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Tea Party Lawmaker Said Obama Shouldn't Quote The Bible Because Republicans Own It


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The Republicans own the Bible, in case you weren't up to speed.


Virginia Rep. Dave Brat, the GOP lawmaker who famously upset former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in a 2014 Republican primary, informed the world of his party's proprietary rights Monday while speaking with radio host Sandy Rios on her show, American Family Radio.


Brat was particularly incensed at President Barack Obama referring to the Bible in his partisan comments and criticism of the Republicans.


"He's using the Christian tradition and trying to bring about compassion by bonking Republicans over the head with the Bible," Brat said. "It's almost a comedy routine on what compassion and love is. He's mocking his enemies in order to compel a larger federal state using the tradition of love.


"Our side, the conservative side, needs to re-educate its people that we own the entire tradition. If you lose the moral argument, you lose the policy argument every time, so we need to reclaim the moral argument, where we're so strong."


Specifically, in November, Obama said, "Apparently, they are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America," when criticizing the GOP for their unwelcoming stance toward Syrian refugees.


His comments have been interpreted by some as a reference to James 1:27 in the Bible, which reads: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."


The parallel was a subtle jab at a party that has become increasingly evangelical, touting fundamentalist Christianity as the basis for much of their ideology, from women's reproductive rights to Social Security.


Clearly the only Democrat who can quote the Bible is the fictional Jed Bartlet:


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No I'm not really a believer but I think he's right. If you are the main guy in a political party whose goal is promoting gay marriage, abortion on demand, and persecuting citizens who exercise their rights as Christians and eliminating any reference to the Bible from any public place I think at the very least it's hypocritical to spew Bible verse in order to gain influence. Don't you? Kind of like Walter White preaching the Quran to try to get a contract at the local mosque.



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As a believer I don't have a lot of faith in our politicians of either party. It is almost always the choice of the lesser of two evils for me. For example Paul Ryan and the republicans pass a 1.2 trillion omnibus bill and fund everything Obama, Reid and Pelosi could possibly want then they have meaningless votes to defund Obamacare or Planned Parenthood knowing full well Obama will simply veto the legislation. So when the have the power to actually do something they don't but they waste time and have over 60 meaningless votes to repeal Obamacare so they can brag that up to ill informed voters who actually think they are doing something. Nancy Pelosi said Ryan and the republicans "gave away the store" for concessions for big oil (and they did)


Still not on board on with Trump but he is the one who actually may rock the boat and do some things that are in the best interest of our country and not be beholden to special interest groups. Trump is a quick learner in politics though as he courts the Christian vote with talking about the bible being the greatest book ever written (yet he doesn't know one verse in it) or his saying as a Christian he has never asked for forgiveness? That is not possible.

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As a believer I don't have a lot of faith in our politicians of either party. It is almost always the choice of the lesser of two evils for me. For example Paul Ryan and the republicans pass a 1.2 trillion omnibus bill and fund everything Obama, Reid and Pelosi could possibly want then they have meaningless votes to defund Obamacare or Planned Parenthood knowing full well Obama will simply veto the legislation. So when the have the power to actually do something they don't but they waste time and have over 60 meaningless votes to repeal Obamacare so they can brag that up to ill informed voters who actually think they are doing something. Nancy Pelosi said Ryan and the republicans "gave away the store" for concessions for big oil (and they did)


Still not on board on with Trump but he is the one who actually may rock the boat and do some things that are in the best interest of our country and not be beholden to special interest groups. Trump is a quick learner in politics though as he courts the Christian vote with talking about the bible being the greatest book ever written (yet he doesn't know one verse in it) or his saying as a Christian he has never asked for forgiveness? That is not possible.

Your democracy is somewhat broken. You shouldn't have a president (any president) legislating by themselves, it should go through the house. But equally, you shouldn't re-elect the house every two years because that's effectively re-electing the president every two years.


You're basically voting in a dictator for four years at a time, the way it is. And you get a 'choice' between the two dictators presented to you by either wall street/big oil etc or unions/wall street etc.


How likely is it that you could actually start a legitimate third (or fourth, fifth) party that gains any traction, has any semblance of power? For example, over here we have had UKIP - I hate the message but I love that they've been able to achieve something about 15% of the vote in only their second election. Both left and right are so far left and right over there that there's a massive gap in the centre, yet nobody can fill it.

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Probably one of the best quick fixes to corruption in politics would be term limits. The longer a politician is in Washington the more beholden they get to special interest groups and lobbyists. Let someone serve no more than a couple terms than bring in someone else.


