gftChris Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 So, this might get some mileage on here.
LogicIsForSquares Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 Jerkoffs on both sides of the aisle passed the Patriot Act so it is hilarious when any of them cry about something being unconstitutional. They only get upset about law breaking when it can possibly benefit their party. Democrats were yapping about war crimes under Bush but didn't seem to be at all concerned that they ok'd a law that allowed for warrantless surveillance of every U.S. citizen.
Westside Steve Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 Actually as most of you know I don't care much about the Patriot Act, fine with me. I have no idea if the empty suit actually overstepped his authority with some of his executive orders. I do, however, hope there's a solid basis for the lawsuit so that it doesn't merely garner sympathy for Obama. I don't have any details but I did hear talk of him issuing five million work permits for five million illegal aliens. Hopefully that would piss off people who give a little bit of a shit about the law. If there are any. WSS
gftChris Posted July 31, 2014 Author Report Posted July 31, 2014 Reading the WSJ article on it, this seemed interesting: A court could question whether the House has met the standard of showing that it has been harmed by the president's actions, particularly because lawmakers are suing him for not enforcing a law they have repeatedly sought to repeal.
DieHardBrownsFan Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 And after they yell at each other in front of cameras all day, they attend parties together in the evening, laughing at the proles........
gftChris Posted July 31, 2014 Author Report Posted July 31, 2014 Yep, this won't really go anywhere, it certainly won't end up in court. It's just a publicity stunt.
Westside Steve Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 Reading the WSJ article on it, this seemed interesting: A court could question whether the House has met the standard of showing that it has been harmed by the president's actions, particularly because lawmakers are suing him for not enforcing a law they have repeatedly sought to repeal. And damned well fair enough. They gave the fucker an out asking for an extension so they can work out some of the more damaging parts of his pet law (that neither he nor his party understood) that was forced upon the nation. He refused out of arrogance and then stopped some of the more dangerous parts until, guess where, after the mid term elections! WSS
calfoxwc Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 It isn't just the Patriotic Act. I thought the Patriotic act was okay, except that it is now far, far abused past just being an allowable, FISA court approved exception to go after terrorists. It's now akin to what George Orwell was referring to. And Ayn Rand's book "Anthem". It's also about extending the limited power of the exec branch into corruption (IRS, Justice Dept, Homeland Security, NSA.....etc), that corruption being illegal, and being used as a political power weapon. Mao had that kind of power. So did hitler. And stalin. It's weird that some lefties want obamao to be what they were terrified of Bush becoming - a dictator of sorts. Bush never once denigrated our country and our way of life, and our Constitution. Never once worked against our free speech and 2nd Amendment rights. Never, ever once opened the floodgates to illegal immigration. Okay, so Bush didn't close the border. I always said that was my huge gripe with his presidency.Bush was NEVER for unlimited abortion. Bush NEVER turned his back on Israel. Bush NEVER denigrated our military by any action or deed. Bush NEVER denigrated and insulted our US Supreme Court. Obamao did. It paints a dangerous picture of who and what Obamao really is. And not all that many on the left will admit it. Really sad.
gftChris Posted July 31, 2014 Author Report Posted July 31, 2014 Holy crap-balls, I assumed the Patriot act was just a name given to inspire the great unwashed, but seriously? Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Wow, some intern got a nice bonus for that one.
Westside Steve Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 Holy crap-balls, I assumed the Patriot act was just a name given to inspire the great unwashed, but seriously? Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Wow, some intern got a nice bonus for that one. Well done! I'm still fine with it, but now I think somebody is brighter then Id guessed for pulling that off! WSS
sadbrownsfan Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 It sounds more like political positioning with the up coming mid-term elections. If its getting this bad just for the mid term elections, wait till the next presidential election....
gftChris Posted July 31, 2014 Author Report Posted July 31, 2014 It sounds more like political positioning with the up coming mid-term elections. If its getting this bad just for the mid term elections, wait till the next presidential election.... I smell indictment!
