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Internet - liberal political bigotry in our schools


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"Common core".


Got it. Liberalism is a corrupt way of seeing life,

and it is permeating our WH, Congress, education...


but grooming kids to be liberal, and alienate them from

their parents' teaching, if necessary, is all the rage.


You are only allowed to know their cherry picked facts about any subject.



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Illogic won't man up to criticize obamao for anything.


To liberals, it's like being a Sunni and refusing to admit

that Shiites are even human beings.


Bigotry in a cowardly way.

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illogic brought up obamao. I didn't.


As usual, he won't keep with the subject of a thread

that isn't liberal.


buttock and moochelle are marxist, completely corrupt, anti-American cultists


I talked about liberalism.


But here is a good article explaining why buttock and moochelle are

complicit in it's implementation:



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Illogic won't man up to criticize obamao for anything.


To liberals, it's like being a Sunni and refusing to admit

that Shiites are even human beings.


Bigotry in a cowardly way.

No I don't like the guy much at all. However, I don't blame him for everything bad that happens anywhere. It makes you sound just like every asshole who swore Bush was behind every bad thing ever.

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No I don't like the guy much at all. However, I don't blame him for everything bad that happens anywhere. It makes you sound just like every asshole who swore Bush was behind every bad thing ever.



Shut up you Obamao worshipping liberal hippie marxist!

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The Woodpecker And The Peckerwood

Ivory-billed woodpecker is a long unseen bird.
Brown-nosed peckerwood disappearance is preferred!
With this woodpecker high flights are observed.
With this peckerwood ethical depths are slimey curd!
Ivory-billed fast and straight flights are spurred.
Brown-nosed moral twists and turns are absurd!
With this woodpecker at mid-day is stirred.
With this peckerwood daily thinking is blurred!
Ivory-billed rapid double knock sound is conferred.
Brown-nosed in mental race of two finishes third!
With this woodpecker trumpet sound is heard.
With this peckerwood speech is slurred!
Ivory-billed independence is undeterred.
Brown-nosed must be constantly chauffeured!
With this woodpecker the pleated woodpecker is mistakenly inferred.
With this peckerwood no doubt about what has been incurred!
Ivory-billed white on the back can be referred.
Brown-nosed yellow on the back long ago occurred!
Ivory-billed woodpecker on trees for grubs does gird.
Brown-nosed peckerwood milks male horses like the weirdest nerd!

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My, my, my, you are the asshole of the board. You

are the clone of mz the pussy, surely.


It makes you feel like a human being to bitch and bitch and bitch and

complain and complain and complain, and criticize stupidly,


Nobody on this board wants to do your growing up for you, moron.

Nor, does anybody want to be your search the internet helper.


Read up on your own, or have some stupid roommate teach

you search the internet...you can find out a ton of stuff about stuff. Really !

Just off the cuff, in a few seconds:


  1. www.dallasnews.com/...common-core-critics-see-examples-of... Cached
    The Common Core curriculum, an ... being used to promote a liberal agenda. But recently, public school materials tied to Common ... the school worksheet ...
  2. www.christianpost.com/news/common-core-for-all-105577 Cached
    ... [Common Core courses] have the ... "The schools [utilizing Common Core] ... The Institute coincidentally received nearly $1 million from the liberal ...
  3. www.rawfoodsupport.com/read.php?11,224810,224810,quote=1 Cached
    [www.infowars.com] ‘Common Core’ Nationalizes and Dumbs Down Public SchoolCurriculum Ron Paul Infowars.com May 27, 2013
  4. www.infowars.com/high-school...gun-but-not-liberal-web-sites Cached
    ... But Not Liberal ... He accused the school’s administrators of political censorship. “The school is trying to shelter ... Supplanting Common Core With Grass ...
  5. hernandotoday.com/.../common-core-will-lead-to-schools-of... Cached
    Common Core will lead to schools of indoctrination. BY DOMENICK MAGLIO Traditional Realist Published: September 23, 2013. As the saga of the Affordable Care Act ...
  6. www.corestandards.org Cached
    Understand how the Common Core was created. Process; Frequently asked questions; Sitemap; Contact; Terms of Use; Public License; Developers & Publishers
  7. www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/05/it-begins-communist... Cached
    The indoctrination is part of the Common Core curriculum for ... one child at a time. Why wait until they’re in high school? ... No-Liberal Spin;
  8. whatiscommoncore.wordpress.com/tag/liberal-bias Cached
    ... posted by Oak Norton on Utahns Against Common Core, ... the liberal bias ... the local charter school that does not use common core and teaches much ...
  9. patriotupdate.com/articles/common-core-quietly... Cached
    The Common Core curriculum, ... an English teacher at Albany High School in New York had ... the ultimate result of Common Core seems likely to be liberal ...
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Say, here's an interesting site.


