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Germany Tells Muslims "please Don't Poop In The Showers"

The Cysko Kid

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Actually I like them.

Just kidding about water conservation vs tree conservation by the way.



Both necessary. Water shortages are probably the biggest problem facing the rising population, as opposed to land or food.


On the topic, I don't get how in supposedly the richest country in the world, you seemingly regularly have these hugely contaminated water supplies? Flint now, but didn't it happen in carolina or somewhere last year? Around Logic's way?

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"Weve had a city in the United States of America where the population, which is poor in many ways and majority African-American, has been drinking and bathing in lead-contaminated water. And the governor of that state acted as though he didnt really care, Clinton said. He had a request for help that he had basically stonewalled. Ill tell you what if the kids in a rich suburb of Detroit had been drinking contaminated water and being bathed in it, there wouldve been action.


Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders also commented on the Flint water crisis, saying Snyder should resign."


That must be it. Thanks Hillary and Bernie.



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It happens because industry is allowed by govt to shit or "scheisen", in the spirit of a german thread, in areas where rich white people aren't. This is why i'm not optimistic about the human race, because they don't see that contaminating shit is that big of a deal. It's a big planet, it'll dilute blah blah. This is why these oil companies want to route pipelines through as many bodies of water as they can, the cleanup is less costly.


In this particular case with Flint it's about water passing through old rusted out pipes. Oh well, back on topic...it kills me these mooslims must be thinking nothing of leaving a steaming turd in the showers. I know people in the west, often for medical reasons, take enemas in the shower so that's basically the same thing except it gets washed away immediately. Treating the shower as dump spot though? I'm confused.

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To the best of my german, they translate as:


1) Wash your body with soap

2) non-swimmers must stay in non-swimming zone and something something

3) don't push people in the water

4) don't hold people under water

5) be considerate, especially of children and other people

6) only dive in water when it's deep enough

7) only dive in water when it's clear of people

8) swim in proper swimming costumes, not underwear

9) no matter what swimming costume a woman wears, be respectful

10) instructions on personal bathing are to be followed whether you're male or female

11) for non-swimmers, water is dangerous

12) no verbal or physical sexual harassment against any women in any clothing

13) something about making sure kids are supervised


Obviously, my german isn't perfect, so don't take these as gospel, but at least ball park.

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