Taco918 Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 Shouldn't Conservatives be pissed off that their representatives are blatantly wasting taxpayer money on an issue they themselves know has no traction? They may win some points with their base, despite the fact that it goes against one of their biggest platforms (wasteful spending) but they aren't going to win any points with moderates, independents and undecideds. I realize midterms are more about pandering to your base but if 2016 is truly the main goal, this isn't helping.
Westside Steve Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 Shouldn't Conservatives be pissed off that their representatives are blatantly wasting taxpayer money on an issue they themselves know has no traction? They may win some points with their base, despite the fact that it goes against one of their biggest platforms (wasteful spending) but they aren't going to win any points with moderates, independents and undecideds. I realize midterms are more about pandering to your base but if 2016 is truly the main goal, this isn't helping. Hard to say sir. If you are in fact fighting executive decisions which may include giving 5 million work visas to 5 million illegal aliens I would say it's a worthwhile endeavor.Is there any subject at all any political realm not meant to fire up somebody's base? WSS
Westside Steve Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 By the way I do love it when the Democrats give the Republicans advise as to how to win an election. And vice versa I suppose. WSS
sadbrownsfan Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 Hard to say sir. If you are in fact fighting executive decisions which may include giving 5 million work visas to 5 million illegal aliens I would say it's a worthwhile endeavor. Is there any subject at all any political realm not meant to fire up somebody's base? WSS Everything is about the next election, but if your sitting wondering why things have been stagnant and real issues are not getting addressed, please look at thing like this lawsuit, or the creation of obamacare and the numerous attempts at repeals, it seems the last few years with the split government has not accomplished anything... while the left will blame the say no to everything right and the right blaming the administration...its the average person who gets to struggle.
Taco918 Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 Hard to say sir. If you are in fact fighting executive decisions which may include giving 5 million work visas to 5 million illegal aliens I would say it's a worthwhile endeavor. Is there any subject at all any political realm not meant to fire up somebody's base? WSS Giving work visas that businesses are clamoring for? I don't see an issue with it. It's a work visa not a green card, penthouse suite and a free mil a week. The base is called your base for a reason. They don't need much pandering. It's like living in a shitty house (undecideds, independents, etc) but having a badass car (the base.) Instead of deciding to invest your money in your house, you go all in on unnecessary upgrades for your car and bitch about how shitty your house is.
Taco918 Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 By the way I do love it when the Democrats give the Republicans advise as to how to win an election. And vice versa I suppose. WSS Ah my apologies, I forgot the world is so black and white. Obviously pointing out a flaw in one side makes you a member of the opposition. Considering all of the complaining about the current state of America, using your logic, we're all a bunch of American hating commies.
Westside Steve Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 Everything is about the next election, but if your sitting wondering why things have been stagnant and real issues are not getting addressed, please look at thing like this lawsuit, or the creation of obamacare and the numerous attempts at repeals, it seems the last few years with the split government has not accomplished anything... while the left will blame the say no to everything right and the right blaming the administration...its the average person who gets to struggle. Because, my friend, the pure and simple fact is that the average guy is always going to suffer if you choose to call it suffering. Nobody's ever happy everybody wants more and everybody is jealous of the other guy. And whoever is the President or whoevers face is on TV the most is the person the average Joe tends to blame or at least project his anger toward. I don't think the news cycle gives a shit one way or the other. They will run a story told people get bored and then gin up something else. We have always been at war with Oceana. WSS
Westside Steve Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 Ah my apologies, I forgot the world is so black and white. Obviously pointing out a flaw in one side makes you a member of the opposition. Considering all of the complaining about the current state of America, using your logic, we're all a bunch of American hating commies. Well it ain't as complex as some people would like to pretend it is.You seemed a little touchy on this subject so maybe I wasn't clear. I always kind of chuckle when one party decides to tutor the other party on how to win. For example if the Whigs tell the Bull Moose Party to act more like Whigs if they want to win the election. To me that will result in... You end up with a choice between the Whigs and the Whig lites. WSS
DieHardBrownsFan Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014
Westside Steve Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 Taco Don't misunderstand I am all for guest worker programs with very distinct identification applied for and issued before one enters the country. In my opinion there should be a clear difference between that and amnesty. Also I'd want those pretty tightly controlled. If I am not mistaken most illegal aliens, or at least many, are not those who sneaked in but those overstayed their visas. But I'm surprised if you actually think the base doesn't need pandering. Without enough schmoozing they will stay home. I can't think of any other reason for this recent barrage of women women women. WSS .
