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Russia can turn U.S. into radioactive ash: Kremlin-backed journalist

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Russia can turn U.S. to radioactive ash: Kremlin-backed journalist


By Lidia Kelly16 hours ago



Russian broadcaster: Russia 'able to turn USA into radioa...

By Lidia Kelly

MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Kremlin-backed journalist issued a stark warning to the United States about Moscow's nuclear capabilities on Sunday as the White House threatened sanctions over Crimea's referendum on union with Russia.

"Russia is the only country in the world that is realistically capable of turning the United States into radioactive ash," television presenter Dmitry Kiselyov said on his weekly current affairs show.

Behind him was a backdrop of a mushroom cloud following a nuclear blast.

Kiselyov was named by President Vladimir Putin in December as the head of a new state news agency whose task will be to portray Russia in the best possible light.

His remarks took a propaganda war over events in Ukraine to a new level as tensions rise in the East-West standoff over Crimea, a southern Ukrainian region which is now in Russian forces' hands and voted on Sunday on union with Russia.

Military planes fly over Red Square in Moscow during the Victory Day celebration, May 9, 2009. (REUT …

Russian television showed images of ethnic Russians in Crimea dancing, singing and celebrating the referendum but followed them with accusations that Kiev's new authorities and the West have allowed ultra-nationalists to attack Russian-speakers in eastern Ukraine.

Kiev and the West blame the violence in eastern Ukraine on pro-Russian groups and say the Crimea referendum is illegitimate. The United States has warned of imminent sanctions against Moscow.


Kiselyov is an outspoken defender of Putin and once caused outrage by saying the organs of homosexuals should not be used in transplants.

His show portrayed the Ukrainian authorities as unable to maintain law and order. Putin made a similar charge in a telephone conversation with U.S. President Barack Obama on Sunday.

Such remarks have caused concern in Kiev that Moscow might send troops to eastern Ukraine, acting on a vote in Russian parliament allowing him to use the armed forces if compatriots are deemed in need of protection in Ukraine.

As the crisis escalated, the news in Russia has taken on shades of Soviet-era propaganda, with reporters peppering reports with references to what they say was the cooperation of some Ukrainians with the Nazis in World War Two.

There is also now growing menace in some of the reports, as well as echoes of the Cold War.

Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev gifted Crimea to Ukraine in 1954, when Ukraine and Russia were both parts of the Soviet Union.

Many people in Crimea hope union with Russia will bring better living conditions and make them citizens of a country capable of asserting itself on the world stage.

Others see the referendum as a land grab by the Kremlin as Ukraine's new rulers try to move the country towards the European Union and away from Russia's sway.

(Additional reporting by Maria Kiselyova; Writing by Lidia Kelly, Editing by Timothy Heritage)

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I was just going to post this. Was having breakfast and ran out to the barn for

more firewood.


Really, Logic, you are missing the point by a mile.


It isn't that they "can". It's that they are implying a threat to destroy us if we try to stand

in their way. Today's Russia would never have done what they did in Crimea and issue

such a dire hideous threat to the world.


Of course it's "MAD". But the threat alone sends a glaring signal to all those

countries they used to control - "we mean serious business and we'll storm

you any time we want, and the weak joke of a democrat president will do

nothing to stop us."


That is the earmark of the former Soviet Union. The KGB wants their empire back.

And manipulating more and more control over the energy in that part of their geography?


More and more blackmail power. They've already threatened to cut off all natural gas to

the entire Ukraine.


Now, the same kind of uprising is happening in the Eastern Ukraine. And Russian SOVIET

troops are moving to that border.


And it won't stop with the Ukraine. This has been years in the planning. Putin is a Stalin

figure, before Stalin completely became a hideous war crimes figure.


Russia would never have gone this direction, when Bush was pres.


But Obamao, like we said back then, is an open invitation for the world to start falling apart,

as much as China and Russia want to move into the giant leadership gap, created by

this dirtbag president.


History has shown that weakness invites aggression by corrupt regimes. It has nothing to

do with whether or not it is news that they have nukes.


It's that they will now imply that they would use them. And that is


World Wars have started because Neville Chamberlins in countries missed the point,

and wouldn't see the logical progression of evil and aggression.


Putin said in 2010 the grave mistake Russia made, was dissolving the Soviet

Union. This is Soviet Union. They played nice with the West for the gains, and gave their

satellite countries their freedom. Poland, Lituania, the REPUBLIC OF Czech., and other

former parts of the Soviet Union empire.... are now sick with worry that Putin is doing

exactly what he wants to do - go back to the evil Soviet empire. They called all the shots.


Russia is working to control all natural gas and energy production in Europe, as far as

their former Soviet empire is able to do. Russia was paying rent to the Ukraine for their

Naval base in Crimea. Guess what.


They have had Russians moving there for years.

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Cal, you do realize this guy's job is to produce propaganda, right? It is for domestic consumption. It is the same as taking North Korea's propaganda ministers serious when they say their "grand enlightened leader of all the world" is about to nuke everyone off the planet. This isn't meant for us to read. It is meant to make people in Russia feel like their leader is the best and they are in charge of the world. MSNBC would be doing the same thing if they thought the American public was foolish enough to believe every word our government said.

