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NFL Network can't find anyone better than Chris Rose? It feels like Michael, Deion and Marshall hate his guts.


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He is a Cleveland guy, I like him, but we still need work on headlines, I see.


You say:

"NFL Network can't find anyone better than Chris Rose? It feels like Michael, Deion and Marshall hate his guts."


When all you need to say: Chris Rose Sucks.


Still not an interesting topic, at all, and a totally unnecessary thread, but at least the headline isn't longer than a tweet.



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I respect this site and think it has great contributors. I also think one line headlines work for the most part. Saying Chris Rose sucks and that's it seems incomplete. This isn't a newspaper. My headline was accurate and could have lead into a discussion of why NFL Network hires soft hosts. Just saying.


Just fucking with ya, it was a slow night. Once I got off my soapbox about Johnny and I had nothing left to say.



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