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United Nations Panel Demands Obamacare Coverage for Illegal Aliens, Denounces 'Racist' Voter ID Laws

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United Nations Panel Demands ObamaCare Coverage for Illegal Aliens, Denounces ‘Racist’ Voter ID Laws

by Top Right News on March 30, 2014 in Uncategorized


by Gina Cassini | Top Right News

Once again the United Nations is sticking its nose where it doesn’t belong — in the affairs of American citizens.

The UN Human Rights Committee at its March 2014 session in Geneva issued its fourth report on human rights in the United States, blasting the “denial of coverage” through the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, to illegal aliens as a” human rights concern”.

Under the heading “Immigrants,” in the “concluding observations” portion of the report, the committee questions the “mandatory nature of the deportation of foreigners” and then addresses health care for those in the United States illegally.

“Finally, the Committee expresses
concerns about the exclusion of millions of undocumented immigrants and their children from coverage under the Affordable Care Act
and the limited coverage of undocumented immigrants and immigrants residing lawfully in the U.S. for less than five years by Medicare and Children Health Insurance, all resulting in difficulties in access of immigrants to adequate health care,” the report states.

Ironically, the Obama Administration and its ObamaCare “navigators” are violating U.S. law and the ACA itself by signing illegal aliens up for ObamaCare and refusing to check immigration status or deport any illegal alien who applies. But clearly even this doesn’t go far enough for the U.N., which wants our sovereignty completely eviscerated.

Under the heading “Gun Violence,” the U.N. calls for “legislation requiring background checks for all private firearm transfers,” and suggests a “review of Stand Your Ground Laws.”

The U.N. panel also harshly criticized U.S. states which have enacted common sense photo Voter I.D. laws, calling them “voter intimidation” and “restrictions” that suggest “racist” intent, and “disproportionately impact minorities and immigrants”.

Ironically, some members of the U.N. Human Rights Council include nations with horrific “human rights” abuses of their own, yet they ignore their own records and point the finger at the U.S. Among them: Libya, China, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, and Mexico. Interesting indeed that Mexico bars foreigners, let alone illegal aliens, from receiving medical care, and has far harsher immigration penalties than does the U.S. — yet is not criticized at all in this report.

One might laugh at what they say, if the Obama Administration didn’t consider U.N. views so strongly.

Last year, John Kerry signed the U.N. Treaty on Small Arms, and Obama tried to get the Senate — twice — to ratify it. The Treaty could have given Obama the Constitutional authority to effectively end the right to bear arms in the U.S. And Senate leader Harry Reid refused to “table” the vote, meaning it could be brought up at any time — another reason (if any more were needed) to “flip the Senate” this November.



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You knew it was coming. Probably a deal they made with Obamao for more IMF funds.


All this debt, they must want us our economy to crash like the Hildenburg.'


Big serious trouble. Slowly coming closer to a disaster near you.


all of us.

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You knew it was coming. Probably a deal they made with Obamao for more IMF funds.


All this debt, they must want us our economy to crash like the Hildenburg.'


Big serious trouble. Slowly coming closer to a disaster near you.


all of us.

I agree. That's why I hope a few states start serious discussion about making a break from this garbage heap.

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But just wait until some dictator interrupt the flow of energy and causes problems for the frogs or the krauts ... Then you'll see the United Nations come to the United States of America with their collective beret in their hands begging us to go blow the shit out of the bad guy. After which they can start whining about how evil we are again. Fuck them.


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But just wait until some dictator interrupt the flow of energy and causes problems for the frogs or the krauts ... Then you'll see the United Nations come to the United States of America with their collective beret in their hands begging us to go blow the shit out of the bad guy. After which they can start whining about how evil we are again. Fuck them.




Last week on the radio, Jim Norton had a great comment about this (i'm paraphrasing):

He's glad that Russia is returning to the "big bad guy" role it used to have. So many other countries hate the USA now that when Russia goes around and starts messing with their shit, they'll come begging for us to intervene. To which we should say: "Eat a dick, fuckfaces."

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Also, I'm so tired of us giving so much money to the corrupt U.N.


It's a waste of time. We need it to straighten out our own budget.

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