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Russia trying to start another fight

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After Obamao's "warning"... Russian laughed,

and has now landed at least a dozen planes with troops

in the Crimean Peninsula, with troops off the border.


It's being said that it is very analagous to their prep for

the Georgian war.


Czechs beware, it could happen all over again anywhere.

Our country and the world is starting to fall apart.


I still want an AR-15. for 5.56 ammo. And maybe also .22 optional....

I think it needs to be mil spec so I can upgrade it different ways,

with different production parts. I found one by "Rocky....something" co. 1200 bucks, the

manual sights flip down for a scope, and has a button to boost a cartridge further into the chamber

if for some reason it doesn't slide in, and a cover over the cartridge eject port. AND, a wider

trigger area for room for gloves.

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Some links from Drudge:

(this is the beginning of very serious trouble in the world...)

the Soviets and China are boosting their military presence and control.

China over Asia, ...Taiwan, Phillipines and Japan...

And the Soviets are moving to have a controling presence in the Ukraine, Syria,

and Central America.

It's the incompetence and cowardice of this "American" president - he's weak, he's losing

respect in his own party, and around the world... and Russia and China seem ready

to dynamically move in to fill the void of American leadership.

UPDATE: Russia Seeks Access to Bases in 8 Countries for Its Ships, Bombers...

Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua...

PAPER: Ukraine Invasion Begins...

'Several Hundred' Russian Soldiers in Crimea...

Ousted president emerges at press conference...

Tensions echo Georgia '08...

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After Obamao's "warning"... Russian laughed,

and has now landed at least a dozen planes with troops

in the Crimean Peninsula, with troops off the border.


It's being said that it is very analagous to their prep for

the Georgian war.


Czechs beware, it could happen all over again anywhere.

Our country and the world is starting to fall apart.


I still want an AR-15. for 5.56 ammo. And maybe also .22 optional....

I think it needs to be mil spec so I can upgrade it different ways,

with different production parts. I found one by "Rocky....something" co. 1200 bucks, the

manual sights flip down for a scope, and has a button to boost a cartridge further into the chamber

if for some reason it doesn't slide in, and a cover over the cartridge eject port. AND, a wider

trigger area for room for gloves.

I know I bust your stones on here but I would not wish a Rock River on you haha. Buy a Colt 6920 in that price range and know that you have a quality firearm.

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Can we just go in there and "WIN" ?


IE kill'em all


If not we shouldn't get involved

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I know I bust your stones on here but I would not wish a Rock River on you haha. Buy a Colt 6920 in that price range and know that you have a quality firearm. Logic


You try..... @@, but I probably deserve it, eh?


Rock River? That is probly' it. Not quality ? Thanks, man. I'll look around for a Colt 6920.

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Putin has the upper hand. Obama won't do anything. And the EU sure as hell won't. As far as the show the Americans, it is fantastic. About a 2 deep cover KBG agents with 2 kids who live in a DC suburb in the 1980's. My favorite show along with Game of Thrones.

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I seem to recall that Hitler entered the Sudetenland to liberate the Germans in that area.


Putin seeks permission to use Russian military in Crimea

Published March 01, 2014

The Kremlin says Russian President Vladimir Putin has asked parliament for permission to use the country's military in Ukraine.

Putin says the move is needed to protect ethnic Russians and the personnel of a Russian military base in Ukraine's strategic region of Crimea. The request comes a day after President Obama warned Moscow that "there will be costs" if it intervenes militarily in Ukraine.

The new prime minister of Ukraine's Crimea region claimed control of all military, police and security services in the region Saturday and urged Russia to intervene to keep the peace.

Sergei Aksenov, the head of the main pro-Russia party on the peninsula, said in a statement reported by local and Russian news agencies that he appealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin "for assistance in guaranteeing peace and calmness on the territory of the autonomous republic of Crimea."

Aksenov declared that the armed forces, the police, the national security service and border guards will answer only to his orders. He said any commanders who don't agree should leave their posts.

