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Rex Ryan,DC?


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Just a Guess here, Is it our personal on D or D coordinator issue?? If Rex does not land a HC job somewhere, Pettine has big ties to Rex. I see O'Neil has to be looking over his back..Your Thoughts??

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I doubt it. Plus...if it is the play calling you question, Pettine has been making the defensive calls as I understand it.


I don't see Ryan as being eager to be a DC anymore. If nothing else he will take some time off and do the broadcast deal for a few years before he gets back in as a DC.

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I have no problem with this defense... Why change a good thing? I can't see one loss this year you could blame on our defense...

Agree that defense has grown to point it's an asset under O'Neil, but early on there's a loss or two where there's a case to be made that it was on the D, e.g., the season opener vs. PTG.



Not just no on Rex Ryan... hell no...

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Just a Guess here, Is it our personal on D or D coordinator issue?? If Rex does not land a HC job somewhere, Pettine has big ties to Rex. I see O'Neil has to be looking over his back..Your Thoughts??

Sorry, just dont see this as a possibility......0% chance.....

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