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CBS News Touting Australia Gun Confiscation Laws


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The liberals who would love to see guns confiscated in the United States are looking to Australia's gun confiscation as a model that this country should follow. This report is so liberally biased it would be humorous except we get a constant stream of this liberal media bias with the mainstream media. The report shows...wait for it...one Australian gun owner who had his semi automatic guns confiscated but he doesn't miss them at all. Wow. The report also says there is only one problem with getting guns confiscated in the United States and that is the NRA forgetting to even mentioning our second amendment rights.






CBS could have saved some money and just ran this more accurate report of gun confiscation in Australia:










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Hillary Clinton Supports Australia-style Gun Confiscation


It’s one thing to support gun control.

It’s another to make it the centerpiece of a floundering presidential primary campaign.

But Hillary Clinton wasn’t finished when she latched onto the idea of opposing the NRA as a means of diverting the nation from the humiliating scandals and poll results plaguing her own bid to succeed Barack Obama.

First, she announced to her wealthy supporters that “the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment,” which demonstrates her opposition to the individual right to keep and bear firearms, including handguns, for self-defense.

Now, however, she’s gone even further and echoed President Obama’s references to Australian and British style gun control. “The Australian example,” she said, “that was a buyback program.” She went on to explain that the Australian government “offered a good price” for “buying hundreds of thousands of guns, and then they basically clamped down going forward … .” They were thus able, she explained, “to curtail the supply” of guns and “to set a different standard for gun purchases in the future.”

Today, at a town hall meeting in Keene, New Hampshire, Clinton was questioned by an audience member who noted that Australia “managed to … take away … millions of handguns, and in one year, they were all gone.” He then asked her, “Can we do that?”

She immediately responded that not just Australia but also the U.K. is “a good example” of a country responding to a “mass killing.”

“The Australian example,” she said, “that was a buyback program.” She went on to explain that the Australian government “offered a good price” for “buying hundreds of thousands of guns, and then they basically clamped down going forward … .” They were thus able, she explained, “to curtail the supply” of guns and “to set a different standard for gun purchases in the future.”

Here in America, she went on, “I think it would be worth considering doing it on the national level if that could be arranged.” She compared the Australian and U.K. regimes to local gun “buybacks” and to Obama’s own “cash for clunkers” program, in which Americans were offered tax credits for trading older, gas-guzzling vehicles for newer, fuel-efficient models. “So I think that’s worth considering,” Clinton said. “I don’t know enough details to tell you … how we would do it or how it would work, but certainly the Australian example is worth looking at.”



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