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Stop breathing! or Get taxed!!!


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This is such bull shit! tell my garden that CO2 is bad!!! If you guys buy this Propaganda tthen God save us!


In the New York Times article, Chu says “Big Science” and “Nobel-level breakthroughs,” along with taxing the plebs until they become third world serfs will save the planet from the menace of global warming and climate change. Dr. Chu, a physicist, didn’t tell the other half of the story — an increasing number of scientists believe the sun is a major driving force behind global warming, not carbon emissions.


“Ice core samples show that CO2 levels (which are blamed by many to be the initiating force behind a rise in global temperature) rise 800 years after an initial rise in temperature,” writes Daniel Taylor. “Other data gathered regarding solar activity show a clear connection between fluctuations in the sun’s activity and temperature variations on earth. If the sun is in fact the culprit for changes in the earth’s temperature, world taxes, global government and other solutions we are being given are not cutting to the root cause of climate change.”


"Congress under the Democrats, however, was able to pass the largest tax and spend bill in U.S. history with relatively little opposition. In the months ahead, with the help of the corporate media, they will crank up the propaganda about climate change and eventually impose punitive carbon taxes on the American people, a scheme that may eventually lead to the near complete reversal of hundreds of years of technological progress and man’s return to the stone age."


Get your Wallets out for uncle sam and your Savior BARACK! Just another way to beat down the little guy. they lie to us and tree hugging hippies will buy into this crap because they want to save the trees! You would save more of our enviroment by telling the fed to quit printing money!

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