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After threats and harassment, NC teen abandons atheist group


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No I was referring to her. It just seems like a douchey, attention whore-y, antagonistic thing to do. It's not right to threaten her but I'd definitely call her out as being a self important hipster. Just go to college and you know don't try to make a bunch of waves.


If you went to a school that were super liberal and started a tea party group you'd get nothing but heat and blowback. I'm not sure why she'd expect anything less.


A couple reasons have been given for why she may have done this. Honestly if anyone is coming off as an asshole here it is you. How dare any teenager do anything different than the current norm. How dare she create a group for herself and others to express their beliefs. How dare she go to a religious high school if she thinks like this, because she clearly has tons of options.

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A couple reasons have been given for why she may have done this. Honestly if anyone is coming off as an asshole here it is you. How dare any teenager do anything different than the current norm. How dare she create a group for herself and others to express their beliefs. How dare she go to a religious high school if she thinks like this, because she clearly has tons of options.

I was under the impression she was in college. High school is the place to be stupid

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Definitely no Religious groups allowed there then. Fuck off, Easter. Fuck off, Christmas.


Students are allowed to have religious groups at public schools. The school just can't give preference to one over the other.


ie. there's nothing wrong with a public school recognizing an Islamic student org or a Catholic student org. The same should be expected for a Wiccan group, a Roman Pantheon group, or a group of non-theists. If the school takes it a step further, such as letting one of these groups lead a prayer at graduation, that's where the issue of preference arises.

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