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Cal - I'm a little disappointed you didn't post in the other Obama/Putin thread :( I thought that kind of thing would be right up your alley :P


Would you want Putin as president if he were American? Would he try to annex mexico? Canada maybe? At least one of those pretty islands in the caribbean for his holiday home I'm sure!

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Cal - I'm a little disappointed you didn't post in the other Obama/Putin thread :( I thought that kind of thing would be right up your alley :P


Would you want Putin as president if he were American? Would he try to annex mexico? Canada maybe? At least one of those pretty islands in the caribbean for his holiday home I'm sure!

Depends. If Putin were a Democrat then he would be a child raping Mongol trying to overrun the Earth. If Putin were a Republican, he would be a shining beacon of freedom fighting terrorism via invasion so we don't have to deal with terror attacks in the greatest country on the planet.

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Speaking in hypotheticals, would you be as happy if somewhere like New Jersey, or Oregon, decided they wanted to be part of Canada and seceded? Or if NYC decided it didn't want to be part of the USA anymore?

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Speaking in hypotheticals, would you be as happy if somewhere like New Jersey, or Oregon, decided they wanted to be part of Canada and seceded? Or if NYC decided it didn't want to be part of the USA anymore?

I'd be really happy to get rid of New Jersey or CA for that matter.......

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Honestly, if you think about it, it would make a lot of sense to just split america down the middle, and the liberals get the west (hippies love california) and the reps get the east (they all have holiday homes in the hamptons anyway, right?) and become two separate countries. One with guns and a national religion, with strict immigration policies, the other with no guns, secularity and a general hippy vibe.

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Speaking in hypotheticals, would you be as happy if somewhere like New Jersey, or Oregon, decided they wanted to be part of Canada and seceded? Or if NYC decided it didn't want to be part of the USA anymore?

1861-1865 you might have heard something about it, even in jolly old England
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Honestly, if you think about it, it would make a lot of sense to just split america down the middle, and the liberals get the west (hippies love california) and the reps get the east (they all have holiday homes in the hamptons anyway, right?) and become two separate countries. One with guns and a national religion, with strict immigration policies, the other with no guns, secularity and a general hippy vibe.

I would have nowhere to live.

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And good for them. That however is their issue. Word is there's plenty of Ukrainians that get all misty eyed over the good old days of the soviet union. We should not be getting involved in civil wars any more than england (wisely, after antietam) chose to get involved with ours. If Crimea wants to succeed that's Ukraine's fight.

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I care but what do you want us to do about it? I've got no desire to see a world war over Russia/Ukraine relations. Those two are kissing cousins if not brothers. I suspect this would be a very different story if Russia were getting aggressive with somewhere like Germany or France.

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I care but what do you want us to do about it? I've got no desire to see a world war over Russia/Ukraine relations. Those two are kissing cousins if not brothers. I suspect this would be a very different story if Russia were getting aggressive with somewhere like Germany or France.

That much we can definitely agree on. Half of Ukraine is basically Russian anyway. But does that make it ok? Russia basically saying "you were once part of this country, join us again, and together we can rule the galaxy!!!" Fine, lots of Ukranians want to be a part of Russia - so...move to Russia? Where does it stop, with cal's much mooted imperialism? There are a lot of countries that are ex-russia.


On the other hand, more philosophically, why do we have countries? What purpose do they serve?

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why do we have countries? What purpose do they serve? Chris


Crap. Here we go again with Lennon's "Imagine" song.

The reason there are countries, is because some folks went elsewhere

and wanted to start their own and have it their way. See?

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Crimean leaders sign treaty to join Russia, as Putin rips Ukraine's interim leaders, West


Published March 18, 2014


A defiant Russian President Vladimir Putin answered President Obama's announced sanctions against a handful of officials in Putin's inner circle -- but not Putin, himself -- by signing a treaty Tuesday making Crimea a part of Russia.

The signing follows a referendum on Sunday in which residents of Ukraine's southern region overwhelmingly backed the move. The treaty still must be approved by Russia's Constitutional Court and ratified by both houses of parliament. Those steps are considered mere formalities.

Putin signed the treaty with Crimea's prime minister and parliament speaker following a televised address to the nation, in which he vigorously defended Crimea's vote as a restoration of historical justice.

Putin has accused the West of encouraging unrest in Ukraine in order to break its historic ties with Russia, and dismissed Western criticism of the Crimean vote as illegitimate.

A Ukrainian military spokesman said that one Ukrainian serviceman was killed and another injured when a military facility in Crimea was stormed Tuesday by armed men just hours after Putin's speech.

The sanctions ordered by Obama include freezing any assets in the U.S. and banning travel into the country of seven ranking Russian government officials and four Crimea-based separatist leaders, Reuters reported.

According to the Washington Postexternal-link.png, the Russians targeted includetop Putin aides Sergei Glazyev and Vladislav Surkov, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, and parliament leaders.

Some of the Russians mocked the sanctions, the Post reported.

