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Discrimination in anarchy engineering land


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Michigan sure is one fucked up place, huh Woody?




Basically states that a person should not be required to give services to someone who is gay just because their religion condemns homosexuality. This also apparently applies to pharmacists and EMT workers who may be required to save a gay person's life. The justification is that many religious people are only allowed to express their religion at home and not in public, but come the fuck on... this is weak and I doubt the governor signs it.

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Yeah I saw this the other day. It's segregation, basically. You'll get someone like Cal saying something like 'you can't force the firemen to rescue a gay person from a burning building if they think gays should be dead' or something like that (exaggeration, calm down); which then leads to the idea that you need to call the 'gay fire brigade' or 'gay paramedics' - or eat at a gay restaurant, shop at a gay supermarket etc.

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Also, it applies to anything you can object to on religious grounds - perhaps you're a super strict catholic and don't want to serve a single mother, or the jewish guy at walmart refuses to ring up the 4lb pack of bacon you want, or x, y, or z.

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Blowe, I know you're trolling, but you do understand the difference between the stare of Michigan (where I have never really lived) and the university of Michigan, correct?



That being said, this would be a terrible law.

This *is* a terrible law. It got passed the other day, no?

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Hey I'd be surprised if it went anywhere.

As I keep saying the Constitution is a relic these days.

Freedom of religion, like other freedoms don't exist and probably never did.

And I don't think doctors or EMT operators should be allowed to deny rescue services to people. I don't think you should be in that field if that's your religious conviction. Like conscientious objectors and the army.


So if anyone who had anything to do with writing this law was serious it could have been fixed in the draft but...



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