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Michelle O spends $70M to ’empower’ girls in Pakistan while US students fall further behind


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I'm all for helping others but sometimes you need to get your own house in order first.


WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Obama administration is sending $70 million to Pakistan to educate girls and “empower” them to improve their country, despite massive, chronic budget problems and abysmal student performance at home.


Acting USAID administrator Alfonso E. Lenhardt said “By increasing access to education opportunities during the critical time of adolescence, this important initiative will be transformative for Pakistan, empowering young women to overcome barriers and lift themselves out of poverty.

“We look forward to continuing to work with the Government of Pakistan and our partners around the world to ensure girls everywhere get the education they deserve,” he said.

Apparently, that same commitment doesn’t apply to students in America’s public schools.

In the Obamas’ hometown of Chicago, the school district is teetering on the brink of financial disaster, the city’s teachers union is threatening to strike, and student performance – for boys and girls – is downright embarrassing.


Only about 30 percent of the city’s fourth graders were proficient in math, according to the results of the 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress. That figure was only 25 percent for eighth graders. For fourth grade reading, only 27 percent of Chicago students scored proficient, and that number dropped to 24 percent for eighth graders, according to Catalyst Chicago.

Most of the nation’s inner city public schools are turning out similar results, if not worse.

In Detroit, a mere 4 percent of fourth graders and 3 percent of eighth graders scored proficient in math, and those numbers were 7 and 9 percent, respectively, for reading.

NAEP results for students in the nation’s capitol showed only 33 percent of fourth graders are proficient in math, and 17 percent of eighth graders. In Baltimore, the percentages were 12 and 12. About 13 percent of Cleveland fourth graders scored proficient, and that figured dropped to 9 percent for eighth graders.


Math proficiency rates for eighth graders in Fresno schools came in at 12 percent, while 15 percent of Los Angeles students in the same grade met the benchmark. Reading scores for eighth graders were just as bad last year, with only 13 percent proficient in Fresno, 11 percent in Cleveland, 13 percent in Baltimore, 16 percent in Philadelphia and 13 percent in Washington, D.C., according to the NAEP data.

In a majority of inner city school districts that participated in the NAEP, also known as “the nation’s report card,” students generally performed worse in 2015 than in prior years.

“The question remains; should American tax dollars go to this foreign education cause when public schools in this country have been hurting for years? Besides financial troubles, there’s an epidemic of low-performing schools and dismal graduation rates around the country, especially in the nation’s inner cities,” Judicial Watch opined.


“They could probably use a few million to create programs that might help improve academic performance or perhaps empower needy students like the multi-million-dollar allocation is predicted to help empower girls in Pakistan.”



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In this country we spend a lot of money on education but many times are not getting a good return on the investment. Whatever the problems are the answer is not throwing more tax payer money at the problem.


Still we are right now over 18 trillion dollars in debt and we are handing out millions of dollars of borrowed money to fix other nation's educational problems? It makes no sense to me.

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right now, we have a president who is encouraging the entitlement subculture to have

a dim view of education.


Why work on that? They "deserve" a free ride. For dem votes.

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In this country we spend a lot of money on education but many times are not getting a good return on the investment. Whatever the problems are the answer is not throwing more tax payer money at the problem.


Still we are right now over 18 trillion dollars in debt and we are handing out millions of dollars of borrowed money to fix other nation's educational problems? It makes no sense to me.


Iraq and Afghanistan have cost of $4 Trillion, money well spent?

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Iraq and Afghanistan have cost of $4 Trillion, money well spent?


After 9/11 we could not sit back and do nothing but we had to go after Bin Laden in Afghanistan. In Iraq with hindsight 20/20 we should have just tried to contain Sadaam Hussein and keep the no fly zone against the Kurds. Obama made the situation even worse when we had finally secured Iraq and he pulled out all of our troops too soon against the advice of his own military and we have had a disaster since with ISIS taking over big parts of Iraq.

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The point of the thread is that we are over our heads in debt to the tune of 18 trillion dollars but we continue to spend and waste money at an astounding level.


'Colossal waste': DOD slammed for $43M, US-funded gas station in Afghanistan


The Department of Defense spent $43 million to build a gas station in Afghanistan that should have cost roughly $500,000, the lead oversight team monitoring U.S. spending in Afghanistan has found.






War on waste: Pentagon auditor spotlights US billions blown in Afghanistan


Another day, another report of rampant waste of U.S. taxpayer money in the effort to rebuild Afghanistan.

