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Half a $Billion Here, Half a $Billion There...................

Chicopee John

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Look at all those weapons they sent to the middle east and lost track of. Does ANYONE think it's a good idea to arm ANY muslim in the middle east with military grade weapons? They wouldn't dream of arming the American people with those, in fact they do everything in their power to ensure we can't even buy them for exorbitant prices but they just give them away free to anti American religious zealots that would be ecstatic with joy to murder any American with them.

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Sounds like a Fast and Furious, Aluha Ahkbar edition....


I'm against it for several reasons


1. 18 plus trillion in debt.

2. Poor track record on Mideast war games. (never start a land war in Asia)

3. Historical record of internicine wars and constantly shifting alliances.

4. And I'd rather militarize our southern border.

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Here is my spin................


Cut EVERYTHING in the U.S. Budget, including Defense.


Money is being pissed away everywhere and we are paying for incompetence and lack of control.

If you cut "defense" spending in half, it's only 400 billion per year.....how would they maintain 700 plus military installations worldwide and still get the latest wiz bang fighter jet?

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We are advised to not judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL Gun Owners by the actions of a few lunatics. Funny how that works.

And here’s another one worth considering.

Seems we constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money. How come we never hear about Welfare running out of money? What's interesting is the first group "worked for" their money, but the second didn't.
Profound isn't it?

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