“I quite like the company I have found myself in,” Andrei Klishas, chairman of the Russian Federation Council’s Constitutional Legislation Committee, told the Interfax news service.

“I don’t have any accounts or real estate in the U.S., and as regard private visits, I’ll have to do without them," Leonid Slutsky, who heads a parliamentary committee on Eurasian integration, said, according to the Post.

In a televised address to Russia Tuesday, Putin defended Russia's move to annex Crimea, saying that the rights of ethnic Russians have been abused by the Ukrainian government.

He also called authorities in Ukraine “nationalists, neo-Nazis, Russophobes and anti-Semites,” according to Reuters.

“Those who were behind recent events, they were ... preparing a coup d'etat, another one,” Putin said. “They were planning to seize power, stopping at nothing.”

He denied Western accusations that Russia invaded Crimea prior to a referendum vote there, saying Russian troops were sent there in line with a treaty with Ukraine that allows Russia to have up to 25,000 troops at its Black Sea Fleet base in Crimea.

Putin also said that Crimea's vote Sunday to join Russia is in line with international law, reflecting its right for self-determination.

He pointed at the example of Kosovo's independence bid, supported by the West, and said that Crimea's secession from Ukraine repeats Ukraine's own secession from the Soviet Union in 1991.

“Our Western partners headed by the United States prefer not to be guided by international law in their practical policies, but by the rule of the gun,'' he told a joint session of parliament, according to Reuters. “They have come to believe in their exceptionalism and their sense of being the chosen ones. That they can decide the destinies of the world, that it is only them who can be right.”

Putin added that he will never seek to spark a confrontation with the West, but said he would defend Russia’s interests.

Putin signed a decree Monday recognizing Crimea as a "sovereign and independent country.” Earlier Monday, the United States and the European Union announced asset freezes and other sanctions against Russian and Ukrainian officials involved in the Crimean crisis.

Denouncing Russia's actions in Crimea as nothing more than a "land grab," Vice President Joe Biden warned Russia on Tuesday that the U.S. and Europe will impose further sanctions as Moscow seeks to annex the Ukrainian territory.

Meeting with anxious European leaders in neighboring Poland, Biden said the world sees through Russia's actions. He said virtually the entire world rejects the referendum in Crimea that cleared the way for Russia to annex the peninsula in Ukraine.

"The world has seen through Russia's actions and has rejected the flawed logic," Biden said.

Biden, who arrived Tuesday morning in Warsaw, said the U.S. joins Poland and the international community in condemning the continuing assault on Ukraine's sovereignty, calling it a blatant violation of international law.

The decree signed by Putin and posted on the official government website Tuesday morning is one of the steps which would formalize the annexation of Crimea. The treaty to annex Crimea has to be signed by leaders of Russia and Crimea, approved by the Constitutional Court and then must be ratified by the parliament.

Residents of Crimea voted overwhelmingly Sunday in favor of the split, and Crimea's parliament declared the region an independent state on Monday.

The Crimean parliament declared that all Ukrainian state property on the peninsula will be nationalized and become the property of the Crimean Republic. Lawmakers also asked the United Nations and other nations to recognize it and began work on setting up a central bank with $30 million in support from Russia.

Moscow showed no signs of flinching in the dispute that has roiled Ukraine since Russian troops took effective control of the strategic Black Sea peninsula last month. In fact, one of the Russians named openly mocked the sanctions.

"Comrade Obama, what should those who have neither accounts nor property abroad do? Have you not thought about it?" Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin tweeted. "I think the decree of the President of the United States was written by some joker."

The State Duma, the lower chamber of parliament, on Tuesday unanimously passed a resolution condemning sanctions which targeted Russian officials, including members of the chamber. The chamber urged President Obama to extend the sanctions to all the 353 deputies who had voted for the resolution. Eighty-eight deputies left the house before the vote.

The sanctions freeze any assets the targeted individuals have under U.S. jurisdiction, make it illegal for Americans to do business with them and discourage international banks and financial institutions from having relationships with them, administration officials said. The officials, however, would or could not say if those targeted actually have assets in U.S. jurisdictions.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague said Tuesday the U.K. is suspending military cooperation with Russia.

Speaking shortly after Putin signed the treaty, Hague told British lawmakers that it is regrettable that Putin is choosing a path of isolation in the annexation of Crimea and denying Russian and Crimean citizens of a partnership with the international community

Hague said the U.K. is suspending military export licenses to Russia, has canceled naval exercises and suspended a proposed Royal Navy ship visit to Russia.

He said this is not the relationship Britain wants with Russia, but one it is being forced to have.

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said Tuesday that leaders of the Group of Eight world powers have suspended Russia's participation in the club amid tensions over Ukraine and Russia's incursion into Crimea.

The other seven members of the group had already suspended preparations for a G-8 summit that Russia is scheduled to host in June in Sochi.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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why do we have countries? What purpose do they serve? Chris


Crap. Here we go again with Lennon's "Imagine" song.

The reason there are countries, is because some folks went elsewhere

and wanted to start their own and have it their way. See?



People against other people.


That doesn't sound very religious to me

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