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VA Social Worker mocks veteran suicides

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Repulisive, and sad. And when I post now, all the editing is faded out.




It's so sad, that so many people feel that belittling everything and anything around them,


is either funny, or makes some kind of a statement about their own problems.

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My experience with the VA when my brother had cancer was that they good people who were swamped with trying to handle too many patients. The doctors, nurses and staff were all good to him but they missed his cancer diagnosis which cost him. They originally diagnosed him as just needing physical therapy when he was having pain in his shoulder and back area and he went through months of painful physical therapy. I never understood at the time why they would not do an MRI to see if he had a muscle tear before doing anything else? One morning he called me and said he couldn't take the pain anymore and I drove him to the VA ER where they thought he had pneomonia and did an Xray where they finally saw the problem. The next day an MRI confirmed he had lung cancer, terminal with only weeks to live. The VA wanted him to stay in the hospital for a week or so while they got Hospice set up but the doctor we spoke with was very kind and worked it out with us so he could go home right away and spend as much time at home as possible.


My brother never talked to me about his war experience in Viet Nam and I only found out at his funeral by his veteran friends he was a squad leader and a highly decorated vet. RIP.

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My experience with the VA is that the professional people (MD/DO/RN/LPN) are all great. The administrative staff however have an attitude that I don't care for, but I overlook it because I have had some good experience (so far) and the cost is great compared to TRICARE. They do however need far more assets then they currently have.

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I never have had any experience, but I made a friend last year when

we returned to a farmer's market that moved locations....


He didn't have med insurance I found out, and was a veteran. He some major

pain issues, from some injuries he suffered....but was denied because the paperwork never showed that he

had been in combat.


Truth is, what he had been doing was special forces kind of stuff, and it was

secret and he can't just tell em all about it.


I said, man, you'll just have to keep pursuing it until the cows come home, keep going

higher and higher til someone gets it. Put in a call to our senators.


And, he ended up getting it. It took him a while to get his first appt, but now, I'll have to email

him and find out how it's goin.


And anybody administratively in any capacity, who fails to act up to high standards, should

immediately be unemployed in the VA. It's a matter of honor for our veterans to have the

very excellent care they have earned by serving.

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