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The Walking Dead Game

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I just finished the most recent episode in Season 2, and I've gotta say this series has the most compelling storytelling I've ever seen in gaming.


If you want to get into it, the first season is on sale on steam for $12.49 for the next 12 hours (ends at 1pm) http://store.steampowered.com/app/207610/


The first season was a masterpiece, and it's evoked emotions that I'd only expect from certain songs or movies. For anyone that's a fan of the TV or comic series, this is a must play - it covers a group that is separate from the characters in the show, though there is some crossover, and it's all canon.


Just a heads up, the gameplay takes a back seat to the storytelling, so don't go in it expecting Call of Duty. If you've ever played Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, Leisure Suit Larry, or Sam and Max, it's like those games, but more streamlined (no trial and error). Also, if you want the true experience, don't read ahead, and don't save scum.


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