Getting rid of career politicians would be a great first step in improving our politics.

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Probably one of the best quick fixes to corruption in politics would be term limits. The longer a politician is in Washington the more beholden they get to special interest groups and lobbyists. Let someone serve no more than a couple terms than bring in someone else.


Getting rid of career politicians would be a great first step in improving our politics.

Meh. For every corrupt crony in government there are a hundred more willing to take a few million in donations to do the bidding of the donors. Term limits just mean you move on from Ted Cruz to Jeb Bush to Marco Rubio to whoever else.


On the flip side of someone is actually making a difference they should be able to stay.

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- Reverse Citizens United vs FEC and McCutcheon vs FEC

- Use the "People's Pledge"

- Strengthen up disclosure for donors


Few things that could help the money in politics/corruption issue.


Finding a candidate to get that done is a different story - it sure as hell wouldn't be Ted Cruz, he loves his money and kickbacks he gets from wall street.


Ted Cruz is a Princeton/Harvard lawyer who is in bed with Goldman Sachs, Citi, and all those other wall street cucks. Not sure how he is winning over the "true conservatives"

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I have a harder time seeing Trump as a true conservative over Cruz...by far.



Will the real Donald Trump please stand up?

Over the past two decades he was a Republican, then an independent, then a Democrat, then a Republican.

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- Reverse Citizens United vs FEC and McCutcheon vs FEC

- Use the "People's Pledge"

- Strengthen up disclosure for donors


Few things that could help the money in politics/corruption issue.


Finding a candidate to get that done is a different story - it sure as hell wouldn't be Ted Cruz, he loves his money and kickbacks he gets from wall street.


Ted Cruz is a Princeton/Harvard lawyer who is in bed with Goldman Sachs, Citi, and all those other wall street cucks. Not sure how he is winning over the "true conservatives"

Sounds like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton who pose as populists.


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I have a harder time seeing Trump as a true conservative over Cruz...by far.



Will the real Donald Trump please stand up?

Over the past two decades he was a Republican, then an independent, then a Democrat, then a Republican.


Yes, Cruz seems more like your standard generic 'new age' republican - lower taxes, repeal obama-everything, deny climate change, anti-abortion, etc.


Trump is not many of those things and should really be running as an independent. But then without a party backing him up, and seats in the senate, he'd be running the country by executive order, which is not so great.

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Yes, Cruz seems more like your standard generic 'new age' republican - lower taxes, repeal obama-everything, deny climate change, anti-abortion, etc.


Trump is not many of those things and should really be running as an independent. But then without a party backing him up, and seats in the senate, he'd be running the country by executive order, which is not so great.


I give Trump credit for a newbie in politics he is a very fast learner but Cruz is the best debater in the field. I was surprised (at first) Cruz opened up the door to Trump about New York values which allowed Trump to counter with 9-11 responders and apparently win the point. Trump had already used the 9-11 argument before the debate in response to New York values and Cruz had to have known how he would answer.


Now Cruz is doubling down on New York values and how they apply to Trump and using Trump's own words against him for as recently as the late 90's Trump was espousing some very liberal views and attributed them to his New York values which he stated were different from those in Iowa. I see why Cruz wanted to open the door about Trump's New York values in the debate knowing how it will play out long term. Most conservatives understand entirely what New York values actually means and it has nothing to do with 9-11.


What Mark Levine says here about sums it up:


Mark Levin opened his show last night defending what should be common sense regarding what Ted Cruz said about New York Values. Levin said that you have to be out of your mind to believe that Ted Cruz was trashing the police, firefighters or any emergency personnel in New York.

Rather, as Levin points out, Cruz was talking about the values of all the liberals that run NY state, from the governor to the commie mayor to the conga line of kooks that run the city council in Manhattan.

And when Trump brought up 9/11 in response to Cruz’s explanation on this, Levin said he actually started to cringe. Levin asked what the World Trade Center has to do with anything? It’s something he’d expect a liberal to say because it has nothing to do with Ted Cruz’s point.

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And nothing is really going to change the seats of power in America or the world. Politicians can Yap away but they would do well to keep in mind that they are little more than gifted sock puppets who strut about their offices at the pleasure of the king.







Truer words have never been spoken, even though I think we probably disagree with who "the king" is :)

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Maybe not, Id be interested in who you think it might be.


Quite possibly we agree on who but not on whether or not it pisses us off.






Human Nature. It is hard coded in our DNA to want to be dominant and when we achieve it we will do anything to not let it go.

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