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Federal Appeals Court Allows Schools to ban U.S. Flag Shirts to Avoid Racist Mexican Violence


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Federal Appeals Court Allows Schools to Ban U.S. Flag Shirts to Avoid Racist Mexican Violence


by John Urban | Top Right News

Yes, you read that headline correctly.

A Federal court actually approved banning the U.S. flag in a U.S. school to appease violent threats from Mexican students, many of them illegal aliens.

A panel of the Federal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals today upheld a California’s high school’s decision to forbid students from wearing American flag T-shirts on Cinco de Mayo. The ruling was unanimous, 3-0.

The Court said the officials’ concerns of racial violence outweighed students’ freedom of expression rights. Administrators said they feared the American-flag shirts would inflame the passions of Mexican students celebrating the Mexican holiday. So they told the students to turn their shirts inside out. When they and their parents refused, the students were sent home.

Live Oak High School, in the San Jose suburb of Morgan Hill, told the Court they had a “history of problems” between white and Mexican students on that day.

What kind of “problems”? Here is what happened the year before that promoted the move, according to Court transcripts:

On Cinco de Mayo in 2009, a year before the events relevant to this appeal, there was an altercation on campus between a group of predominantly Caucasian students and a group of Mexican students. The groups exchanged profanities and threats. Some students hung a makeshift American flag on one of the trees on campus, and as they did, the group of Caucasian students began clapping and chanting “USA.”

A group of Mexican students had been walking around with the Mexican flag, and in response to the white students’ flag-raising, one Mexican student shouted “f*** them white boys, f*** them white boys.”
When Assistant Principal Miguel Rodriguez told the student to stop using profane language, the student said, “But Rodriguez, they are racist. They are being racist.
F*** them white boys. Let’s f*** them up.”
Rodriguez removed the student from the area….

At least one party to this appeal, student M.D., wore American flag clothing to school on Cinco de Mayo 2009. M.D. was approached by a male student who, in the words of the district court, “
shoved a Mexican flag at him and said something in Spanish expressing anger
at [M.D.’s] clothing.

So instead of preventing racist Mexican violence, the school decided to outlaw America.

In 2010 the Live Oak principal ordered the kids to change their shirts to appease Mexican hooligans, and then ordered them home when they wouldn’t. And what did that appeasement of Mexican agitators accomplish? As with most appeasement — worse than nothing. Even after the kids were sent home threats of violence from Mexican students continued:

In the aftermath of the students’ departure from school, they received numerous threats from other students. D.G. was threatened by text message on May 6, and the same afternoon, received a threatening phone call from a caller saying he was outside of D.G.’s home. D.M. and M.D. were likewise threatened with violence, and a student at Live Oak overheard a group of classmates
saying that some gang members would come down from San Jose to “take care of” the students. Because of these threats, the students did not go to school on May 7

And now a U.S. Court of Appeals is siding with Mexican illegal alien students threatening gang violence against any student wearing the American flag.

William Becker, one of the lawyers representing the students, said he plans to ask a special 11-judge panel of the appeals court to rehear the case. Becker said he would appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court if he loses again.

Said Becker: “The 9th Circuit upheld the rights of Mexican students celebrating a holiday of another country over U.S. student proudly supporting this country.”

Correct. But the Court’s shameful action prompts a new question:

“If the United States is no longer able to protect the display of the American flag in California, isn’t it occupied territory?”



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I agree that it's concerning. In a micro sense, you can understand the school wanting to avoid any possible racial tension on cinco de mayo, and no doubt there are some kids just wearing the shirt to stir shit. But it does set a potentially worrying precedent.


That being said, it's just for one day a year, if you don't own an item of clothing without a US flag that you can wear then you've probably got bigger issues.

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The 9ers love to make unpopular rulings.

And I don't like this one but I think the kids that go out of their way to wear protest shirts do it just to piss people off.

Very similar to the atheist douchebag club.


It is, however, a rite of passage as adolescent kids crave attention and want to seem important.


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Some students hung a makeshift American flag on one of the trees on campus, and as they did, the group of Caucasian students began clapping and chanting “USA.”




These guys are clearly idiots.




in response to the white students’ flag-raising, one Mexican student shouted “f*** them white boys, f*** them white boys.


So is this guy.


Obviously, given the source, it's understandable why only one got bolded.

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Yes, pro wrestling used to be actually about wrestling, whereas these days it seems to be a combination of wearing a speedo, getting greased up real good and faking everything, and selling as much merchandise to the only people who believe it's real as possible, generally the under-14's

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So the mexican kids can wear their cincy de mayonaise shirts, but

American kids can't wear their American shirts..


in America.


Complete lack of principle. You can either be allowed to wear nationality shirts, or not.


Taking sides is discrimination, and that means the court ruled stupidly.

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The 90s were the real heyday of pro wrestling

No no no Johnny powers, Haystak Calhoun, Ernie the cat Ladd, the Mighty Igor, the Sheik, the love brothers, the mighty Zulu, killer Brooks, George man mountain canon, wild bull curry flying Fred curry, Mickey Doyle, Pampero Firpo, Abdullah the Butcher, Luiz Martinez........


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No no no Johnny powers, Haystak Calhoun, Ernie the cat Ladd, the Mighty Igor, the Sheik, the love brothers, the mighty Zulu, killer Brooks, George man mountain canon, wild bull curry flying Fred curry, Mickey Doyle, Pampero Firpo, Abdullah the Butcher, Luiz Martinez........


No that was gay. The nineties were the time

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Hey,. now. Johnny Valentine and Bobo Brazil. Stupid/ugly vs knockanybodyoutheadbutt.


We used to laugh at that stuff back in the day...


Although, Haystacks was cool. And Pampero Firpo? was actually a former teacher who spoke at least

three languages.


A whole lotta bs.

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