talks about critical thinking, and that's why common core is

such a great thing.


After all, these students have impressionable minds, you know, and



Trouble is, woodypeckerheadbuttoftheboard, you won't get it.


The subject of the thread, is censorship of only conservative sites.


See? Common core standards say no to censorship. But this article,

in a liberal controlled setting, with common core being pushed into all schools,

shows the extreme bigotry and hypocrisy, the partisan attack on conservativism,

as the hidden agenda of common core.


As more and more comes out about it, more and more offense if being taken

in the education communities. Teachers are drastically changing their minds.


I guess libs only want "critical thinking" skills when they get to indocrinate

students and censor any religious or political information from the schools.



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Alright... great copy and paste...



anyway, in the situation posted, what does it have to do with Common Core? It just seems like one school being dumb. I'm not sure how you can connect it to the Common Core. (Well, legitimately connect it. You can always pull some "evil liberals" shit out of your ass)

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Oh, and in the rare cases you actually use the school computer system in High School, it is very easy to get around the filter if you know what you're doing, lol

I just find it funny that he is the first kid in his whole highschool to realize that there is a politically biased firewall. Every other kid must either A) not give a fuck about politics or B) only visit Democrat leaning media.

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I just find it funny that he is the first kid in his whole highschool to realize that there is a politically biased firewall. Every other kid must either A) not give a fuck about politics or B) only visit Democrat leaning media.

or C) No one actually uses the school computers for "research" lol. I hardly used them for pure "research". Plus they would have to be researching something politically charged. I remember in one of our english classes when we were doing debates, they directed us to an academic database of official papers and reports for both sides. Like a fancy google scholar. Michigan had one of these as well.


But, I still think you do the vast majority of this at home.


Either way, these sites shouldn't be blocked.


Honestly, when I first saw it, it seemed too good (in Cal's eyes) to be true. That something THIS skewed would happen. Something these right wing sites would jerk off to and plaster over their site. But, it looks like it actually happened. It is just one dumb school, and in know way shows some giant evil liberal scheme, but still, this shouldn't happen.

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But, in terms of across the board occurences of censorship,

it paints a picture.


Kinda like pixels in a digital photo.


