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Ben Carson and Co. have "intelligence" that says Chinese are in Syria


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Of course, the White House and many others are in disagreement - but Carson and his group stuck to defending the Chinese are in Syria claim.


If it turns out to be false (the big wigs say it's false) can we start to question Carson's ability to surround himself with good people?

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I thought it was common knowledge the Chinese were gonna get involved in Syria along with the Rooskies?? Like I literally thought they said we're gonna help Putin in some way either with troops or support shit etc, etc. No need for "intelligence". As if Carson has his own intelligence service, god he's really giving off the douche vibes. Go paint another "right hand of god" picture of yourself.

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A 2011 report by the U.S. Congressional Research Service highlighted the role China has played in arming Assad’s military, providing $300 million worth of arms from 2007 to 2010.

For proof of continuing support, February 2013 saw the United States impose sanctions on China Precision Machinery Import and Export Corporation, a state-owned company, for allegedly conducting military transfers to Syria in violation of nonproliferation legislation.

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Anywhere there is unrest and oil you'll find China in some form.


There is a lot less difference between elements of China's "private sector" and their government/military.


That said there is still a difference and a lack of appreciation for nuance should be disturbing.


Conflation of issues, parties, whatever should not be rationalized. It should be called out for what it is... a lack of understanding.

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This has nothing to do with Chinese military personnel being on the ground in Syria, as was said. Edw


Knee Jerk Alert



  • At the major military regions intelligence activities consist of the Second Bureau established at the same level as the Operation Department under the headquarters, and the Liaison Department established under the Political Department.

The Second Bureau under the headquarters and the Liaison Department under the Political Department of major military regions are only subjected to the "professional leadership" of their "counterpart" units under the Central Military Commission and are still considered the direct subordinate units of the major military region organizationally. Those entities whose names include the word "institute", all research institutes under the charge of the Second and the Third Departments of the PLA General Staff Headquarters,


And, Edw... communism is across the board. "research institutes"... military.


and businesses... also military. Their communist society is everything they do - and many of them retire from the military...

to run military business with businesses as a cover... communism permeates the business community,

just as the nazis permeated everything under their control before and during WWII.



Commercial interests[edit]
This section does not cite any references (sources). Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (March 2014)
PLA Factory No. 6907, Wuhan. The white characters on the blue sign roughly translate to: "Secret/Classified Area, Do Not Enter Unless Invited."

Until the mid-1990s the PLA had extensive commercial enterprise holdings in non-military areas, particularly real estate. Almost all of these holdings were supposedly spun off in the mid-1990s. In most cases, the management of the companies remained unchanged, with the PLA officers running the companies simply retiring from the PLA to run the newly formed private holding companies.

The history of PLA involvement in commercial enterprises began in the 1950s and 1960s. Because of the socialist state-owned system and from a desire for military self-sufficiency, the PLA created a network of enterprises such as farms, guest houses, and factories intended to financially support its own needs. One unintended side effect of the Deng-era economic reforms was that many of these enterprises became very profitable. For example, a military guest house intended for soldier recreation could be easily converted into a profitable hotel for civilian use. There were two main factors which increased PLA commercial involvement in the 1990s. One was that running profitable companies decreased the need for the state to fund the military from the government budget. The second was that in an environment where legal rules were unclear and political connections were important, PLA influence was very useful.[citation needed]

By the early 1990s party officials and high military officials were becoming increasingly alarmed at the military's commercial involvement for a number of reasons. The military's involvement in commerce was seen to adversely affect military readiness and spread corruption. Further, there was great concern that having an independent source of funding would lead to decreased loyalty to the party. The result of this was an effort to spin off the PLA's commercial enterprises into private companies managed by former PLA officers, and to reform military procurement from a system in which the PLA directly controls its sources of supply to a contracting system more akin to those of Western countries. The separation of the PLA from its commercial interests was largely complete by the year 2000. It was met with very little resistance, as the spinoff was arranged in such a way that few lost out.[cit

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yeah, and there are no terrorists in Western countries, why,

they are just students.


no boots on the ground.


communist countries work very like terrorists do.

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why is this even an issue? I hope China lands a billion power slopes in Syria and gives Isis a savage no lube raw barebacking. I don't see why anyone would care if the Chinese were in Syria. The U.S does not own the middle east ,there are other countries that have done business with people in the middle east for decades. Just because we decided arbitrarily that Assad was one of those rare strongmen that we didn't want to fellate doesn't mean other countries can't blow him for all they want.


Russia and China have decided that they want Assad in power in Syria, and frankly at least for now...they're making the right call.

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why is this even an issue? I hope China lands a billion power slopes in Syria and gives Isis a savage no lube raw barebacking. I don't see why anyone would care if the Chinese were in Syria. The U.S does not own the middle east ,there are other countries that have done business with people in the middle east for decades. Just because we decided arbitrarily that Assad was one of those rare strongmen that we didn't want to fellate doesn't mean other countries can't blow him for all they want.


Russia and China have decided that they want Assad in power in Syria, and frankly at least for now...they're making the right call.


We freak out about anybody doing anything who isn't part of NATO. Also, Russia is behind Assad - China would be behind Russia. We're on the other side of the war which is pretty dumb, but it's an issue that we're at war with Russia by proxy as we arm and fund the Assad opposition.

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