Russia's Foreign Ministry, meanwhile, said unidentified gunmen sent by Kiev had attempted overnight to seize the Crimea region's Interior Ministry offices and that people had been wounded in the "treacherous provocation," Reuters reported.

Ukrainian border guard vessels were put on combat alert in the Crimea region on Saturday and were leaving port to prevent the capture of military bases and ships, Interfax news agency quoted the border guard service as saying, according to Reuters.

Russian troops moved into Crimea Friday, U.S. officials told Fox News, prompting Ukraine to accuse Russia of an "armed invasion."

Ukraine's defense minister said on Saturday Russia had “recently'' brought 6,000 additional personnel into Ukraine and that the Ukrainian military were on high alert in the Crimea region, Reuters reported.

Ukraine's Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk opened a cabinet meeting by calling on Russia not to provoke discord in Crimea.

"We call on the government and authorities of Russia to recall their forces, and to return them to their stations," Yatsenyuk was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency. "Russian partners, stop provoking civil and military resistance in Ukraine.”

At the White House, President Obama said the U.S. government is "deeply concerned" by reports of Russian "military movements" and warned any violation of Ukraine's sovereignty would be "deeply destabilizing."

"There will be costs" for any military intervention, he said, without specifying what those costs might be.

U.S. officials told Fox News they see “evidence of air and maritime movement into and out of Crimea by Russian forces” although the Pentagon declined to officially "characterize" the movement.

Earlier Friday, Agence France Press quoted a top Ukranian official as saying Russian aircraft carrying nearly 2,000 suspected troops have landed at a military air base near the regional capital of the restive Crimean peninsula.

"Thirteen Russian aircraft landed at the airport of Gvardeyskoye (near Simferopol) with 150 people in each one," Sergiy Kunitsyn, the Ukrainian president's special representative in Crimea, told the local ATR television channel, according to AFP. He accused Russia of an "armed invasion."

The new developments prompted Ukraine to accuse Russia of a "military invasion and occupation" -- a claim that brought an alarming new dimension to the crisis.

Russia kept silent on claims of military intervention, even as it maintained its hard-line stance on protecting ethnic Russians in Crimea, a peninsula of Ukraine on the northern coast of the Black Sea.

A spokesman for the Ukrainian border service said eight Russian transport planes have landed in Crimea with unknown cargo.

Serhiy Astakhov told The Associated Press that the Il-76 planes arrived unexpectedly Friday and were given permission to land, one after the other, at Gvardeiskoye air base, north of the regional capital, Simferopol.

Astakhov said the people in the planes refused to identify themselves and waved off customs officials, saying they didn't require their services.

Earlier in the day, Russian armored vehicles rumbled across Crimea and reports surfaced of troops being deployed at airports and a coast guard base – signs of a more heavy-handed approach to the crisis from Moscow.

At the United Nations, the Ukrainian ambassador, Yuriy Sergeyev, said Friday that 10 Russian transport aircraft and 11 attack helicopters had arrived in Crimea illegally, and that Russian troops had taken control of two airports in Crimea.

He described the gunmen posted outside the two airports as Russian armed forces as well as "unspecified" units.

Meanwhile, flights remained halted from Simferopol's airport. Dozens of armed men in military uniforms without markings patrolled the area. They didn't stop or search people leaving or entering the airport, and refused to talk to journalists.

One man who identified himself only as Vladimir said the men were part of the Crimean People's Brigade, which he described as a self-defense unit ensuring that no "radicals and fascists" arrive from other parts of Ukraine. There was no way to verify his account.

The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.

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Bear in mind that Bush did nothing when Russia moved into Georgia. So this isn't some Obama specific issue. He and the EU will sit on their hands as per usual. Logic


eh...my post hung up and never posted.

So, again, bear in mind, that the dispute with Georgia was over the area that seceeded from Georgia,

and that was a long standing dispute over years' time. And Georgia was no saint in the business, either.

