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The NRA Killed Gun Violence Research


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Well then I suppose the anti gun lobby should work a little harder to fund their own anti gun studies. I mean it doesn't seem as if anti gun studies are being outlawed it seems as though anti gun studies just aren't being funded by taxpayers dollars. And even then the piece from the 90's says that it was eventually reinstated just not to the extent its sponsors wished for.


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Problem is, the anti gun lobby's research is obviously going to be biased to the same degree the NRA's is. You need some semblance of independence to run the trials successfully. Perhaps a collaborative effort? Since both sides are so sure it'll come out on their side they should have no problem signing up.


Then again, I suspect that even if they had the same data they'd reach different conclusions.

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personally if I am a member of a group that is at odds with the federal government and the federal government is planning some sort of study to get evidence to use against me, warranted or not, I might be hesitant to support study.


The assumption you make is the one I disagree with:


"the federal government is planning some sort of study to get evidence to use against me"


The government is not some monolithic organization that marches in lock-step. That much should be obvious from observing our executive, house, and senate. The CDC is a separate entity that at it's core is designed to focus on science and use that to inform decision-making. It isn't immune from politics, but thus far, it is the Republicans who seem hell-bent on silencing science. Nobody here has shown me any evidence that the CDC has been influenced by liberals, yet the original article shows that Republicans have sought to influence it (and this isn't the only time Republicans have done so).



Point is, though, it's been made illegal to produce studies that suggest guns are bad. It would be bad enough if it were banning all studies on guns, but it's specifically allowing ones that show guns in a good light? That's when it gets VERY suspect.



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Using the CDC seems like an end run around the basic fact that the left doesn't want to pay for its own study. And whatever study they decide to conduct is perfectly legal. It just appears they want it paid for out of taxpayer money, that's all. No one is making it illegal, just not paying for it. Regardless of anyone's feelings on the subject.


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Using the CDC seems like an end run around the basic fact that the left doesn't want to pay for its own study. And whatever study they decide to conduct is perfectly legal. It just appears they want it paid for out of taxpayer money, that's all. No one is making it illegal, just not paying for it. Regardless of anyone's feelings on the subject.


Where does the CDC get its money then if not from the government?

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We already have a "president" who admits he is bypassing

Congress, and is threatening to bypass the Supreme Court on guns.


His INjustice dept is corrupt, leftist and firmly in Obamao's control,

and they are deciding which laws they want to enforce, and which

ones they want to ignore.


This is the most dangerous, corrupt president and regime since....

Wilson, I think it was.


Say, maybe these scientists can do your gun study:



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Using the CDC seems like an end run around the basic fact that the left doesn't want to pay for its own study. And whatever study they decide to conduct is perfectly legal. It just appears they want it paid for out of taxpayer money, that's all. No one is making it illegal, just not paying for it. Regardless of anyone's feelings on the subject.


The left SHOULD NOT pay for its own study. How is it independent if they did? Doing so would exactly play into the right's hands. They may as well submit the study results with a sticky note saying "please discredit me." The left understands this. The reason the NRA doesn't want an independent study performed by the CDC is because all the studies prior to 1996 that they did perform produced data that factually supported gun control.

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The left SHOULD NOT pay for its own study. How is it independent if they did? Doing so would exactly play into the right's hands. They may as well submit the study results with a sticky note saying "please discredit me." The left understands this. The reason the NRA doesn't want an independent study performed by the CDC is because all the studies prior to 1996 that they did perform produced data that factually supported gun control.

Have you possibly mistaken me for someone who has a deep and abiding trust of the United States government? Surely you jest.



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