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I don't like Zak Galfalalslalankasidsjkldfsjaklskis very much, and Obama's coming across as an idiot. And it all seems to be setting up talking about his health care program.

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Maybe it's your thing, I don't know. There were a couple of funny moments I'll admit - saying running for a third term would be pointless (or something), comparing it to making a third hangover film. But overall, what was presumably supposed to come off as banter came off as two guys who genuinely didn't like each other trying to fake comedic chemistry.

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I think Obama is more interested in being a celebrity than a good president

I think that's exactly true. And the media is glad to have it that way. On the other hand I have absolutely no problem with him doing this little bit of comedy. I think we are too tight ass about this kind of stuff. It wasn't a great piece of humor but it was okay and I'm not offended in the least.


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If politicians are going to be successful in the future they'll need utilize social media and the internet like this. More so than just buying fake twitter followers....


I have no problem with it and don't see it as some desperate attempt to be a celebrity.

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He's already a celebrity. He could retire from politics and make the money from appearing on chat shows. Agreed, there's no problem with him doing things like this - I can see the stick up David Cameron's arse preventing him from sitting down like that - but the actual execution was sloppy. Throw in the original not liking of 'the annoying one from the hangover' along with the blatant Obamacare plug and I was just unimpressed.

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