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yeah you gotta say as good as Hoyer has been....getting a Manning, Brady, Rodgers or Luck is a no brainer. Make it interesting and say "besides QB'. For me I would exchange one of our ILB's for Luke Kuechly, Paul Worriley, Navarro Bowman, Kiko Alonso or Patrick Willis. Another trade would be any of DL's for Watt.

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If you could replace only one player on the current Browns roster with another current player, who would it be and why?


I go with Cundiff for Phil Dawson. Because it's Phil Dawson.

I don't hate Phil Dawson but he didn't want to be here. He's not one of us. He was collecting a paycheck and doing a good job but that's all. I have no loyalty to him whatsoever, nor any hatred. If we are going to replace Cundiff I just look at the league roster and pick the best place kicker there is.



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If it's QBs aside, any DL for Watt. He's as much of a game changer as it's possible to be from any position not QB.

Good call Chris. Yeah that sounds like a good pick up. As far as the quarterbacks I don't know which ones have got enough gas left in the tank. Nor how long it will take them to learn the system if that's going to be a factor. But it would be nice to have Peyton Manning or Aaron Rodgers or even Tom Brady as a tutor to Johnny Manziel if in fact those veterans wanted to do that. I don't think Brian Hoyer thinks of himself as a mentor. I think he is a rival without much desire to see his protege flourish. Understandable.



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On a related note, how nice is it that there isn't really a player being singled out for abuse like there has been in previous seasons - last year Bess & Little, before than Skrine and Little - there wouldn't be much debate, everyone would look to replace one of those guys. Now, we're in a situation where we don't have many real liabilities. The current lightning rods are who, Schwartz and Mingo? That in itself speaks to the overall improvement in depth.

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On a related note, how nice is it that there isn't really a player being singled out for abuse like there has been in previous seasons - last year Bess & Little, before than Skrine and Little - there wouldn't be much debate, everyone would look to replace one of those guys. Now, we're in a situation where we don't have many real liabilities. The current lightning rods are who, Schwartz and Mingo? That in itself speaks to the overall improvement in depth.

Yep. Mitchell Schwartz usually picks it up as the season begins and Mingo is playing hurt.

Skrine keeps on improving.


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I'm replacing 4th string tight end Ryan Taylor with Aaron Rogers. If QBs are ineligible, Watt is a good choice. I wouldn't mine lining up Patrick Peterson opposite of Haden either, so maybe Gilbert turns into a stud next year.


The guy i would most like to see playing for the Browns right now is Alex Mack.



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In order:

1.) Watt (Mingo? I don't know how important names are given that I'd trade anybody straight up for Watt)

2.) Gerald McCoy? Suh? I'd really like to have a beast in the middle over Rubin/Winn/Bryant

3.) Kuechly or Clay Matthews (he keeps beasting up the ILB spot)

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Is this REALLY a question? You take Aaron Rodgers or Andrew Luck... You'd really replace the kicker?!? Lol

More of a conversation starter with the kicker thing. Always good to leave better choices on the table for others


If it were QB, l'd probably go Luck. Watt is hatd to pass up for a non-QB.


I always liked Dawson. I remember an earlier interview when he was still a Brown where he said he wanted to close out his playing days on the west coast. It was at least honest, but l see where you're coming from WSS.

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Well possibly but I thought picking your weakest starter and swapping him out was kind of implied as well. Still trading an average starter for a great one at a more important position makes sense I mean we could trade our long snapper for the Pro Bowl snapper but it wouldn't improve the team as much as trading somebody for JJ Watt.



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Yeah I wouldn't count special teams. But is JJ Watt as big of an upgrade from Desmond Bryant as, say, Patrick Peterson from Buster Skrine? Or Justin Houston over Mingo? Kuechly over Kirksey? Megatron over Gabriel? Gronk over Cameron?

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Yeah... has to be starter swap... also should be same position otherwise....

Offensive Starter: Nick McDonald for the youngest "elite" QB, Luck...

Defensive Starter: Robertson for Watt.


But if impose same position then...

O: Hoyer for Luck.

D: Robertson for Khalil Mack.

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