Censorship is the suppression of statements or information for ideological reasons.
Current examples of censorship include:
refusal to carry news about the horrors at the abortion clinic of Gosnell Kermit, on trial for murder in April 2013 in Philadelphia
the banning of prayer in the classroom.[5]
the restrictions on sidewalk counseling of women about the harms caused by abortion.
the removal of conservative ideas from Wikipedia.[6]
the refusal to report on news that a prominent African American endorsed a conservative candidate.
the refusal to expose, in a timely manner, falsehoods published by the communist media.
the rejection of pro-life advertisements.[7]
the banning of mention of intelligent design in school.[8]
the vandalizing of pro-life displays and conservative websites.
Censorship can also take the form of ostracizing students for expressing pro-life or other conservative views.[9]
protesting and disrupting invited conservative speakers on campuses.[10]
Censorship is sometimes based on a misuse of copyright, as in:
the unsuccessful attempt to censor the movie Expelled:No
Intelligence Allowed about intelligent design.[11]
the destruction or theft of conservative newspapers on college campuses.[12]
Censorship of conservative talk radio via the Fairness Doctrine
Internet censorship employed by a country, which can include such things as the filtering of anti-government sites in China or the censoring of women's rights or anti-Islam sites in Middle Eastern countries
Schools banning or using placement bias to keep students from books such as the Bible, or books critical of the theory of evolution.
Political censorship involves a government preventing information from reaching its citizens. Perhaps the best-known contemporary example of this is China's censorship of the Google search engine, known as the "Golden Shield Project", which prevents Google from displaying search results of some human rights websites, websites promoting Tibetan independence, references to the 1989 Tianamen Square protests, and others.
A famous example in fiction is George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, in which the main character works as a civil servant in the department responsible for altering or destroying historical information which the government wishes to keep secret. The rationale behind political censorship is that the political party in power can protect itself from revolution if the public is kept uninformed.
The term censorship derives from censor, the title of the Roman official who conducted the census and supervised public morality.
Contents [hide]
1 The First Amendment and censorship in the U. S.
3 See also
4 References
The First Amendment and censorship in the U. S.
In the United States, the First Amendment states that "Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." Broadly speaking, the First Amendment is designed to prevent the government from exercising censorship.
However, the government sometimes censors political and religious speech anyway.
More specifically, the government should not exercise "prior restraint."
That is, a citizen should not need advance permission from the government in order to publish something, unless it threatens national security. This does not mean that publication may not have consequences: a citizen can be sued for publishing libel, or incarcerated for disclosing military secrets, but the consequences typically occur after publication, not before.
Censorship is sometimes applied to prohibit obscenity that goes against common standards of public morality; under US law the first amendment does not protect material considered legally obscene. The definition of obscenity has and continues to vary, with the current Supreme Court definition being the Miller test. In practical terms, this allows harmful material such as pornography to be criminalized without violating the First Amendment.
Censorship may also be directed at religious ideas, as in the Saudi Arabian prohibition on preaching Christianity, liberal restrictions on public expressions of religion, or the Roman Catholic Church's now-recinded Index Librorum Prohibitorum.
Certain language and images that may have been censored in the past are typically common fare in the American media today. On the other hand, while nudity, for example, may be acceptable on mainstream French television, that is much less likely to be accepted in American television and even less acceptable in conservative Muslim countries.
All censorships exist to prevent anyone from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently the first condition of progress is the removal of censorship. George Bernard Shaw[13]
See also
Fairness Doctrine
Liberal censorship
Muhammad cartoons controversy
↑ US Holocaust Museum
↑ Censorship of media and the fine arts
↑ Essay on Bookburning
↑ See, e.g., classroom prayer.
↑ See Bias in Wikipedia.
↑ See, e.g., "Canadian City Backpedals on Decision to Censor Pro-life Bus-shelter Ads." [1]
↑ See, e.g., Expelled:No Intelligence Allowed.
↑ See, e.g., liberals and friendship.
↑ At Columbia, Students Attack Minuteman Founder Ny Sun, October 5, 2006
↑ "The Author's Apology, preface to "Mrs. Warren's Profession."
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I can only imagine how many of those examples are just complete BS...



... but, again, what does the original story have to do with the Common Core? Or are you just going to equate everything bad that happens in public schools to the common core?

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Okay. I will take your question as being sincere.



Step One:


Explains about standards. Kids are not standard. Liberals railed and bitched and railed about
the NCLB. Blamed Bush for the problems. A lot of those complaints were justified. Trouble is,
Ted Kennedy was a major player with Bush to get it signed. Nobody ever talked one word from
the liberal side about Kennedy. Standards pushed by any federal gov is just incompetent.
Kids don't all learn at the same rate, or by the same methods. I'm married to a teacher...
and still remember at least a thousand stories. Most of those involve how NCLB standards left special education students
and standards testing at odds, which stupidly penalized school systems with well respected special
education programs and staffs..
Step Two:
Since when does federal standards include offensive, over the edge liberal garbage being fed to kids? At
complete odds with conservative kids and religious kids? Sound underhandedly undermining of conservative
parents' teaching.... towards
a liberal agenda? Sure does.
Step Three:
A direct tie in with the Obamao regime about pushing the Common Core standards, which do not work
any better than the NCLB did.
Use of the standards has become a hot button issue in many states, and governors in Indiana and South Carolina recently signed legislation repealing them. The issue has pitted Chamber of Commerce-aligned Republicans with grassroots conservatives, including many home-schooling parents.
The Common Core effort was led by the states, but the Obama administration has offered incentives to those that adopted "college and career" ready standards. That has led to charges of federal intrusion.
Step Four:
Common Core has become a "trojan horse" sometime between alleged good intentions, and the
desire to sneak in liberal tenets disguised as "math word problems", and we've already seen the
extreme perversion based book list, as well as political indoctrination on the fly.
So, we've established that common core is rife with NCLB standardization problems, still, is pushed by the Obamao
regime, and common core has a sneaky extreme liberal taint where none should exist.
Said liberal slant initiates a liberal slant of standardization, meaning that the internet censure of
only conservative sites at that school fits the common core standards as far too many
liberal administrations and school boards will see fit.
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If you followed all that, bear with me for one more link.