John Sopko, the inspector general charged with monitoring aid sent by the U.S. to Afghanistan, has identified potentially billions of dollars wasted in Afghanistan, including donation of planes the local government doesn't need or can't use, weapons that disappear as soon as they're handed over and and construction of brand new buildings that are basically firetraps. In a steady stream of audit reports, Sopko's office of Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, has spotlighted seemingly endless waste in the war-torn nation.

In recent days, Sopko's team has reported:



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I'm so confused, when we do want to spend money on U.S kids....it's "liberal commies out of control again thinking they can just throw money at something and make it better". But if Michelle sent a billion dollars to Israel to bail out their olive industry or something like that none of you would bat an eye.....heck none of you would bat an eye if we just sent them half of our yearly income that's how power brainwashed you all are. Have any of you actually ever looked at what we send abroad on a yearly basis? And to whom?


I have no problem if you don't like that we gave 70m to someone, but at least be aware of what a drop in the bucket that is compared to what else we shit. And then be principled and say we don't need to be sending out hardly any of this bullshit. Rand has been talking about this for years, but as soon as he mentions maybe we don't need to send billions of dollars to Israel they're big boys now and we actually buy a lot of equipment from them anyway so there's no reason for the free cash anymore.......ANTI SEMITE ANTI SEMITE ANTI SEMITE>

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Getting the politics out (it doesn't matter if you are conservative or liberal nobody supports waste and fraud) we have to be smarter about this. We don't have the money to waste, we are wasting borrowed money that we seem to act like it doesn't have to be paid back. We are like an irresponsible person with a credit card running up the tab and just paying the interest on the card and never paying down the the principal. We just increased the debt limit again meaning Obama will leave office with over 20 trillion in debt. Obama is the same person who said Bush was selling out our children's future to China when the national debt was 9 trillion dollars.


I believe we need a strong military but I don't condone the waste and fraud in any government agency. As for giving aid to other countries maybe one first step would be to quit at least giving financial aid to countries that hate us.

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I like Rand Paul a lot but he has no chance:




Good piece by Rand though ^


He's the only real small government, non-interventionist type of guy in the race. The only one who isn't crazy on social issues, etc.


But the Republicans seem to prefer crazy this year - hence the reason Trump/Carson/Cruz are in the lead. (I don't think Trump is that crazy, but he knows he has to appeal to the crazies to win the nomination - I suspect a general election Trump may be very different)

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The big mistake Paul made was the same one that hurt Rick Perry who quit the race early and has hurt Jeb Bush. They all made the mistake of attacking Trump. Even if people don't fully support Trump many like myself like what he has brought to the table and taking it to the establishment republicans.


Paul would have been better off just to ignore Trump from the start and focus on his own issues.

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Woah cowboy. Rand Paul for some relatively important advisorial position. President is a stretch. He has the charisma and leadership ability of, well, Pat Shurmur.


Well to be fair, I'd take Pat Shurmurs budding 4-3 juggernaut over whatever it is we call a defense these days. So going right along with that perfectly valid football analogy, make Rand president and bring back the Shurm as DC?

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Rand's not perfect but he would make the best president of any of those clowns on both sides. I would have LOVED a father/son pres/VP ticket with him and Ron. I think Ron would have been our greatest president in over a century.


Ron Paul today is speaking out on an economic collapse he sees coming. I think he may be right. We are going to collapse under this debt and out of control spending as well as history has always shown there will be consequences to printing money with nothing behind it such as hyper inflation. Just because it has not come yet does not mean it is not coming. We have got to get our economic house in order, and start living within our budget.

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Ron Paul today is speaking out on an economic collapse he sees coming. I think he may be right. We are going to collapse under this debt and out of control spending as well as history has always shown there will be consequences to printing money with nothing behind it such as hyper inflation. Just because it has not come yet does not mean it is not coming. We have got to get our economic house in order, and start living within our budget.


The "Paul message" has been about more than spending though. It involves a lot of things such as money creation etc, etc. This is why I think they would have made the greatest Pres/VP combo perhaps in history. They would have saved capitalism for us. Our capitalism as it is will not last because it's being choked from it's own excess's. It's bubble and burst rinse repeat. For now there's people still making money on the "bursts", so the system will stay, and we'll get fucked in the long run.

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That's the major part of "big serious trouble".


Historically, we are headed for bankruptcy.


And obaMao said Bush's debt was "UNPATRIOTIC".


And the left doesn't/won't/can't see it.


And paul doesn't have to be in our WH to

just take care of the economy.


Congress will never work with him - he's a clusterfook. A



We already suffer from having a screwball in our WH....

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Congress will never work with him - he's a clusterfook. A


Right.....Paul's a screw ball, but the other's aren't.


Paul ruined his campaign by losing focus on his message and pushing the wrong parts of his message, while being a pretty bad debater (though he did pretty well in the 2nd debate)

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