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Kenyon and the Movies

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Kenyon College, the small 1600 student school in central Ohio that my son attended has been big in the movie business, sorta, recently. Two big movies that came out this past year were based on books by these Kenyon College Alum:


The Fault in our Stars, based on the book of the same name by John Green


Unbroken. Out recently, based on the book by Lauren Hillenbrand about the life of Louis Zamperini. (she also wrote the book that the movie Seabiscuit was based on.)


In previous year Josh Radnor wrote and directed the movie Liberal Arts....and has starred in "How I met your mother".


And many moons ago, the movie Ragtime (the last major film that James Cagney starred in), was written by EL Doctorow.


I know that Ragtime and Seabiscuit were outstanding films. I did not see The Fault in my Stars.....thinking it a total chick flick. And I have not seen Unbroken yet but will plan to do so.


Liberal Arts was just meh.


I don't know if Steve has reviewed any of these movies.

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