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Can we learn anything from Pettine/Farmer/Gordon comments?


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Just threw up an article in an attempt to try to glean something out of the smokescreens the Browns are throwing up left and right:




Let me know what you think! I was personally really disappointed with Gordon's comments - not because I don't want a QB either, but because even if we do draft one and he knows for a fact we are going to, he just smacked Hoyer in the face - not good.

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I like the direction these guys are going & I love there being NO leaks. While I think Gordon should have kept his mouth shut (remember, he's a young kid), I don't think for 1 minute that Farmer or Pettine confided ONE thing to him. They're way too smart for that.

Bottom line is that come 5/8 to 5/10/14, we'll see what happens.

It appears we finally have a GM/HC we can trust & in whom we can be confident.



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All I can be sure of is that NO ONE should read anything into Gordon's comments. No player on the Browns has a clue what we are going to do in the first round. Now when Hoyer says that the team IS going to draft a QB at some point, he isn't talking about what Farmer or anyone told him, but he is rather just using his common sense.


But at the same time I don't think Gordon's comments should be taken as a negative, as in taken in a way where he doesn't believe in Hoyer. He only played with Hoyer for 9 quarters of football last season. I think it is a fair assumption by ANYONE to say that the Browns would be smart to take a QB this year when you consider that both QB's currently on the roster were UDFA.

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First I would like to say, Please resign Gordon asap. Second, I just think its funny how teams go about setting smoke screens before the draft. Farmer, wants to pick a QB that will thrive in our offense. Does he want a player to sit behind Brian, probably not. Does he think there is a franchise QB in this draft, probably not. This is Farmers first draft. he has a shit ton of picks and according to the Draft guys, this draft is the deepest its been in a few years. This week the media has made such a huge damn deal about the Browns brass not being at prodays and not interviewing these Qbs at the combine, so naturally there will be shitty reviews on the Browns. Is Brian the answer, maybe. He showed damn good poise in his couple of games. He is a west coast guy, so give him a shot.

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Totally agree with all these posts. Exactly what I was hoping to convey with this post. Hoyer will get his shot, if he's cut out for it he'll hold on the job and everyone, including Pettine and Farmer will be all the happier for it. It's really the best case scenario. And they will no doubt draft a QB, but I don't think it will be with the 4th pick. They'll draft someone to develop and secretly hope they won't have to push him into service early because that would mean Hoyer is playing well (which he will)!

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Who cares what the fans think? Farmer doesnt, Pettine doesnt, Haslam doesnt. All of your anti-QB polls you posted mean nothing. And how is Manziel physically limited in any way for the pros? I think we've shed enough light on the fact height does not matter. If Farmer and co. truly believe in Hoyer, we'll find out in May, but Id bet a paycheck we go QB. Like it or not.

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They're obviously taking a QB in the draft, I just don't think it will be at #4. The consensus is that this is a down year for QBs. And the old "short doesn't mean anything" is the silliest logic in the world. Russel Wilson is a LOT heavier and sturdier than Manziel and doesn't take hits at the rate Manziel does. Drew Brees? He's a pocket passer. Manziel isn't and never will be. He's a scrambling QB. To be a scrambling QB at 5'11 175 is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You can't survive in the NFL like that. Every single analyst says that. And the ones who say he is still worth picking ALL base that on the fact that they think he can change his game 180 degrees and become a pocket passer who doesn't scramble and take hits. Unlikely.

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They're obviously taking a QB in the draft, I just don't think it will be at #4. The consensus is that this is a down year for QBs. And the old "short doesn't mean anything" is the silliest logic in the world. Russel Wilson is a LOT heavier and sturdier than Manziel and doesn't take hits at the rate Manziel does. Drew Brees? He's a pocket passer. Manziel isn't and never will be. He's a scrambling QB. To be a scrambling QB at 5'11 175 is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You can't survive in the NFL like that. Every single analyst says that. And the ones who say he is still worth picking ALL base that on the fact that they think he can change his game 180 degrees and become a pocket passer who doesn't scramble and take hits. Unlikely.


I'll correct a couple things...

1) Wilson 204 combine weight-other listed weight 206 lbs.....combine height 5' 10.5"

2) Manziel 207 combine weight-other listed weight 209 lbs....combine height 5' 11.5"


Just FYI. Manziel is NOT 5'11" & 175 lbs & Wilson is NOT AS heavy, let alone "a LOT heavier". Too many folks are buying all the negatives about Manziel without really checking facts or considering how coachable this kid has proven he is. None of us can predict the future, but I sure would like to see the "what if". Given past performance, why not take a chance? Draft another QB later in the draft as insurance.



