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The American Middle Class Is No Longer The Richest

MLD Woody

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A lot of interesting stats in this article. Just tons of numbers and graphs. I think it is interesting. I wonder if studies like this will affect law makers back here as far as future financial policy is concerned.




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Yep, this has been my experience in our middle-class family. We've had to make cuts everywhere. I don't even have cable anymore.


And no, this won't effect lawmaker policy at all. I'm sure they've known this for years but lobbyists will make sure that the middle class continues to get squeezed. Those at the top in America are just greedier than those in the rest of the world. Eventually I think this will spur more middle class Americans to immigrate to Canada and Europe and even more well educated people from poor countries will come to fill the void.

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The thing that would worry most about that link is the graphic displaying that the bottom 5% is actually worse off, after inflation, than 30 years ago.


In England, the nationalistic papers like the mail, express and sun all talk about this magical concept of 'Middle England' - the middle/working class, who all drive a ford mondeo, own a house in a suburb, have 2.5 children (like Tywin B)) and attend church every sunday, nobly slaving away in a job they don't like for the benefit of the family, and whose income is being taken by the rich people and given to the poor people, like some evil Robin Hood figure.

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Lest we forget that this is the New York Times and it is there sworn duty to carry the vanguard of the Democratic Party for the upcoming elections.

Of course this is not meant to inspire any kind of change just to generate unrest among the masses and against the so-called rich.

Not only that but this shocking revelation comes after nearly 6 years of the Democrats ruling 2/3 of the government.

Furthermore less Americans contribute to the National Fund and more draw from the coffers in the form of subsidized living than ever before.


What would any of you guess would be the long-term result if we took the top one percent, killed them all, and equally divided their wealth among the rest?



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yes, this thread comes to you by woody, who HATES posted websites that are partisan.

That is, when they are partisan and on the other side of the political divide.


Funny how that works with libs. It's a fine partisan site if it fits their politics.

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What would any of you guess would be the long-term result if we took the top one percent, killed them all, and equally divided their wealth among the rest?



A new 1% would of course rise up and take their place, taking over the top jobs that are paying millions per year. The lower income section would sell whatever fraction of the businesses owned were split up, and the pieces would gradually recombine, like some evil talisman from some fantasy story whose shards had been scattered to the four corners of the earth. The institutions would still exist, the mindset would not change, only the names and the faces.

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Lest we forget that this is the New York Times and it is there sworn duty to carry the vanguard of the Democratic Party for the upcoming elections.

Of course this is not meant to inspire any kind of change just to generate unrest among the masses and against the so-called rich.

Not only that but this shocking revelation comes after nearly 6 years of the Democrats ruling 2/3 of the government.

Furthermore less Americans contribute to the National Fund and more draw from the coffers in the form of subsidized living than ever before.


What would any of you guess would be the long-term result if we took the top one percent, killed them all, and equally divided their wealth among the rest?



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yes, this thread comes to you by woody, who HATES posted websites that are partisan.

That is, when they are partisan and on the other side of the political divide.


Funny how that works with libs. It's a fine partisan site if it fits their politics.

First of all, great contribution to the TOPIC of thus thread


Second, let me be clear. "Real Patriot News" "Conservative News Network" "The Blaze" "Breitbart" "Guns Give Me A Boner News" "Underground Patriot Watchdog Blog" "a chain email".


These sources are perfectly legit.


The New York Times though? Bad.



OK... got it

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Is the data provided in the article factual or not. It doesn't need to be read to get the authors opinion, if it is so biased. Just the statistics.


Also, when every conservative news place has an "us against the world" mentality, its not surprising they think every other new source is liberal, true or not.

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Why don't economists run the economy? Politicians seem to have a lot of control over things they know nothing about

They do woody.

Whatever cockamamie Economic schemes plans plots whatever you want to call what are made up by economists.

Of course all economists are on the same page, are they?

So naturally politicians select The economist whose schemes fit their own ideas.

The military is run by military officers but it's the president who decides which one of them to call the shots.

The Surgeon General at cetera et cetera

Only a fool believes that Barack Obama has his s*** together well enough to run any of these things. Or any other president for that matter.

The president doesn't draw the blueprints for remodeling the White House but he chooses which engineers do.


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I wasn't talking about specifically the president. I was talking more about Congress. I'd hope most economists aren't as partisan as politicians are. I was thinking of something more like a Supreme Court or Congress of economists that worry about just the economic issues. I'd like to think they'd do a better job of making the changes and laws that need to be made and that are whats best for our country than biased politicians.

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The thing that would worry most about that link is the graphic displaying that the bottom 5% is actually worse off, after inflation, than 30 years ago.


In England, the nationalistic papers like the mail, express and sun all talk about this magical concept of 'Middle England' - the middle/working class, who all drive a ford mondeo, own a house in a suburb, have 2.5 children (like Tywin B)) and attend church every sunday, nobly slaving away in a job they don't like for the benefit of the family, and whose income is being taken by the rich people and given to the poor people, like some evil Robin Hood figure.

Don't you have castle's and squires and that kind of stuff?

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