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Question(s) for "Conservatives", "Libertarians" and "Constitutionalist"


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Those of of other persuasions can answer, also.


Do we have a federal government, or a national government?


Can this government, and other problems we associate with the government be fixed by voting in "the right amount of Republicans/conservatives//Tea Partiers"?

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Republicans & Democrats are just two different sides to a coin in the same pocket.


That pocket belonging to the big wealthy business interest on Wall St, Lobbyist, media, major banking, energy/oil/gas, pharmaceutical companies, and the military industrial complex.


The Government is just a mafia that protects them (The government getting a large chunk of those profits) in protection to regulate competition, innovation, cures, alternate fuel sources. All the government does is provide protection to them in return for a very large sum of money.


If I were president I would end the fed, I would de-militarize the police, quit engaging in military action on every fucking continent, close up a lot of the bases on foreign soil, end the IRS and Income Tax, and put an end to spying on all American citizens. I would invoke a National Sales tax so you aren't taxed on what you make, but what you spend. Legalize and tax pot, any person in jail on drug charges or a non violent crime would be released, marriage equality, etc.



Ron Paul was the closest thing we had to that but he wasn't even allowed into the debates because the limits of debate in this country are established before the debate even begins and everyone else like Ron Paul is marginalized to be some sort of cook, conspiracy theorist, anti-government, etc.

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Those of of other persuasions can answer, also.


Do we have a federal government, or a national government?


Can this government, and other problems we associate with the government be fixed by voting in "the right amount of Republicans/conservatives//Tea Partiers"?

No. Voting one party in control will never work.

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Those of of other persuasions can answer, also.


Do we have a federal government, or a national government?


Can this government, and other problems we associate with the government be fixed by voting in "the right amount of Republicans/conservatives//Tea Partiers"?

Obama equals horrible President. Carter ditto.

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The Founders established a federal government in which power is shared between it and the states. A national government tends to have complete control.

Thanks to Obama, big government liberals, and progressives, the transformation to a national government is in "progress".

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The Founders established a federal government in which power is shared between it and the states. A national government tends to have complete control.

Thanks to Obama, big government liberals, and progressives, the transformation to a national government is in "progress".

This has been going on since Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson accellerated it a bit and FDR really got things cooking as far as changing us from a union of states to a Nation.

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This has been going on since Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson accellerated it a bit and FDR really got things cooking as far as changing us from a union of states to a Nation.

It goes back before that. Shays Rebellion in the late 1780s started the swing towards Federalism. Later under the Marshall Court, McCulloch v. Maryland and Gibbons v. Ogden took it further, then the War Between the States solidified a central government.


I do sense a tide turning. I think people do sense a localized state government is the best course.




I hope so anyway. We were established as a Republic of Independant States, each working together for a common goal, but maintaining their soveregin rights.



We all have had hats that say, "One size fits's all", and know that is bullshit.

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this country is far and away too large for any system of government to be any more effective than the one we have. We are obsessed with personalities and nothing can be done about that.

It's laughable when someone says I vote for the best candidate when in fact there is no one man in America that could run every operation involved with a junior high school softball team let alone a country the size of the United States.

So call it what you want and pretend deciding father have the slightest fucking clue how things would be in the 21st century.


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It goes back before that. Shays Rebellion in the late 1780s started the swing towards Federalism. Later under the Marshall Court, McCulloch v. Maryland and Gibbons v. Ogden took it further, then the War Between the States solidified a central government.


I do sense a tide turning. I think people do sense a localized state government is the best course.




I hope so anyway. We were established as a Republic of Independant States, each working together for a common goal, but maintaining their soveregin rights.



We all have had hats that say, "One size fits's all", and know that is bullshit.

Shays Rebellion actually fueled a lot of anti Federalist thought, according to Main (who wrote a book in the 1960s called "The Anti Federalists)

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I get the "whats in a name" thing.


When Publius (Hamilton/Madison/John Jay) put together the 1st draft of the Constituition they took the term Federalist when they were actually Nationalist.


The true federalist were given the negative moniker Anti Federalist. Even then PR mattered.

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