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Rob Gronkowski on end-game fight: 'Screw it, I'm throwing some haymakers'

Chicopee John

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I saw a few guys 'lose it' at the end of the game but, "Brawl"???????? Give me a break.


Any way,




Things got ugly in the waning moments of Super Bowl XLIX, with a fight breaking out between theSeattle Seahawks and New England Patriots.

Frankly, we are a little surprised this story hasn't received a little more traction, but most people seem to be chalking it up to the Seahawks' frustration over losing the game in heartbreaking fashion while the Patriots attempted to take a game-ending kneeldown.

It did, however, result in the first-ever Super Bowl ejection, with the Seahawks' Bruce Irvin being sent to the showers in the final few seconds. Several players were involved in the fracas, including the Patriots' Rob Gronkowski, who was a guest on ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live.

Grtonk explained what happened, saying that once things started to escalate, he left it all on the line in the season's final game.

“I got pushed or something, and it was the last game of the year and I was like, ‘Screw it, I’m throwing some haymakers,” Gronkowski said. “They just started coming at us. We were just trying to take a knee. [it] just happens; it’s football. Just emotions [some] going. It’s football, things happen.

"It’s all good. I mean, it’s all good. They played ball, they’re a hardworking team, and we just came out and did what we did to get the win.”

Perhaps realizing that he was subjecting himself to a fine from the league by admitting culpability, Gronk attempted a last-ditch explanation for NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.

“Roger, that wasn’t me,” Gronkowski said.

Thankfully, no one appeared to get seriously hurt in the incident, but Gronk did manage to throw a guy out of the club. Now he's in the midst of conducting what we assume is a three-day bender to celebrate the Patriots' fourth Super Bowl title, and Gronk's first.

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I really can't stand the Seahawks for making me, I wouldn't say happy...but at least somewhat content, that the Patriots have won another SB. I turned that fucking game off sometime in the 4th quarter to play a video game so I missed the ending....but I could really care less. At any point in the last couple years had you asked me what team in the NFL can you stand the least, you'd think it would have been one of our North rivals....but honestly it would have come down to the Patriots and the Seahawks..neck and neck. One week it would have been the Patriots I hated the most and next the Seahawks. Obviously the Ravens and the Steelers are right there but I have a modicum of respect for those teams...I loathe the Seattle and NE organizations. It just simply could not have been a worse SB for me to watch. But now I really do hate the Seahawks the most for making the Patriots seem palatable. That ending fight sealed it.

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