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Putin says Russia will do "much more"...and Russians cheer


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In the next couple of years, Russia will go for broke,

knowing that the U.S. is weakened by a "present" president

who is an unprincipled failure at home and abroad.


Seriously, nationalistic euphoria now in Russia, is similar

to the nationlistic euphoria back in

early Germany under hitler.


Big, serious trouble.



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I believe Putin's goal is to recreate the Soviet Union. As usual, Europeans will be more concerned about who can name what cheeses after European names than they will be this Russian aggression. Not to mention their dependence on Russian oil. I suspect Russia sees this opportunity in part because he bets Americans will be reluctant to get into a war after just disengaging from two prolonged conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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I think it's more the complete lack of nads of this "present" president.


And, I think the next two years will see more problems with certain countries

going for broke while this worthless president is in office.

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