Now, Crimea, is a state in the Ukraine. Different deal. The Ukraine should never have allowed them to

continue the Soviet naval base there, but... Russia pays rent, so.... this move, was the Russians long term

plan, to get a pro Russian ruler in there, to dominate the Ukraine, as well as the Crimean Peninsula.

These deals are very, very different. And, the war in Georgia started about fall, which was toward the end

of Bush's presidency. But this move by the Russians is the same kind of plan, only it is not justified, they

actually caused all the problems in the Ukraine with their "manchurian candiate" that became the pres of the

Ukraine. The people had no choice but to rebel, the pres became understood to be a "trojan horse" for

control over the Ukraine itself. The Russian claim of "defending" their naval base, and all the Russian

"citizens" of Crimea, is bogus this time. But the complete incompetence and cowardice of Obamao

internationally, gives the Russians a green light to be more aggressive in their return to Soviet power days,

which for years has been rumored, and some circles have warned this happening in the past....

My statement still stands.

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Bear in mind that Bush did nothing when Russia moved into Georgia. So this isn't some Obama specific issue. He and the EU will sit on their hands as per usual. Logic


eh...my post hung up and never posted.

So, again, bear in mind, that the dispute with Georgia was over the area that seceeded from Georgia,

and that was a long standing dispute over years' time. And Georgia was no saint in the business, either.

Now, Crimea, is a state in the Ukraine. Different deal. The Ukraine should never have allowed them to

continue the Soviet naval base there, but... Russia pays rent, so.... this move, was the Russians long term

plan, to get a pro Russian ruler in there, to dominate the Ukraine, as well as the Crimean Peninsula.

These deals are very, very different. And, the war in Georgia started about fall, which was toward the end

of Bush's presidency. But this move by the Russians is the same kind of plan, only it is not justified, they

actually caused all the problems in the Ukraine with their "manchurian candiate" that became the pres of the

Ukraine. The people had no choice but to rebel, the pres became understood to be a "trojan horse" for

control over the Ukraine itself. The Russian claim of "defending" their naval base, and all the Russian

"citizens" of Crimea, is bogus this time. But the complete incompetence and cowardice of Obamao

internationally, gives the Russians a green light to be more aggressive in their return to Soviet power days,

which for years has been rumored, and some circles have warned this happening in the past....

My statement still stands.


Russia is using the exact same justifications this time as they did during the Georgia conflict. Bush did nothing. Obama will do nothing. It wouldn't matter who was president. The western powers are going to do jack shit because the Ukraine and Georgia are not worth the wider conflict.

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Bush did little, but to train the Georgians. The trouble is, they were different situations. Bush

decided to not confront Russia militarily over an also guilty Georgia.


Obamao will do nothing because he is a coward, and completely inept as a president.


The western powers are hamstrung to a point, because Russia is a permanent member of the

completely worthless and corrupt UN in the same group the US is in. Okay, I just forgot what it's called...lol.


But Nato? Also worthless. France has no backbone, and Britain has no respect for Obamao at all.

But the Ukraine IS worth the wider conflict.


At least JFK stood on principle over Cuber. And Bush stood on principle after 9/11. Obamao has no principles.

He's a cowardly, leftist dumbass sumbeech, and you can't call Bush that for one second of Bush's life.


Different deals. When it comes to a new soviet union, far more powerful economically, and new Chinese power plays in Asia...

the rest of the world needs to take notice and start counter-acting, or the stopping of it is another major war.


BTW, not a good time for the corrupt Obamao admin to cut our military back to pre-WWII levels.


Libs all over the media, and this board lambasted Bush for "lying", and "covering up", and Iraq and Afghanistan,

and being a "failure"....and Obamao himself said Bush's national debt was "unpatriotic".


Now, in a second term of Obamao's incompletence and failure? Nothin.

