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Russia - the new giant terrorist state


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Well, read on.


This country is getting very desperate.

Intimidation, threats, veiled threats of nukes, and open

aggression, first to Ukraine...

and talk of them nuking us to stop nato impediments to

their going for broke regaining the world superpower status,

by taking back several countries, especially in the Baltics.


Now, that is big, serious trouble. Because they know they have just

a bit shy of two years of obamao cowardice and ineptness to accomplish it.



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A picture isn't just one spec of paint. Truth is, russia was going to try to destabilize and take

over those countries anyways.


They are going for broke the next almost two years worth of completely inept presidency of Obamao.


You NEVEr heard this crap and these actions when Bush was pres.


Strong leadership gets respect. Worthless phoney pie the sky wifflewaffle liberal leadership...

gets whats going on now.


If it all falls apart, liberals who voted for this presidential ass will have only themselves to blame.



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Is this when we all get amnesia about Russia invading Georgia while Bush was in office? Putin will go after low hanging fruit no matter who is in office. It isn't our job to go in there and ref it. If Europe is worried, they can deal with it.

We are. Sort of. But, if there's a war between Europe and Russia, the US will be involved regardless.

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Posted Today, 09:59 AM

Is this when we all get amnesia about Russia invading Georgia while Bush was in office? Logic


Oops for you, eh? Yeah, Bush was technically president. The war started in August of

2008. Bush was on his way to retirement in two months, and whenever the official taking over

by the next pres actually occured... Guess who got elected to be president not long afterwards?

Btw, you mean, "NATO can deal with it". And we are part of NATO.

Besides, that was long standing hostilities between S. Ossetia and Georgia. Only after Bush was at the end

of his eight year presidency, did Russia move in. Which, btw, is a lesson in history. "Russian speaking separatists"

started shelling Georgia, to be free of Georgia. And, to protect the russia speaking Ossetians, of course, the Russians

moved in. Now, compare that mo by russia, to what they did in the Ukraine. Can I hear an "oh, what the hell...?" out there?

Remember, HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF. Probably akin to the monomythical patterns in literature. There are psychological

tendencies of human beings that lend to that history occurring again and again.

Prior to WWII, England, especially Neville Chamberlain, didn't become wary of history soon enough, and look what happened.

That's a good book to read - John F. Kennedy's "Why England Slept".

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