a limb and assume Farmer likes his paycheck more. I mean really? cmon



Well if we decide to part ways with Campbell and We-done, (too expensive) he may be worth keeping around as a third stringer.

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Well if we decide to part ways with Campbell and We-done, (too expensive) he may be worth keeping around as a third stringer.


If he's competent he may well be the 2nd stringer and we sit the draft kid for at least a year <---- the scenario I actually hope transpires. Hoyer the starter, Tanney as the backup and whatever kid wonder we get, gets to sit and take reps in practice. We simply cannot throw our draft qb in there on day one. It doesn't work in cleveland like that. Even when we protect the qb as well as we did during Weedens rookie year...it still doesn't work out. You just gotta throw your hands up. Am I insinuating that Weeden could possibly have worked out had he sat at least a year? Maybe. He had his age working against him though...a guy in that age bracket has to start pretty much immediately. Although it probably would have done him wonders to sit for at least 2 years and learn the NFL game.

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