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I think you are letting your bias cloud how things are viewed. Georgia did nothing to provoke Russia. Russia shot down a Georgian fighter plane to spark the whole thing. To pretend as if Bush would be some superhero now with this Ukraine situation is ridiculous. He would sit on the sideline like every other U.S. president would. Russia has a vote on the security council and would veto any action taken. Bush at least had the sense to just shut the fuck up about it because he knew that nothing could be done in response to the invasion of Georgia.



JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis are not even remotely synonymous with what is going on in the Ukraine. The USSR was wanting to put a missile bases on a country that was a couple hundred miles off of our shores. How is the situation in the Ukraine even remotely similar?

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I think you are making a simple judgement based on limited info. It was a military drone. Not

a fighter jet, and after the "peace" after the Sochi agreement, Georgia threw it out the window, and

wanted to regain control over their former areas, Abkhazia and South Ossetia.


The Georgian gov threw out the Sochi agreement, and with the Soviets heavily invested

in Russian citizens living in those areas, and their military presence, the Soviets simply

said that their citizens were the citizens of those terroritories, which made them

a protectorate of Russian control, which violated international law.




"On 16 April Russia's president Vladimir Putin signed a decree authorising direct official relations between Russian government bodies and the secessionist authorities in Georgia's Abkhazia and South Ossetia.[114] The move further heightened tensions between Russia and Georgia.

Georgian military study map of 2006, showing a plan of military actions within the borders of the South Ossetia.
On 20 April, a Russian jet shot down a Georgian reconnaissance drone flying over Abkhazia.[71][110][115] After the incident Saakashvili deployed 12,000 Georgian troops to Senaki.[116] Georgian interior ministry officials showed the BBC video footage,[117] which Georgia said showed Russian troops deploying heavy military hardware in the breakaway region of Abkhazia. According to Georgia, "it proved the Russians were a fighting force, not just peacekeepers". Russia strongly denied the accusations.[118] Both countries also accused each other of flying jets over South Ossetia, violating the ceasefire.[119]
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So, in conclusion, it was both sides. 'Despite peace and the Sochi agreement, Georgia decided to

take back their territory. That was what really started the Russian Georgia conflict.


both sides. Like I said. Both sides were guilty of maneuvering against each other.





"Emboldened by the success in restoring control in Adjara in early 2004,the Georgian government launched a push to retake South Ossetia, sending 300 special task-force fighters into the territory. Georgia stated that the operation aimed to combat smuggling, but JCC participants branded the move as a breach of the Sochi agreement of 1992.[citation ne eded] Intense fighting took place between Georgian forces and South Ossetian militia between 8 and 19 August 2004


. According to researcher Sergei Markedonov, the brief war in 2004 was a turning point for Russian policy in the region: Russia, which had previously aimed only to preserve the status-quo, now felt that the security of the whole Caucasus depended on the situation in South Ossetia, and took the side of South Ossetia.[


51][68][79][81] In 2006 Georgia sent police and security forces to the Kodori Gorge in eastern Abkhazia, when a local militia leader there had rebelled against the Georgian authorities. The presence of Georgian forces in the Kodori Gorge continued until the war in 2008.[68][82]

Georgia accused Russia of the annexation of its internationally recognised territory and of installing a puppet government led by Eduard Kokoity and by several officials who had previously served in the Russian FSB and in the Army.[83][84][85][86][87] From 2004 to 2008, Georgia has repeatedly proposed broad autonomy for Abkhazia and South Ossetia within the unified Georgian state, but the proposals have been rejected by the secessionist authorities, who demanded full independence for the territory.[88][89] In 2006, the Georgian government set up what Russians said was a puppet government led by the former South Ossetian prime minister Dmitry Sanakoyevand granted to it a status of a provisional administration, alarming Tskhinvali and Moscow.[90][91] In what Sergei Markedonov has described as the culmination of Georgian "unfreezing" policy, the control of the Georgian peacekeeping battalion was transferred from the joint command of the peacekeeping forces to the Georgian Defence Ministry.[68]"

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