Explains the ulterior, non-standards, data mining and very alarming

control over all aspects of students lives:


(again, with another Obamao connection)


"As I noted in last week’s column, the national Common Core student database was funded with Obama stimulus money. Grants also came from the liberal Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (which largely underwrote and promoted the top-down Common Core curricular scheme). A division of the conservative Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. built the database infrastructure. A nonprofit startup, “inBloom, Inc.,” evolved out of this strange-bedfellows partnership to operate the invasive database, which is compiling everything from health-care histories, income information, and religious affiliations to voting status, blood types, and homework completion.
And it gets worse. Research fellow Joy Pullmann at the Heartland Institute points to a February Department of Education report on its data-mining plans that contemplates the use of creepy student-monitoring techniques such as “functional magnetic resonance imaging” and “using cameras to judge facial expressions, an electronic seat that judges posture, a pressure-sensitive computer mouse and a biometric wrap on kids’ wrists.”
The DOE report exposes the big lie that Common Core is about raising academic standards. The report instead reveals Common Core’s progressive designs to measure and track children’s “competencies” in “recognizing bias in sources,” “flexibility,” “cultural awareness and competence,” “appreciation for diversity,” “empathy,” “perspective taking, trust, [and] service orientation.”
That’s right. School districts and state governments are pimping out highly personal data on children’s feelings, beliefs, “biases,” and “flexibility” instead of doing their own jobs of imparting knowledge — and minding their own business. And yes, Republicans such as former Florida governor Jeb Bush continue to falsely defend the centralized Common Core regime as locally driven and non-coercive, while ignoring the database system’s circumvention of federal student-privacy laws.
Why? Edu-tech nosybodies are using the Common Core assessment boondoggle as a Trojan horse to collect and crunch massive amounts of personal student data for their own social-justice or moneymaking ends. Reminder: Nine states have entered into contracts with inBloom: Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New York, and North Carolina. Countless other vendors are salivating at the business possibilities in exploiting public-school students."
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So, we've established a serious liberal agenda as part of common core, and the Obamao regime

helping fund and pushing the acceptance and implementation of common core, (along with

the ultra liberal Gates Foundation)...


So, in setting the stage of liberal agenda integrated into common core, the direct impact on

restricting internet to non-conservative sites is, perhaps indirect.


Or perhaps not. I simply see all this as "not so indirect".

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So, we have the severe over-reach of collecting a national student privacy-violating



Common core database. The company Inbloom managed the holding and use of the data.


Trouble is, the person heading up InBloom, Iwan Streichenberger, is a global marketing businessman. Not an education expert.

Bad choice.


Iwan Streichenberger
"We tend to be too defensive about privacy and not proactive and positive enough about the benefits of data,” InBloom Chief Executive Officer Iwan Streichenberger said on the day he announced the closure of his company."
And, that student data repository is so unpopular with American parents and educators and
school boards and Americans in general, it is closing.
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As usual, I took woodpecker's one question, and responded seriously,

answering at length about why I said what I said, and why it is correct.


As usual, he probably didn't read it, or since he got his question answered,

and his challenge was met, and he can't haha about it....


he goes silent and moves on and hopes it goes away. "Woodpecker in the sky with blinders"

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I remember reading over it and thinking most if it was irrelevant to the question. Do I really have to address all of it? Wtf does a racy book have to do with one school being dumb about blocking websites?



"As usual"


Hahahaha. Don't flatter yourself.

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woodypeckerhead translation:


" I can't bitch about it legitimately, so I'll ignore it, but if

Cal mentions it, I'll come up with some half-assed excuse, which

I'm very good at, because I'm the butt of the board."

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