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Obama says USA Human Rights have work to do just like Malaysia's

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On Human Rights, Obama Says Malaysia’s ‘Got Some Work To Do, Just Like The UNITED STATES’ (Video)

by Top Right News on April 27, 2014 in Uncategorized

Yes, Obama really did equate human rights pariah Malaysia with America today.

At a joint press conference in Malaysia today, Major Garrett asked President Obama about human rights concerns in Malaysia, saying the issues were “up for grabs” in the country. He asked the President why he hadn’t discussed human rights while in Malaysia, and why he hadn’t met with jailed opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

President Obama said that not meeting with Mr. Anwar was “not indicative of a lack of concern,” and said that “there are a lot of people I don’t meet with.”

“I think the Prime Minister is the first to acknowledge that Malaysia’s still got some work to do. Just like the United States, by the way, has some work to do on these issues. Human Rights Watch probably has a list of things they think we should be doing as a government,” said the President.

So the man who has unleashed the NSA on innocent citizens, ordered more warrantless wiretapping than any other president in history, and uses the unlimited power of the IRS to silence political opponents, is going to lecture “the United States” for human rights abuses — and put us in the same category as serial abuser and Islamic state Malaysia?

Utterly disgraceful.

Click here for the full clip.



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So what he said was that the US's human rights isn't perfect - curious to see WW's reaction to this, since I'd put all the police brutality he's been posting under the 'human rights' category.

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It irks me that ObaMao is a radical Muslim patronizer, just as much

as he patronizes the black entitlement subculture.


It irks me that he thinks peace is crapping on his own country,

to make other countries like us.


I think that a war overseas before he leaves office. The Middle East,

or the Soviets, or N,Korea, China, will step into the void

of America's strengths because of Obamao, and make hay

while the sun shines, or rather, while the weakest, most corrupt,

indecisive, marxist, dipstick president is in office..

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Obamao isn't saying we are imperfect.


He's saying we have the same amount of work to do about

human rights, that Malaysia does.


Which is really stupidass.

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Obamao isn't saying we are imperfect.


He's saying we have the same amount of work to do about

human rights, that Malaysia does.


Which is really stupidass.

Actually he didn't say we had the same amount of work to do. He said both countries have "some" work to do. Some is defined as an inderminate amount of something. So both America and Malaysia have an indeterminate amount of work to do regarding human rights. Since the exact amount is not and can not really be quantified easily, he did not equate the two countries either, because to equate would mean there is equal amounts of work to do, which since the work is not quantified, can not be equated.


Queue the derisive comments about "dummy smarty-pants liberals." Please at least make them entertaining and original.

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And don't want to. Religion of the devil.

Really? Where did you get that from? Please show me the source that says Muslims worship Satan.



Oh and yes, Cal, we can agree on one thing. I don't like how Obama patronized the MB either. Was a BIG mistake on his part.

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Really? Where did you get that from? Please show me the source that says Muslims worship Satan.



Oh and yes, Cal, we can agree on one thing. I don't like how Obama patronized the MB either. Was a BIG mistake on his part.

Well although they pretend to be a religion of peace, more terror attacks are made in the name of islam then any other religion. I don't see christians beheading muslims. Peaceful my ass. And please, don't bring up the Crusades.....

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So, are you saying you believe 23% of the world's population is bent on committing acts of terror? So why isn't their a terrorist attack in every city on this planet on a daily basis?


And what does it matter that the terrorism of other religions mostly occurred over 20 years ago? Religious texts don't change. So if all these religions committed terrorism at one point, than they must all be religions of the devil. So what gives?


The answer, of course, is that terrorism is politically driven, not ideologically driven. It is not religion that encourages the terrorism, but rather religion that is used to motivate and justify it. If you consider terrorism to be part of Islamic ideology (which it isn't) than you must accept bigotry and violence against minorities to be part of Christian ideology (which it isn't). Otherwise you are applying selective logic.

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Please. Lets talk last twenty years. Liberal asswipe. You like to kiss up to a terror religion fool?


Yes it's very important to ignore the history and reasons why most of the Muslim world hates christians(and the US) and focus instead on the results. We don't behead people we use drones, missiles, and snipers.

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Oh, and since you asked about the last 20 years or so... here is an FBI table of stats of terror attacks on US soil from 1980-2005.




Note that only 6% of these were committed by "Muslims." It is obvious of course that extent of damage is an entirely different matter.


Furthermore, from http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2013/05/muslims-only-carried-out-2-5-percent-of-terrorist-attacks-on-u-s-soil-between-1970-and-2012.html:


Of the more than 300 American deaths from political violence and mass shootings since 9/11, only 33 have come at the hands of Muslim-Americans, according to the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security. The Muslim-American suspects or perpetrators in these or other attempted attacks fit no demographic profile—only 51 of more than 200 are of Arabic ethnicity. In 2012, all but one of the nine Muslim-American terrorism plots uncovered were halted in early stages. That one, an attempted bombing of a Social Security office in Arizona, caused no casualties.


Wired reported the same month:


Since 9/11, [Charles Kurzman, Professor of Sociology at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, writing for the Triangle Center on Terrorism and National Security] and his team tallies, 33 Americans have died as a result of terrorism launched by their Muslim neighbors. During that period, 180,000 Americans were murdered for reasons unrelated to terrorism. In just the past year, the mass shootings that have captivated America’s attention killed 66 Americans, “twice as many fatalities as from Muslim-American terrorism in all 11 years since 9/11,” notes Kurzman’s team.

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Yes it's very important to ignore the history and reasons why most of the Muslim world hates christians(and the US) and focus instead on the results. We don't behead people we use drones, missiles, and snipers.

Which leads to my next point. When the Soviet Union collapsed, America needed a boogieman. Boogiemen are very good for business, especially those businesses in the industry of war. This is the reason America has gone to war every decade since WW2. Did you ever wonder why Obama talks about realigning our strategic focus to the Asian Pacific? I think a new boogieman is coming to town.

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Which leads to my next point. When the Soviet Union collapsed, America needed a boogieman. Boogiemen are very good for business, especially those businesses in the industry of war. This is the reason America has gone to war every decade since WW2. Did you ever wonder why Obama talks about realigning our strategic focus to the Asian Pacific? I think a new boogieman is coming to town.

I think you should go back to slum ridden shit Egypt.

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I think this history happened before drones, missiles and snipers, Sad.


Seriously? We try to kill the militants who delight in beheading innocent people on purpose,


and you equate our soldiers of the same thing because we fight them directly to stop it?


The Muslim extremist terror of death was from the beginning.


Libs, read some damn history before you spout off.



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