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These last two weeks....


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Yes, but you HAVE GOT to see what you have in Manziel! Geez!

No, I don't... and neither do you. We have a staff that does that five days a week.

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Doesn't matter. That's not the point. The point is, the only reason to play a 36 year old journeyman is to win now. Clearly, that's not happening. Season's just about over. Give it to Manziel the rest of the way. See what he can do with sustained playing time for a few consecutive weeks. If he doesn't show anything, or he screws up significantly one more time off the field, call it a wrap with him and figure out what you have to do next year. This ain't close to a playoff team...


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Mccown may not be the only problem, but he has played poorly the last 2 weeks.


He was very bad the last few drives in the Denver loss(when the defense kept trying to set us up for a win), and then today he was bad.


So yeah...he isn't the only reason we are losing....but he's part of the reason last two weeks, and that and the fact that he is a journeyman 36 yo on a non playoff bound team means there is no reason to start him.

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Anyone who thinks Josh Mccown is playing poorly or is the reason for our woes is mentally challenged. He has made some bad decisions, as has every QB in the league. I suppose you know he has the highest 3rd down success of ALL QB's? The thought " we have to see what we have in Johnny" is also laughable. They know what they have and that's why he's on the bench learning. There's also a damn good chance he's headed for league discipline.

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Except for the fact that Josh is not the problem?



No, I don't... and neither do you. We have a staff that does that five days a week.


Really Tour- why should I have any faith in the staff? Pettine said it's a results league. Our results suck- and that was one of the most piss- poor exibitions of Browns football I've witnessed in person for many, many years. As bad as anything in the 1999 years. OK- we didn't get blown out 50-7 but I saw a lot of totally undisiplined football today.


Wake me up in April 2016 when this nightmare of a season is over. I'm afraid I just witnessed the beginnings of yet another Browns death spiral. The first pick in the 2016 draft isn't out of the question. Try and cheer me up, and give me some reason to believe it's going to be otherwise. It's going to be a long 300 mile drive home tomorrow.

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Really Tour- why should I have any faith in the staff? Pettine said it's a results league. Our results suck- and that was one of the most piss- poor exibitions of Browns football I've witnessed in person for many, many years. As bad as anything in the 1999 years. OK- we didn't get blown out 50-7 but I saw a lot of totally undisiplined football today.


Wake me up in April 2016 when this nightmare of a season is over. I'm afraid I just witnessed the beginnings of yet another Browns death spiral. The first pick in the 2016 draft isn't out of the question. Try and cheer me up, and give me some reason to believe it's going to be otherwise. It's going to be a long 300 mile drive home tomorrow.

you drove 300 miles to watch that shit...wow...not good, not good at all...

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McCown is 2-15 in more than the last year


We are 2-5 and the season is over this year


Putting Johnny in now is the only thing left for the coaches.


And they all know that Johnny isn't the answer

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I don't see any downside to playing Manziel at this time. You spent a first round draft pick on this guy you have to give him a fair chance to start for more than one game at a time at some point. There's no way in hell we're going 11-5. Not even the homer-iest homer in homerland could possibly think that. So what are they shooting for here? Our defense is crap. Our Offense is mostly crap. If Josh Mccown gives us the best chance to win football games we don't have a very good chance to win football games. You've got to see if Manziel can play. If we don't see him the fans are going to turn on the team in short order. If you don't believe that go read the comments on the browns official facebook page. It's not flattering to the organization.

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Anyone who thinks Josh Mccown is playing poorly or is the reason for our woes is mentally challenged. He has made some bad decisions, as has every QB in the league. I suppose you know he has the highest 3rd down success of ALL QB's? The thought " we have to see what we have in Johnny" is also laughable. They know what they have and that's why he's on the bench learning. There's also a damn good chance he's headed for league discipline.

I agree...but, the only way to keep fan interest at this point is to fire the HC or play Manziel. They will play Manziel. I hope he does well, but all the Manziel lovers will say what we are saying about McCown, if he fails....." the rest of the team sucks"....and you really can't argue that.

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Except for the fact that Josh is not the problem?

Exactly. The turnovers he committed aren't outrageous considering that the fumbles seemed to me to have been forced. That means that the offensive line let somebody get to him. Any of his good plays and there were a few, were negated by shithead penalties by guy who should not be committing them. Not only the penalty yardage we lost but the gains we would have had if those passes and runs has not been called back, putting us into an even more desperate situation.


As much as I like Johnny I'm not going to call for Josh McCown to be benched until he loses a game by himself.



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A new thread by Tacosman and WalterWhite in the same day. Christmas came early!


As much as I like Johnny I'm not going to call for Josh McCown to be benched until he loses a game by himself.


Continued contributions to losses may also qualify. Today he did OK outside of the fumbles, but last week he certainly didn't help us get a win.

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Yes, but you HAVE GOT to see what you have in Manziel! Geez!

with no running game, how can you analyze any qb right now with this team. There all going to get killed just like mccown. Tough times in good ole cleveland. All i can say is, time to break out the lebron james gear because this football season is over for the browns...

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Manziel did win his only start this year, so there is that...


I'll give him the fact that he's a winner, and plays his a** off especially late in games. Even if he's not the conventional "NFL Starter," a guy like him can change the attitude of an entire team if he gets fired up... I saw him do it in college with a pure "will to win," and I think that attitude is exactly what's missing from this team...


Our veterans and coaching staff are so "afraid to lose" that it's all they can think about. It's like if you tell me "don't push the red button" all I'm going to think about is pushing the red button, then eventually... I'll push the red button. If all you think about is "don't lose," then you make stupid decisions and eventually... you lose...


I'm not a JM fanboy, and I'm not sold on his off the field issues or his skill level, but ON THE FIELD I love his fire...

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I agree...but, the only way to keep fan interest at this point is to fire the HC or play Manziel. They will play Manziel. I hope he does well, but all the Manziel lovers will say what we are saying about McCown, if he fails....." the rest of the team sucks"....and you really can't argue that.


Pettine won't be fired. You HAVE to see what Manziel can do. I won't blame it on the rest of the team if he flops. The season is toast. Time to see if we need to draft yet another qb in the first round next year.


with no running game, how can you analyze any qb right now with this team. There all going to get killed just like mccown. Tough times in good ole cleveland. All i can say is, time to break out the lebron james gear because this football season is over for the browns...


If you discount Tom Brady's runs, the Patriots had ONE yard rushing against the Jets. It can be done.

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