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They're obviously taking a QB in the draft, I just don't think it will be at #4. The consensus is that this is a down year for QBs. And the old "short doesn't mean anything" is the silliest logic in the world. Russel Wilson is a LOT heavier and sturdier than Manziel and doesn't take hits at the rate Manziel does. Drew Brees? He's a pocket passer. Manziel isn't and never will be. He's a scrambling QB. To be a scrambling QB at 5'11 175 is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You can't survive in the NFL like that. Every single analyst says that. And the ones who say he is still worth picking ALL base that on the fact that they think he can change his game 180 degrees and become a pocket passer who doesn't scramble and take hits. Unlikely.

175? I thought it was 209? Hes just as heavy as Bridgewater. To me the only reasons bigger QBs are preferred are durability and the fact that bigger QBs generally have bigger hands and control the ball better. Nobodies really seeing over a line and all QBs need throwing lanes. If Manziel fails it will be the cerebral part of his game that fails. Im really not worried about injuries, and if you are youre wrong. The cerebral part of the game is the question on all of these QBs and I think Manziel has as good a chance as any to pick it up.
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No experts think he has as good a chance as others to avoid injury and pick up the intangibles of the game. However, I definitely am surprised by his weight - watching the combine and reading various articles I was sure he was listed well under 190. So that's a bit surprising to me. However, that doesn't change the fact that his style of play will have to change drastically since he is much less of a pocket passer than Wilson was in college and than Brees is in the NFL. That being said, I'm against taking ANY QB 4th overall period as that's the definition of "forcing" it. This is widely regarded as a down year for QBs and the Browns are in the position of having the luxury of waiting until 26th pick at the earliest to take a QB. Bridgwater is also considered "frail" for whatever reason by the way - just repeating what I've heard said over and over by experts. I am opposed to them more because I don't think any of them are any good. I'd be much happier seeing Mettenberger or McCarron taken later in the draft personally and loading up the roster with other positional needs instead.


Saying that worrying about injuries is wrong is a little puzzling - some players are injury prone, and some are more frail than others. Not taking that into account is tantamount to shooting yourself in the foot.

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according to the Draft guys, this draft is the deepest its been in a few years.


deepest at what position exactly? it sure as hell isn't QB.


Who cares what the fans think? Farmer doesnt, Pettine doesnt, Haslam doesnt. All of your anti-QB polls you posted mean nothing. And how is Manziel physically limited in any way for the pros? I think we've shed enough light on the fact height does not matter. If Farmer and co. truly believe in Hoyer, we'll find out in May, but Id bet a paycheck we go QB. Like it or not.


ok, now you are on the annoying plane of PoG. shut up already about manziel. we get it. you like him a lot.

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Hoyers response was kinda funny.


"Where did he say that?" asked Hoyer, who was told that Gordon said it on ESPN. "I plan on throwing a lot of passes to Josh this year. He's a great receiver, but I'm glad he's our receiver and not our general manager, though."

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A fun read Clevedog. Good points on the merits.


Re: Gordon

Every WR in the NFL wants their team to have QB depth so they can pick the one that throws them the ball the best and the most. Not necessarily in that order. :)

Thanks very much, really appreciate it! Hoyer's response was definitely funny too.


deepest at what position exactly? it sure as hell isn't QB.



ok, now you are on the annoying plane of PoG. shut up already about manziel. we get it. you like him a lot.



It absolutely isn't QB. There isn't even a legitimate first-round lock here. Take these QBs back to Luck's class and I doubt a single one gets drafted in the first round.


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Thanks very much, really appreciate it! Hoyer's response was definitely funny too.


It absolutely isn't QB. There isn't even a legitimate first-round lock here. Take these QBs back to Luck's class and I doubt a single one gets drafted in the first round.




I'll disagree with you there. Any of the three- Bortles, Bridgewater, and even Manziel all would have shoved Wee-done into the second round- at least.

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the problem is there that it's not on other player to tell you who to pick but upon your scouts who report to your GM who reports to the owner.


we might have one of the best scouts turned into a GM in Farmer that could give us a hand up in this game.


although farmer was on our payroll when we blew loads of spew on the TR and weeds pick, i think the FO then wasn't going to listen to anyone that waswn't wearing a tuxedo, let alone a guy wearing a warm-up suit with a whistle around his neck.

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