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Iran Says Death To America


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We should give the green light to Israel to take out Iran's nuclear sites and give them anything they need to carry it out. This idea of negotiating a nuclear treaty with Iran while their leaders are chanting "death to America" is idiotic at best.

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Just last month Iran made a mock US carrier and tried to sink it in the ocean (comically they were unable to sink it even with their "great" military strength). So why are we even bothering to try and deal with them? They are not our friend and never will be. We have a president who treats an enemy to our country like Iran much better than he does a friend to our country Israel.


Liberals need to get one clue in life there is only peace through strength. Obama has done nothing but project weakness since he has been in office. He still blames Bush for everything even though he has been in office now for 6 years. He recently blamed Bush for ISIS in Iraq while failing to mention he was the one who pulled all our troops out of Iraq against his own generals advice which led to major cities in Iraq falling to ISIS.


The stakes are too high for Obama to be acting like a king to be making a weak nuclear deal with Iran when he should be working with congress on this. An oil rich country like Iran is not wanting nuclear power for energy.

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Iran Air Flight 655 was an Iran Air civilian passenger flight from Tehran to Dubai. On 3 July 1988, the aircraft operating this route was shot down by the United States Navy guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes. The incident took place in Iranian airspace, over Iran's territorial waters in the Persian Gulf, and on the flight's usual flight path. The aircraft, an Airbus A300 B2-203, was destroyed by SM-2MR surface-to-air missiles fired from Vincennes.

All 290 on board, including 66 children and 16 crew, died.[1] This event ranks eighth among the deadliest disasters in aviation history, 11th if including the 9/11 attacks, which include ground casualties; the incident retains the highest death toll of any aviation incident in the Persian Gulf. The cruiser Vincennes had entered Iranian territorial waters after one of its helicopters drew warning fire from Iranian speedboats operating within Iranian territorial limits.[2][3]


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