Taco918 Posted August 1, 2014 Report Posted August 1, 2014 Well it ain't as complex as some people would like to pretend it is. You seemed a little touchy on this subject so maybe I wasn't clear. I always kind of chuckle when one party decides to tutor the other party on how to win. For example if the Whigs tell the Bull Moose Party to act more like Whigs if they want to win the election. To me that will result in... You end up with a choice between the Whigs and the Whig lites. WSS I apologize, it's a bit of a reflex. My train of thinking doesn't fit in well with left or right wingers and attempts to pigeonhole me into a certain camp irks me a bit as you could tell. However finding fault in either of the polar opposite's positions isn't taking a side, it's merely pointing out a fault. Due to our country's complete lack of political discourse, merely pointing out a fault is considered a political act of war which is a complete shame. As for your example, kudos to the historical reference. However I do wonder if conservatives still consider Teddy as one of their own.
Taco918 Posted August 1, 2014 Report Posted August 1, 2014 .We are a nation built on capitalist ideals, whatever method leads to capable and available labor within our boarders I am for. If your, as well as many other's, concern is overstayed visas, then let's make it easier to extend it. A visa is not amnesty, pure and simple. Now should those people, people that are actually working and making our economy click be punished, so that lazy human beings, graced with the opportunity to be a natural born citizen, can take advantage of all that America has to offer, while those actually working can suffer? No, it shouldn't and frankly it's Un-American to think so. (Take that as you will.) My ancestors in America worked their fucking ass off to afford me to opportunity to make a living for myself and I do not, and frankly have never been allowed to, take that sacrifice lightly. Bitch about "illegals" all you want but I guaran-damn-tee they are doing more for our nation than half (and I'm being generous) of our population. Honestly the entire reason this is such a "big" issue is because those lazy fucks granted citizenship at birth, those who refused to so much as pay attention to the education their parents, grandparents, and community payed for, and, to top it off, have a beyond horrible attitude to match, need an excuse for why they refuse to take work that is "beneath" them. You know who is happy to be payed a decent wage while performing an actual task? I'll give you a hint, it starts with an "I". I know you don't like non-conservatives giving advice to the party and what not, but that is the winning argument to both welfare and immigration. Those that earn their way deserve to be in this country. Those that don't get what they deserve. Pro- employment and earning your way. Con- suckling off of the Government's tit. Emigration is a complete non factor. Unfortunately, our elected officials would be/are more concerned about losing their current base, people that would rather vote for your party regardless of the oppositions view, even if you openly operated a whorehouse out of your basement. How many dick pics did Anthony Weiner have send out before his base finally got feed up with him? I guarantee you if Palin ran for reelection she would win, undeserving, in a landslide. As for pandering to your base, well I touched on the actual reasoning's behind it above. However I'll discuss how it should, and has been, throughout our history. If a "leader" is that insecure about the group that believes in their "fundamental beliefs," they shouldn't have to worry about giving them lip service. You prove it in your actions. Being an actual leader, a necessary trait for a true, legitimate President, you don't worry about what the people that support you think about what you say. You know they support you. Do you really think Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, TR, FDR, dare I say, JFK concerned themselves with what their "fans" thought of them? Needless to say, don't allow the current climate (politically that is) dictate how leaders truly act. Edit: I was/am shit canned while I wrote this. Pretty sure it's brilliant but I'll know for sure tomorrow morning/afternoon.
calfoxwc Posted August 1, 2014 Report Posted August 1, 2014 well, I was going to complain about the asinine nature of several of your warped conclusions, but if you were pwi, I'll just laugh about it and move on.....
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