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Trump was Right About TPP Benefiting China


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So if I read that article right, China would benefit because a lot of raw materials come from them that some of these other Asian nations produce...ok fine, but how is that their "backdoor' into taking over our economy? Raw materials from China are less than dirtshit, this is not high margin stuff. The finished products from these other Asian countries will come in with lower tariffs so what? That doesn't mean some incredible landslide windfall is coming china's way because we cut a deal with other countries who use some raw materials from China. China getting their finished products into the country sans tariffs would be a lot bigger deal.

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So if I read that article right, China would benefit because a lot of raw materials come from them that some of these other Asian nations produce...ok fine, but how is that their "backdoor' into taking over our economy? Raw materials from China are less than dirtshit, this is not high margin stuff. The finished products from these other Asian countries will come in with lower tariffs so what? That doesn't mean some incredible landslide windfall is coming china's way because we cut a deal with other countries who use some raw materials from China. China getting their finished products into the country sans tariffs would be a lot bigger deal.


China is killing us. Their leaders are so much smarter, more cunning than ours. China's absolutely killing us. But I love China, China respects the hell out of me. I have the largest Chinese bank in the world in my building. China loves me, but they're killing us.



But in seriousness I don't know enough about all this international trading stuff to really make educated comments on it - but it does seem kind of reasonable to strike up deals with individual countries rather than a massive blanket like the TPP. From what I know, my biggest problems with the TPP come down to net neutrality and intellectual property stuff in it.


Personally I'm still favoring Paul or Trump for the nomination. Since Paul seems to have no chance because the republican base doesn't like anybody who resembles genuine intelligence with detailed plans. At least a non-interventionist Trump seems less likely to create more Iraqs, Libyas, Syrias - and likely to avoid a cold (maybe eventual hot) war with Russia (and maybe China). Also less likely to set us back 20 years on social issues with the GOP house and senate we have now.

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Nice Trump imitation, bb...



Yes, Trump did not say specifically China was in the TPP, but he doesn't deal in specifics.


What he undeniably did in the debate is conflate the two topics. Rand called him on it and you can tell Trump was embarrassed and uncertain. How? He did not fire back.

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Nice Trump imitation, bb...



Yes, Trump did not say specifically China was in the TPP, but he doesn't deal in specifics.


What he undeniably did in the debate is conflate the two topics. Rand called him on it and you can tell Trump was embarrassed and uncertain. How? He did not fire back.


Yea Trump wasn't sure how to respond until the day after when he went after the WSJ for their criticism of it :P Even some of his position papers which get probably specific enough, he seems to have trouble recollecting the details (like at the 3rd debate)


On another note, Trump's Iowa tirade yesterday was hilarious (at least the clips I've seen). I especially liked when he compared Carson's "pathological" disease to a child molester's "pathological" disease.


The presentation is obviously getting a lot of criticism as not being presidential and all that (rightfully so), but he is really good at branding the other candidates. Bush = "low energy", Carson = "pathological"

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Yes... branding is what he does and there is little doubt he is the author of each characterization.


As for his position papers... would help if he at least read them since it's pretty clear he does not author them. Kinda like Rodney Dangerfield in "Back to School"...


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There's so many times Trump gets a question in an interview or debate or whatever and it's a fastball down the middle of the plate that he could drive home with something he's said in the past or that's written on his website or just a general point....



He always swings and misses, every single time.

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