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Obamao gave a green light to world troubles


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...back when he voted "present", refusing to decide "yes" or "no", when he

was a senator. He voted that way many, many times.


Now, the first ObaMao election, we said his indecisiveness would

cause serious problems in the world, with a lack of American leadership,

and his cowardly refusal to make a decision.


His foreign policy would obviously be a disaster, we said.


so, it was true. And now, Russia flat out slapped Obamao in the face and laughed,

knowing he was a coward.


And the people of the Ukraine are going to suffer for it.


All because a lot of people voted for free stuff, and bs utopian blather

from a secretly leftist president who lied and lied and lied, and yes, promised

free stuff.


This is a terrific article on the Ukraine now:



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Jeb Bush?


W already served his 2 terms. 6 Years ago. Any chance we can leave him out of this unless this is somehow his fault too? Fuck

Ok leave Bush out of it. Would a Rep President be marching into the Ukraine?

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Straw man. My point is, Bush would not have our country divided in racial, marxist, and political terms.


Bush wouldn't be showing indecision and weakness at evert turn.


When Bush DID something, he had our military, the UN and our friends

along on the same decision.


And Bush would not be getting rid of leaders in our military over things

like openly gay perversion and "would you fire on Americans" etc. and Bush

wouldn't be making our military smaller, and wouldn't have raised our national

debt up to 17 or is it twenty TRILLION now? It was Obamao that insisted that Bush's

national debt was UNPATRIOTIC when it was a lot lower.


Our military carried a big stick under Bush. Under Obamao, our military carries

a lavender feather from some underground marxist transvestite nightclub that

moochelle and buttock Obamao frequent.


Okay, that last part was a guess. Bush never voted "PRESENT" like a coward.

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So, it IS Obamao and his incompetence and weakness as an American "president"

that has left us dangerously weak in the world.


And, the world is starting to fall apart, with other countries looking to fill the void.


There was no void under previous presidents, except maybe Carter and his



Saddam and his military got their asses kicked out of Kuwait.

And Iraq.


Sometimes, tyrants have to be told no, or we'll kick your ass.


sometimes, you wait too long, and it's war. And ObaMao does not

know or understand history - and the world may be doomed to repeat it

with devasting results.


So, defend Obamao all you want, it's futile, you know....but trying

to say Obamao is teflon because other presidents weren't perfect doesn't work.

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Logic, did you read the part about Russian bases in Central America?


You let that go on much, and they will also be "a part of the new Soviet Union".


Which was my previous reference to Cuber, in another thread...but you missed it.


Bush and Putin respected each other. Nobody respects Obamao in the entire world.


Every single freakin thing was Bush's fault for eight years, no matter how it really was

not true.


And now? Sure. Every freakin single thing is Bush's fault, or at least, not Obamao's fault.


How does ANYBODY see things like that?

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Lol you blame everything on Obama.... what are you talking about? How can you be mad at people blaming everything on Bush when he was president when you do the same thing with Obama now?

Problem is they still blame Bush today, even though he hasn't been in office since 2008.

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I never, never ever never, blamed Reagan's mistakes on Carter.


But "it all falls on the current president" now only works on Republican presidents.


That was the point, you miss, as usual, woodypeckerhead. Grow the hell up.

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I think the point is that Obama wasn't completely responsible for the economy the minute he stepped into office. He wasn't completely responsible for the wars either.


I think in general you place too much blame on the president in assuming he is directly responsible for way more than he is. Whoever the president is they can't just start magically fixing or hurting things. Over time though yes, Obama hasn't been perfect. Over time a president can make a difference, his much is determined by how much Congress plays along.


Either way, try to change what you said all you want, buy it is incredibly hypocritical coming from you to be angry at people for blaming everything on Bush. I can guarantee if a Republican gets elected next, you will be here with you Fox News and The Blaze articles telling us how all the problems now are Obama fault.

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Problem is they still blame Bush today, even though he hasn't been in office since 2008.

I get that. I fucking hate when people blame everyone in the past. I also hate when people reminisce and try to make it like (insert president from which ever party is the nut rider's personal preference) was the greatest thing ever and that nothing bad would be going on if they were president. Democrats do the same horse shit with Clinton.

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Logic, did you read the part about Russian bases in Central America?


You let that go on much, and they will also be "a part of the new Soviet Union".


Which was my previous reference to Cuber, in another thread...but you missed it.


Bush and Putin respected each other. Nobody respects Obamao in the entire world.


Every single freakin thing was Bush's fault for eight years, no matter how it really was

not true.


And now? Sure. Every freakin single thing is Bush's fault, or at least, not Obamao's fault.


How does ANYBODY see things like that?

You think Putin respects any other politician? He didn't seem to give a shit when Russian tech was helping Iran to develop nuclear arms capabilities.


You are also a total fucking idiot for constantly using Mao's name when saying Obama. You are just as fucking Retarded as the stupid fucking hippies who held up pictures of Bush dressed like Hitler.

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Nobody is saying any president is the greatest thing ever here.


And, woodypeckerhead, grow the hell up - ask Steve - I've been

around here for a long bunch of years now, and

nobody here, ever, bitched that a president was at fault

for everything his first day in office, nothin.


That's just straw man crap. I was here for the full eight years of Bush.

You were not. I was here for the full eight years of Clinton.

You, are a bitchy, immature kid woodypeckerhead. You have no clue

as to what you are saying. Which, doesn't excuse you for always being


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Logic, really ? LOL?


Iran? Iran was no friend we should have protected.

What? LOL. Nice grab, you missed the straw.

