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Whiplash Review

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Sony Pictures Classics

R. 106 min




There are still surprises in this world. I think I've made my feelings clear about the Academy increasing the number of Best Picture nominations from 5 up to 8 and think more than ever there are pictures nominated that I would never consider among the best of the year. Hell that happened often enough when there were only 5. On the other hand once in a great while they stumble upon something very special, something that might never see the light of day without the nomination. Last night I completed my quest for the 8 best picture nominations, traveling to Kent Ohio, one of the few theaters that took a flyer on a film about the struggle of a student jazz drummer called WHIPLASH. Gang I'm telling you without hesitation this is my favorite film of the year.

I wouldn't blame anyone for being suspicious especially after hearing a capsule plot summary. Underdog college kid wants to become a respectable jazz musician and fights his way to a spot on the prestigious school band. Along the way he will face opposition from other students and his taskmaster band director! How many times have we seen the same crap whether the competition is music, sports, cheerleading, vocal competition, dancing on and on and on?

So what makes this one Oscar worthy and the rest merely big-screen versions of the after school special? Everything from the Oscar nominated performance of JK Simmons as Terrence Fletcher, the world's most vicious maestro, to the incredible musical performances and the deadly serious attitude of the competition and shocking climax.

Whether you see him as a driven perfectionist or a psychotic bastard Fletcher hurls insults as well as inanimate object at his students for minor and even nonexistent mistakes. Andrew is almost as dedicated as Fletcher and therein lies the rub. I won't tell you what happens next but I will tell you that this film is as exciting as anything you've seen before. You should be on the edge of your seat just like you were watching Rocky Balboa vs Apollo Creed.


Good job.

NO!!!!!!! (You'll see)



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