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Rinoes and Aicoes have got to go.


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It's time we start looking at a third party. Or, we get the Republican

party back to being honest and conservative across the board.


The Speaker of the House is acting like he's been bought and paid for

by some group or another.


And, worse, he's from Ohio.


He's a bigmouth, corrupt minded politician.


I really hate that.



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A third party sounds fine, not exactly a more conservative 3rd party. Unless that allows the Republican party to move more toward the middle with the more extreme members on their own in a 3rd party.


I don't think splitting the Republican vote is going to be very beneficial for them though.

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Middle? Read the op.


That isn't middle. It's being intimidated by polls, and going

with backroom deals, and probably looking to get a cushy

job with some company down the line.


I'm about principles, and I don't see them in rinoes nor aicoes.

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Cal, you are incredibly right. You are sooo far right. Whatever you think is middle is still actually right. If a group broke off from the current Republican party and formed a new party, and that party represented everything you wanted, it would be a new, super right party. I think that would leave the rest of the Republican party in a position where they either try to compete with this group, and get the very conservative, christian, etc vote, or they adapt. They would adapt by following the public opinion on many issues and going with the way tides are turning. Switch their belief on gay marriage, more lenient on weed, etc. That would allow them to pull more youth vote. They could stay with their more conservative fiscal message though. Basically I think it would allow them to not be weighed down by their conservative stances on social issues. In the end though, this may just split the Rep vote too much and open it up for another Dem president.

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The democrat party lost two elections to Reagan, and Bush. Did the dems

figure to go conservative to "compete" with the Reps?


No. They just went further and further left with a vengence.


The American people deserve two different choices, so they can

send our country back toward the middle.



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There should be NO parties. Just people with ideas.

Then we vote for the person that we like the most, not some person propped up by people from some mythical party, just because they are affiliated with said party.

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Why is it that so many libs think they are in the solid middle majority?


The majority of Americans flip their votes to keep America on an even keel.


The pendulum swings back and forth, one way and another.


But if the Gop puts up Huckabee again, or some other accepted

front runner...


I won't like it. I really want a guy like Thune to run. It's time.

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Why is it that so many libs think they are in the solid middle majority?


Between the two of us, I am much more the majority than you are. I don't think liberals are the middle, obviously, that would be a moderate. I think you are sooooo far right though that you see people in the middle ground as liberals just because they disagree with you.


I am going to take a look at a few things that supposedly make me a liberal on this board and see where the majority of Americans stand:


Gay Marriage. Here is a big one where the majority of America clearly supports allowing them to marry. Here is the most recent poll I could find, http://apps.washingtonpost.com/g/page/politics/washington-post-abc-news-poll-march-2014-politics-obama-and-2014-midterms/855/ (a bunch of other stuff in there too).


A summary, "A Washington Post/ABC News poll from February–March 2014 found a record high of 59% of Americans approve of same-sex marriage, with only 34% opposed and 7% with no opinion. The poll also revealed that 53% of the population in the States that currently do not allow same-sex couples to marry approve of same-sex marriage. 50% of respondents said that the United States Constitution guarantees the freedom to marry the person of one's choice, regardless of that persons's sex or sexual orientation. 41% disagreed, and 9% had no opinion.[15] The same poll also found that 81% of people found that businesses should not be allowed to refuse to serve gays and lesbians. 16% disagreed, and 3% had no opinion. 78% thought that gay couples can be "just as good parents" as straight couples, while 18% disagreed and 4% had no opinion.[16]"


And this poll, http://www.dailytexanonline.com/news/2014/03/20/majority-of-young-conservatives-accept-same-sex-marriage, which kind of references my point from earlier


A Pew Research Center poll released in March 2014 researched support for same-sex marriage among Republican leaning voters in the United States. 61% of Republican leaning voters aged 18-29 support allowing same-sex couples to marry, while only 27% of Republican leaning voters over 50 years of age are supportive.[14]





Here is another poll, http://www.gallup.com/poll/165539/first-time-americans-favor-legalizing-marijuana.aspx, that shows that the majority of Americans being in favor of legalizing weed.










What other viewpoints make me a super far left liberal that isn't the majority at all?

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I've been clamoring for a third party for ages, and I think the percent of ppl who are independents indicates a real desire for this. I'd like to see a centrist party.

A third party is a waste. It divides things even further. The only people who would would vote for a 3rd party are people with brains which would take from the diminishing republican base, allowing the morons to keep electing morons.

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Well, there is that. But if the GOP thinks that it will work to become

liberal to get the lib votes, too.....


I don't think so. The people running for office can't possibly be the best they can muster.


I ...want....Thune. Or somebody a lot like him.

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Far right?

I think Woodrow would have to scour the left-wing websites to get examples of what the Tea Party stands for that is so far right.

Does anyone think that the unbridled spending by either party is going to be ultimately good for the country? I don't. Does anyone think that the politicians either side will do anything about it unless they are forced to? I don't. As far as everyone getting a boner for a third party candidate I think you are naive. In other words I think that a 40 percent candidate will win over a 30 and a 30 so you will necessarily have 60 percent of the country against you. One reason for that is that I don't think we necessarily vote for ideology. We vote because we don't like somebody else in a lot of cases. And if competition is your goal why have any parties at all? Just have everyone vote for a person. The one with the most votes is President the next highest number of votes up to 50 how are senators and the rest are congressmen. There you go boys actual democracy. Sounds kind of stupid doesn't?


and as far as constantly squawking about abortion I would imagine that most people think there's a point that it should be illegal unless the life of the mother is involved. Unfortunately if you want to have a partial birth abortion because you don't like the hair color there is no federal statute prohibiting. And I'd say most people would call that far left.



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You can look at polls Steve, like that some I posted. It doesn't look like "Illegal except when the mother is in danger" is the majority view.


I think the incredibly long campaigning period and the crazy amount of money spent on ads that just take up Ohio TV for months is another issue. Shortening that period and having a spending cap would be interesting.


And im still for a weighted vote election system.

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No, Steve, that's not what I'm saying. And you didn't say the opposite of that. You said:


"I would imagine that most people think there's a point that it should be illegal unless the life of the mother is involved".


I said the belief that this is the majority is incorrect.

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OK I stand by that. I think that without concerns for the mother's well being there is a point where most Americans think abortion should be outlawed. That's the majority, sorry if you don't like it. For fucks sake even Heck thought so. And there is not a bigger Obama lover I've ever met.


if you believe the majority of Americans think any time any reason should be a law I think you are, let's say this delicately, mistaken.






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Oh, I apologize Steve. I interpreted what you said wrong. I thought you meant that most people believe it should be completely banned unless the mother was in danger. Not that it was illegal after some stage, some amount of time, unless the mother was in danger.


Nvm, my bad. Yeah I agree then. That it should be allowed up until a point, then it is only legal after that point for extreme circumstances.


I should wait until I am off the bus and not on my phone before trying to get into some debate, lol.

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