Yes, I believe Putin and Bush respected each other as adversaries.


Let me put it another way - neither one of them saw the other as weak.


Putin, and most of the world now, see Obamao as WEAK. He always

has been weak.


No, I think of this failure ObaMao as not being "American" and not

being "president".


I make fun of him. The same way I called the other president "moochelle".


I don't really think she is a cow. Actually, that would an upgrade over what I think of her !


And I don't really think Obamao is "mao". But I ridicule him constantly because he stands

for everything possible that is not American way of life, is a liar, is a total jackwagon dumbass

mistake, is probably moochelle in drag, and he reeks of old marxist manuscripts.


However, I could change the spelling to "Obamoo", since he may be Moochelle in drag,

but that is kind corny, so I went original with making fun of him, too.


Have a nice day.

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I wasn't referring to Iran as someone we should have protected. Iran is most definitely not on our team and Russia assisted in trying to give them a nuclear program even with the U.S. and the UN raising hell about it. Russia will do what they can get away with and they know how far they can push. The Ukraine is not enough to cause the world to respond. They will arm groups in country, which usually bites us in the ass in the end, but they won't get involved directly. Russia knows that.

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Sorry, I believe the opposite. Putin is going for broke now, Obamao is weak, indecisive,

and blows smoke and has lost most of the facade he had in place.


Putin is on the move, and won't stop with Crimea, the fear is.


I started another thread on the "war" subject, because it's so important,

and woody keeps screwing up the subject of threads.

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Americas standing in the world has been plummeting since long before Obama was elected, and he's done nothing to improve it, so you can blame both Bush and Obama. Keeping America at war in Iraq and Afghanistan as long as they did has made for a war-weary American populace and all of this has just emboldened other nations. That's my quick take on it.

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No, Cal hangs on to this idea that Bush would fly in and save the Ukraine while Obama felates statues of Lenin in his secret communist compound.

I'm not sure about the former, but definitely agree with the latter.


But I get what you're saying. I think he feels if there was an R in the WH, I'd be practicing dentistry in Crimea tomorrow.

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Well, there was "Mash" you know..


but I disagree that our standing in the -world- was plummeting.


We had the UN vote, and our allies were on our side.


Obamao has alienated Israel, and countries despise and mistrust him

all over the globe now.


IOW's, we don't even have allies now. GB, France, countries all over are po'd

at Obamao's inemptness at leadership, and how he cannot be trusted because

he's lied all over our country, and overseas.


Both Bush and Obamao are imperfect? Sure. So is every human being on the planet.

But I'm talking complete disaster and lack of respect for Obamao, that surpasses even

the lackluster Clinton, and the mentally deranged Coward, Carter.

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Well, there was "Mash" you know..


but I disagree that our standing in the -world- was plummeting.


We had the UN vote, and our allies were on our side.


Obamao has alienated Israel, and countries despise and mistrust him

all over the globe now.


IOW's, we don't even have allies now. GB, France, countries all over are po'd

at Obamao's inemptness at leadership, and how he cannot be trusted because

he's lied all over our country, and overseas.


Both Bush and Obamao are imperfect? Sure. So is every human being on the planet.

But I'm talking complete disaster and lack of respect for Obamao, that surpasses even

the lackluster Clinton, and the mentally deranged Coward, Carter.

Disagree all you want, but the 10 different polls from 2004 agree with me.



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No, "worsened" over Iraq has little to do with



Our country isn't all that popular for all sorts of reasons -


envy. Angst over Iraq.


but now? NSA spying on other countries, blowing smoke in Syria,

being an arrogrant prick, lying out his rear...


Look up "plummeting" vs "worsened".

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No, "worsened" over Iraq has little to do with



Our country isn't all that popular for all sorts of reasons -


envy. Angst over Iraq.


but now? NSA spying on other countries, blowing smoke in Syria,

being an arrogrant prick, lying out his rear...


Look up "plummeting" vs "worsened".

Lol you think I don't know what those two words mean? You are clutching at straws by arguing semantics now because you don't want to admit Bush hurt our standing in the worlds eyes.

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I'm not sure about the former, but definitely agree with the latter.


But I get what you're saying. I think he feels if there was an R in the WH, I'd be practicing dentistry in Crimea tomorrow.


Bush probably wouldn't have, he stay out of the 2008 Georgia conflict and used diplomacy threats.


Americas standing in the world has been plummeting since long before Obama was elected, and he's done nothing to improve it, so you can blame both Bush and Obama. Keeping America at war in Iraq and Afghanistan as long as they did has made for a war-weary American populace and all of this has just emboldened other nations. That's my quick take on it.


I agree, most of the stuff that has weakened the foreign opinion of the US has been going on before 2008, Iraq, Afghanistan, Gitmo, and even the financial crisis started during Bush tenure, NSA spying likely goes all the way back to Nixon(or further), Iran back to the 80's, Israel/Middle East conflict since the 50's... but Obama hasn't done anything really to try and fix our standing.

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Bush probably wouldn't have, he stay out of the 2008 Georgia conflict and used diplomacy threats.



I agree, most of the stuff that has weakened the foreign opinion of the US has been going on before 2008, Iraq, Afghanistan, Gitmo, and even the financial crisis started during Bush tenure, NSA spying likely goes all the way back to Nixon(or further), Iran back to the 80's, Israel/Middle East conflict since the 50's... but Obama hasn't done anything really to try and fix our standing.

So Obama hasn't stopped any of it now, has he? GITMO still up and operational. He did bail out his bro banker buddies though.

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