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man assaults with icicle..man assaults with toilet seat


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I can only imagine what dumbass point you are trying to make here...woodypeckerhead



Even illogic gets it. You don't because you are a child dumbass.

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I have a pretty good idea of what it is. And you bring it up all the time. And each time it helps your case as little as it did the time before...





Also, I thought Logic was just a dirty liberal now? With all his liberal hatred and with him trying to shut down conservative opinions. What happened to that? Or does that just go thread by thread so it is easier for you to generalize large groups of people

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Never said dirty. I did say "social liberal". And yes, it goes thread by thread, depending on

how outraged and offensive posters get.


And it isn't shutting down anything. It's trying to socially intimidate people to leave the board

via harrassment.


Which is, not the same as self defense, and replying to lowly scum on a lowly level to make a point.

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No, the victims of your and mz the pussy and heck's garbage, is that

several folks left this board. Or were kicked off - those got tired

of the hateful garbage, and retaliated in bad enough manner, that

the haters claimed "offense" and laughed about it later.


woodypeckerhead = mz the pussy

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