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Missed FG's should be worth -1 point. Punish passive coaches.


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The NFL added the 2 point conversion. Risk, reward. Make FG's risk, reward.

Im good with current system, but to make things fun and encourage em to score TD's....I get it....


The NBA added the 3 pt line, so why not give...


4 pts for fg over 50 yds

3 pts for fg 40- 49

2 pts for fg 30-39

1 pt for fgs 29 and less

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Im good with current system, but to make things fun and encourage em to score TD's....I get it....


The NBA added the 3 pt line, so why not give...


4 pts for fg over 50 yds

3 pts for fg 40- 49

2 pts for fg 30-39

1 pt for fgs 29 and less

If they do that, then teams will give up yards so they could kick a 50 yard fg instead of a 48 yard fg

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Yes...I can see it now....in the future NFL....score boards will look like pinball machines.....racking up points for every yard gained...points for sacks.....with extra points for blood, lost limbs or decapitations.....and, what the heck, even bonus points for actual TD's or FG's....


And naked cheerleaders.....and lazers.....and sound effects...for example.....KAPOW...when someone gets hit...or WHAM after a sack....


It could be Browns beating the Stoolers 1,200,570 to 1,157,000....

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Yes...I can see it now....in the future NFL....score boards will look like pinball machines.....racking up points for every yard gained...points for sacks.....with extra points for blood, lost limbs or decapitations.....and, what the heck, even bonus points for actual TD's or FG's....


And naked cheerleaders.....and lazers.....and sound effects...for example.....KAPOW...when someone gets hit...or WHAM after a sack....


It could be Browns beating the Stoolers 1,200,570 to 1,157,000....

As long as the Browns win :D

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I set my fantasy league up as; -5 for a missed EP, -2 for a 17-29yd miss, 0 for a 30-49 yd miss and a +1 for a 50+ miss.


Fantasy isn't the same as real football however, and they need to leave it alone, as it's perfect the way it is.

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Well in Canada you get a point for missing a field goal. I guess that runs contrary to your point but U thought I would add it to this thread as reference. I think the NFL sees the risk reward as getting the ball at the mark of the missed field goal. Anyway, I don't see the rules changing to provide different scoring or penalty points in the NFL's future.

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Home / In Other News / Sebastian Janikowski Suggests Increasing Value Of Extra Points Based On Amount Of Alcohol Consumed Before Kick
Sebastian Janikowski Suggests Increasing Value Of Extra Points Based On Amount Of Alcohol Consumed Before Kick
Updated: March 4, 2014

OAKLAND – In response to a suggested NFL rule change that would increase the difficulty of all post-TD extra point attempts by moving the placement of the ball back to the 25-yard line, Raiders placekicker Sebastian Janikowski, whose resume includes two DUI arrests and multiple bar brawls, has offered an alternative proposal to the league’s official competition committee: that all future kicks should be worth one point for each shot of vodka or other hard liquor a player consumes immediately prior to the conversion attempt.


Janikowski has also suggested that kickoffs be moved forward five yards for each Big Mac consumed while approaching the ball


“Eet is seemple,” said the Polish kicker, between swigs from a bottle of Belvedere Red. “Ehxtra points, dey ees too easy. You want make dem harder, keekers need to drink before each ahttempt. Eef you down one shot, den you make short keek, eet is worth one point. Two shots make keek worth two points. Und so on. By time fourth quarter roll ahround, you might see me make keek worth feefteen, twenty points, maybe.”


Added Janikowski: “Why I talk like dees? I no have ahccent.”


The bold suggestion has encouraged other star players around the league to propose rule modifications of their own.


“Sure, I’d be down to increase the value of field goals and extra point attempts depending on how much booze the kicker drinks beforehand,” said the Patriots’ hard partying Rob Gronkoswki. “But only if we also do a blood alcohol level test of any player scoring a touchdown. Trust me, I’ve caught plenty of TDs after shotgunning a full six pack of Natty Ice during halftime. That’s gotta be worth an extra ten or twelve points per score.”


“So wait, they’re saying that kicks and touchdowns will go up in points if a player drinks a bunch beforehand? Then maybe we should also double the yardage of a sack depending on how much cocaine, pot, amphetamines, LSD, and bath salts a defensive player has in his system at the time of the tackle” suggested the 49ers’ Aldon Smith. “Based on those values, they’d have to spot the ball back in the parking lot after some of my hits.”

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