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Free agents


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We're half way through the season, and we're starting to get a good idea of who is contributing to the team and who isn't, especially as it pertains to free agents. And wouldn't you know, some of our best performers are free agents at the end of the season. Making it even murkier is the fact that some will be coming off of just a single productive year. Who would you keep?


Tashaun Gipson
Craig Robertson
Robert Housler
Mitchell Schwartz
Johnson Bademosi
Gary Barnidge
Travis Benjamin
Scott Solomon
Austin Pasztor
Robert Turbin
Tank Carder
Jamie Meder
Travis Coons
Jayson Dimanche
Alex Mack - we all know the story, he can opt out, we can opt out, after this year.
There's a few I'd definitely want to keep, a few LOL NO candidates and a lot in between.
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Tashaun Gipson

Maybe, probably need to see his back 8 performance.
Craig Robertson
Probably keep him
Robert Housler
Mitchell Schwartz
Johnson Bademosi
Doesn't matter - he's a decent depth guy but he could be easily replaced
Gary Barnidge
Yes, but he may be looking for a pretty big overpay
Travis Benjamin
Scott Solomon
Austin Pasztor (maybe, but who cares he's a back up scrub*)
Robert Turbin
Tank Carder
Jamie Meder
Travis Coons
Jayson Dimanche
Alex Mack - we all know the story, he can opt out, we can opt out, after this year.
Probably not


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Without getting into what they cost, etc., I'd like to see these guys with the team going forward:



Tashaun Gipson
Craig Robertson
Robert Housler
Mitchell Schwartz
Johnson Bademosi
Gary Barnidge
Travis Benjamin
Scott Solomon
Austin Pasztor
Robert Turbin
Tank Carder
Jamie Meder
Travis Coons
Jayson Dimanche
The rest ... if it is a good deal for us, keep them, if not, see ya.
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Chris... did you make up a couple of those names just to see if someone would want to keep them?



Price matters... I see only 2 names I would consider giving sizeable contracts to... Gip and Mitch.


With Gip's injury history the contract would have to be reasonably incentive heavy with correspondingly reduced guaranteed money. I believe you build D inside-out, so FS is a position in which I invest.


With Mitch's injury history you guarantee a high percentage to keep the total price down. And there's another history to consider... improving every year he's been here.



The rest are all a matter of price... even Benji, even Barn... but I give them a little priority along with Coons.

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